When will I be the queen

Chapter 386 Substitution

This is the famous incident in film history of throwing a trophy and beating someone, which almost completely overshadowed the professional achievements of the great director.

Let’s just say how hateful this person is

Fang Xiaoning is definitely not this kind of person. He usually keeps things quiet when outside, but his social skills are also perfect. But the celebration was not for his film, let alone for his film to participate in Eastern Star. If he showed up, it would be purely to gain face for Tina and let Tina take advantage of his fame. This is actually a good thing for Tina, after all, it involves the selection of Eastern Star, but to put it bluntly, it is also a backdoor behavior. Cai Cai does not object to the back door behavior, but she just feels that it is not worth it.

Fang Xiaoning's status is even higher than that of Jarvis. Jarvis was given a standing ovation by Tina, and he only said a few good words, posted recommendations and advertisements on social accounts, etc. Why should Fang Xiaoning do this? What about this kind of thing?

This is obviously just for Cai Cai's sake and for Cai Cai's sake.

Cai Cai would not let Fang Xiaoning do such a hard and rewarding thing. Let alone let him do such a thing because of himself.

He refused directly and said he would come back with gifts, so Cai Cai left with Renren and Xianjun. The Immortal Lord turned around and raised his lips at Fang Xiaoning. He was careful to move towards Cai Cai. He was really short-sighted.

An innocent and kind-hearted person like Cai Cai doesn't need to think about what to do. He is like a reckless man. He is considerate of the other person directly and kindly, and defeats the other person's little thoughts and calculations. It also makes others hurt internally.

Fang Xiaoning blushed a little when Xianjun laughed and covered his heart. He was really hurt internally. He just wanted to sell Cai Cai a favor. Who knew that Cai Cai felt sorry for him and refused directly. His heart hurt so much that he seemed to have a conscience. .

Directors always have no conscience when they are filming.

"I've been reworking recently. I really don't know what Director Fang is thinking." Cai Cai has thoroughly understood the script, but he still can't understand the brain circuits of these great directors. "Jarvis is also reworking and reshooting. Is it possible that directors have recently Is it popular to undermine yourself?"

Listening to Cai Cai's complaints, Xianjun finally understood why Fang Xiaoning wanted Cai Cai's favor. He was planning to continue reworking, "Only the director knows what the filming looks like. If they are not satisfied, the filming cannot end. Some directors It’s about touching, not knowing what you want at all, and waiting for the final edit to find the feeling. Some directors know exactly what they want, and sometimes the shooting results are very good, so even if it’s not what they want, they will If you keep it, you won’t need it in the end, so you have to shoot it again.”

Cai Cai also discovered, "Director Fang is accustomed to using long shots to connect the plot. He shoots for several hours at a time, and may only use a few minutes in the end. But the preserved pictures will have a lot of lens language and a long aftertaste." Jarvis rarely does this. He is better at capturing fragmentary shots. The explosive tension and the impact of the picture will be very strong. Both kinds of shooting are actually very demanding for actors. But they are also easy to capture the best shots of actors. Jane said Which one is more exciting? Which one do you like to shoot?"

Xianjun expressed the first type, "It probably has something to do with the fact that I worked with Fang Xiaoning in the early days, so I was also influenced by him. The director uses actors casually, and if they are used well, they will be like me. If they are not used well, they will be useless. You shoot something Wasn’t it also influenced by Jarvis?”

Cai Cai shoots whatever she wants and doesn't pay attention to continuity. Anyway, she knows exactly what she wants to shoot, no matter how piecemeal she shoots, she can still edit it well in the end. This is obviously influenced by Jarvis. The most miraculous thing about being a god-maker is turning stone into gold and turning decay into miracles.

"I originally wanted to complete my homework and be efficient. Later, I was really affected," Cai Cai admitted, "Then I will try the guide's shooting techniques."

Xianjun nodded, "You can give it a try. Director Fang's lens language is angry and vivid. Every plant, tree, person, and thing is spiritual. He can capture everything alive. His lens has a sense of time. Yes, it's flowing. Try it and show me later."

"." I just said try it. When you said that, it seemed like you were giving me homework.

Xianjun turned to talk about the celebration party, "You can take a look back at the live broadcast process. The questions in the interactive session have been screened, so don't worry. However, as for your questions, there are only a few that can be answered. It only takes an hour. Cao Xin and Si Chen are already waiting for you at the hotel."

The location of the celebration was chosen at a large hotel near where Cai Cai was filming. People from the company also came to participate. Everyone sat in a semicircle, saying they were celebrating, but they were obviously canvassing for votes.

"I can play a few small games, beat drums and pass flowers, etc. to liven up the atmosphere. Otherwise, I will feel more like a press conference." Xianjun showed Cai Cai a seat map, said some more, and then asked Cai Cai to choose. There are no variety shows to participate in.

Cai Cai asked Mei Zhang to answer.

“Didn’t choose well”

Mei Zhang is also worrying about this matter these days, "I don't want Cai Cai to participate in a variety show that has been broadcast for a long time and the host is more passionate than the guests. Because in the final broadcast, even Cai Cai is probably There won’t be long scenes, and there won’t be a few personal shots, so I’ll pass them by.”

The Immortal Lord is not surprised. This is good, so that Cai Cai will not be nervous when facing too many peers.

"Others, the variety shows that are popular online on major platforms are basically travel-type. One is a group of artists, and the other is a group of couples or couples. This is definitely not possible. The lack of broadcast volume is a problem, and the other is One problem is that Cai Cai cannot have time to travel, let alone find someone who can form a group with her, and it is not safe. Many project contracts now have safety requirements for Cai Cai, and this type of variety show has passed ”

"The rest, excluding singing and performances, Cai Cai can't sing or do PK acting, and there are also things like breaking into secret rooms, and the safety conditions are not good. Finally, there are business-related things, such as B&Bs and farms. . But this kind of work definitely requires hard work, and you also need to know vegetables and plants. Everyone was worried about the restaurant show that Cai Cai participated in before. How dare I let her participate in this kind of variety show again."

It is definitely impossible for Cai Cai to work, and she basically knows fruits and vegetables. If she meets a kind person on the show, he will kindly laugh and take care of her. When you meet someone who is not kind, it is light to laugh at them maliciously.

After hearing this, Xianjun was silent for a long time, and he really felt Mei Zhang's difficulty. There are actually a lot of trash artists in the industry, but they all pretend to be good and try hard to create other personas, so almost no one is recognized as a genuine trash. But Cai Cai, she is a real waste even she admits. But she is obviously not a waste.

Cai Cai is knowledgeable and talented. He has a photographic memory and a superior IQ. Let her participate in knowledge programs and she will be the absolute champion. She can do things that many people can't do. But it's exactly what many people know and know, but she doesn't and doesn't know.

Xian Jun once again lamented the Tang family's terrible way of raising children. But raising Cai Cai like this is actually the most normal thing. Because it’s not something she doesn’t know, it’s really something she doesn’t need to know or know. Things that she would never use in her life really didn't need to be mastered.

The point is, before Cai Cai met that friend in her teens, she didn't realize that she was a waste. It was her friend who told Cai Cai about the other side of the world and society, and the various comments on the Internet later made Cai Cai realize more and more that she was a waste. I also understand that the family cannot let go of her and are worried that she will starve to death. They are really worried.

"What is your friend's name, the one who runs a cake shop and designs it?"

"Hong Hong." Cai Cai replied, "Why haven't you remembered her name yet?"

"Why should I remember her name?" Xianjun was very disapproving.

"He's my friend."

Xianjun looked at Cai Cai, and Cai Cai looked at Xianjun at the same time. The two looked at each other for a moment, and then both moved away at the same time.

"I want to say that if there is a travel variety show in the future that you want to participate in, you can ask her to come with you. She should be more reliable than Si Chen. It will be more convenient to travel with people of the same sex. Although Si Chen calls you a relative, but You two can’t live in the same room.”

Xianjun thinks Cai Cai’s participation in a travel variety show is quite interesting.

Cai Cai has never traveled with friends, so she is quite interested, but when she thinks about it being made into a show, she is not optimistic.

"Would the audience want to see me travel?" Although Cai Cai doesn't know how other people travel, she knows that it must be different from her.

Xianjun didn't realize what Cai Cai meant, "Definitely. The show about me traveling alone is still on the must-watch list of variety shows."

Cai Cai knows that Xianjun is also a person who travels alone in private, so he will definitely feel much more comfortable when filming the show. However, she is not the same. She has never traveled alone. However, with the way she travels, maybe the audience will really want to see it?

"Let's talk about it later." Anyway, I definitely don't have time recently, and the contract doesn't allow it.

Xianjun is looking through the variety show list and new entry list. It seems that there is indeed no Cai Cai who can participate. Let's discuss it in a meeting.

When we arrived at the celebration site, the decorations were already set up, and a stand-in was hired to light Cai Cai’s seat. Cai Cai tidied up a little and sat down on her seat without putting on makeup. The Immortal Lord sat next to her to help out. Si Chen and Cao Xin sat on the other side of her. Due to the publicity at home and abroad, these two people have become a lot of cp fans. Seeing that the popularity is good, the seats were arranged together. But I was also reminded not to behave or speak in a too CP-oriented manner. After all, this kind of CP will not last long and is more likely to backfire. The on-site director was Gu Sheng, who made a guest appearance. The countdown to the live broadcast started. After 321, the live broadcast of Tina’s celebration officially began.

Originally everything went smoothly, but when it came to the interactive session that everyone was worried about, it did not disappoint everyone. Something really went wrong.

Cai Cai was naturally the key to the interaction and received the most questions. Even if there is a background interception, if the traffic is too large, there will always be one or two fish that slip through the net. Then Cao Xin and Si Chen's CP fans asked Cai Cai.

[What does Cai Cai think of selfish CP? Cao Xin was nominated, did Si Chen really have no jealousy at all? 】

Cai Cai frowned directly. When he heard it, he knew it was Si Chen and Cao Xin's CP. Cai Cai didn't understand how these two had CP fans, but it didn't matter. The point was, Cao Xin was nominated.

"What was Cao Xin nominated for? Oriental Star?" Cai Cai looked at the question on the screen, but the question he asked was not the audience, but Cao Xin himself.

Cao Xin's expression was momentarily panicked, and he subconsciously looked at Si Chen. No, Cai Cai doesn't know about this yet?

Si Chen was obviously a little confused and looked directly at Mei Zhang outside the court. Didn't anyone tell Cai Cai?

Mei Zhang had a cold face, indeed no one told him. Because when he found out about this, he was quite angry. There was a feeling that Si Chen was like mud and couldn't hold up the wall. Cai Cai worked so hard to get a project for Si Chen, but he put on a golden mask and asked someone to run the Eastern Star supporting actor award for him in China. In the end, Si Chen listened to a few words from Cao Xin's parents and took Cao Xin's prize. With only a few resources from his parents, he gave up the Eastern Star Male Supporting Award that he was very likely to win. What is this, a waste of Cai Cai’s hard work? Are you ignoring Cai Cai’s efforts and help?

He felt very sorry for Cai Cai, and he didn't want Cai Cai to know about it at all. So I didn’t mention a word, and I didn’t let anyone mention it.

Xian Jun answered directly, "You are isolated from the world in the crew. You don't know about such a big thing. Cao Xin was indeed nominated for Best Supporting Actor by Oriental Star, but the other nominees are all very good." This is it. It is obvious that Cao Xin is out of business.

Cai Cai was really confused. When he was abroad, even George knew that after returning to China, the male supporting role would be managed by Si Chen. She just hadn't watched it for a few days, so how could she be replaced?

Moreover, in terms of roles and rankings, Si Chen is the proper male supporting role. Cao Xin is at most the third male, or the fourth male and the fifth. He does not have as many roles as George. Even if he is replaced, George would be more convincing than Cao Xin.

Cai Cai really couldn't figure it out, "It's difficult to be nominated for Eastern Star, right?" How did Cao Xin get nominated?

How else could we get up there? Cao Xin's parents pushed him up.

People watching the live broadcast have already reacted. The comment area began to be filled with crazy comments, and then it was occupied by Cao Xin's fans. Cao Guo has a large number of people, but in the end they are still sensible and do not dare to directly scold Cai Cai, so they caught him. The retorts made by the anti-fans and passers-by were definitely not nice to hear, so they still took Cai Cai along with them, accusing Cai Cai openly and secretly of being nosy, speaking unabashedly, looking down on others, looking down on others, and so on.

In fact, passers-by began to be confused even after Cao Xin was nominated. The anti-fans are straight up conspiracy theories. They were even talking about why Cai Cai didn't respond. Cao Guo also said that Cai Cai didn't respond and the instruction manual supported it. After seeing it, he was very sure of Cao Xin's ability. As a result, the truth is now revealed - Cai Cai has no idea at all.

The point is, Xianjun is also not optimistic about Cao Xin winning the prize.

In fact, to be honest, even Cao Xin's fans, Cao Guozhong, and many people have no confidence in Cao Xin winning the award, but this does not prevent them from bragging and publishing press releases to seize the opportunity and high ground of public opinion. George and the others just saw Cao Xin's popularity and topic in the country, so they directly acquiesced in the substitution. This is to promote the film.

And it is obvious that if selfish CP can occur, it must be done by someone behind the scenes. There were many people who complained about Si Chen. No matter what the purpose was, they all spoke for him. But when CPs are grouped together, why do you think of the infatuated man who gives up his career for love and only hopes that his lover will be good? What kind of heartless evildoer stabs his lover in the back for the sake of his future? What kind of people help each other and redeem each other and go hand in hand? As soon as people kowtow to CP come up, many things will be revealed. covered up

Love is the best fig leaf. This sentence is applicable to anyone in any era.

[Hahahaha, co-author Si Chen took the script of Sacrifice to Heaven, Cai Cai paid for it in vain and was let down as cannon fodder]

Many viewers are not blind. Cai Cai wanted to pull Si Chen's thoughts, but it shouldn't be too obvious. As a result, Si Chen ruined all Cai Cai's efforts with one backhand.

[The most pitiable person is Cai Cai. I just found out that it has become garbage and should be thrown away after use]

[Even relatives can’t bear this, right? 】

[Cai Cai is really miserable, Si Chen really has no conscience]

[Cai Cai, is this part of the couple’s play? 】

[Where are these young lovers? They are just two bastards, both bullying Cai Cai]

[Cao Xin just doesn’t deserve it, why should he snatch Si Chen’s things]

[There are reports that Cao Xin’s family gave Si Chen a lot of resources, but I don’t know whether it’s true or not]

[The supporting actor award from Oriental Star, this is something that no amount of resources can buy, right? 】

[Isn’t Cai Cai better able to provide resources? I really can’t figure out how Si Chen figured it out]

[Is there any unknown secret here? 】

[Si Chen and Cai Cai have a very good relationship, so please don’t make malicious speculations]

[It’s because Si Chen and Cai Cai have a good relationship, so this matter is abnormal]

[Yes, if others didn’t tell Cai Cai, why didn’t Si Chen tell him either? 】

[I feel like Cai Cai is very unhappy]

Cai Cai was indeed unhappy. Si Chen was obviously eager to win the supporting actor award from Oriental Star before, so why did he get Cao Xin instead?

But now doesn't seem like a good time to say anything. Gu Sheng outside the court has been waving his hands. Xianjun didn't forcefully follow the process, and he already gave her a lot of face.

"I really didn't know before, but now that I know, I'm also very confused. I will ask them both carefully later. Tina's drama cannot be separated from the efforts of everyone in the project. It doesn't mean that Cao Xin cannot be nominated. It's just that I didn't think about it before. In fact, I was wrong about this, and I shouldn't have ignored Cao Xin directly. Now that he can be nominated, it is also everyone's affirmation of him. It further reflects my disregard for him." Cai Caidao did not blame himself, but spoke calmly.

Because she really never thought that Cao Xin could be nominated. He didn't apply for the Golden Mask, but now he has applied for it after returning to China. Probably because this is his home court, and he has an audience base and advantages. Si Chen can't compare to Cao Xin in the country, which is normal. Cao Xin can surpass Xian Jun's people just by relying on traffic. It's not for nothing that he is called the top.

Even the meanest anti-fans know that the top streamers before Cao Xin can only be regarded as partial top streamers. Cao Xin is real. There are extremely popular top traffic artists at home and abroad.

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