When will I be the queen

Chapter 342 Handling

Chapter 342 Handling
Fang Ye waved his hand, "What is your identity, what is Cai Cai's identity. Well, I am not belittling you. The reality is that you two have different identities and different circles. You may not know Cai Cai, but Cai Cai does. People, you definitely don't know him. Hai Mian is a pure rich prodigal son, a business upstart, I don't even know him well, let alone you." Speaking of it, "As a manager, you should treat this kind of businessman who likes to find female stars, You have an idea, why don’t you really know it?”

Mei Zhang was silent, admitting that Fang Ye was right. Regarding the assessment of risk personnel, he really did not do a good job. Just because Zhou Qing, a former rich daughter, was around, he could not think that the problem was not a big deal.Zhou Qing's circle is also different from Cai Cai's circle.But Mei Zhang still firmly believes that if he doesn't know someone, then this person must have a normal relationship with Cai Cai.

When Cai Cai came back, Fang Xiaoning asked about Hai Mian on the sidelines, and his words were full of concern and reminders like an old father.At first Cai Cai thought that Fang Xiaoning was just curious, but later he realized that it was because of Hai Mian's reputation outside, which made Fang Xiaoning quite nervous.Cai Cai looked at Mei Zhang, "You haven't seen Little Sponge, what do you think of others?"

Mei Zhang recalled the meeting just now, and to be honest, "He is a very handsome man. He is very masculine and dignified." The prodigal son of a wealthy family, this description is quite appropriate.

Cai Cai nodded, "I didn't talk when I was a child, so my family brought the children from the good family. You should know that my family is very precious to me, that is to say, the children who were brought to play with me, They are all very good in nature, and they can only come to me after passing the assessment of my family. I was considered autistic at that time, and the children who came to play with me patiently accompanied me and pulled I play together, and take care of me and accommodate me"

"I didn't develop into friends with them, it should be just because I couldn't face them who knew how bad I was when I was young, not because they were bad. No matter what they look like now, it is impossible for them to happen too much by nature. Big changes, so, they're all really good."

Cai Cai nodded his chin, "Little Sponge is a very chivalrous person. He is really nosy. He is the kind of angel character in film and television dramas, the kind who gives money and equipment to the protagonist. Really, passing by If the dog is lame, he will take care of it. As for his private life, there may be many reasons. It is said that a person's personal morality is his moral bottom line. Here, it’s really not the case. There are a lot of good-looking hypocrites.”

"It's very simple. Many people have said that people have many faces. A hero is a hero to many people, but he may be negligent to his family. A bad person is not necessarily bad to his family. I'm not trying to excuse Little Sponge, that is, if he didn't violate public order and morals, let alone break the law, but just chose the way of life he wanted, I think there's nothing wrong with it."

It turned out that Hai Mian was such a person.
Fang Ye's heart fluttered when he heard it.

Fang Xiaoning was depressed when he heard Cai Cai talking about his childhood, now Cai Cai actually doesn't like to talk, she hardly takes the initiative to communicate with others, no one pays attention to her, she can stay by herself all the time, " Did something happen to you when you were a child?"

After asking, Fang Xiaoning knew that he shouldn't ask.

Cai Cai really didn't want to say, "There's something wrong, it's nothing."

Fang Xiaoning smiled and stopped asking.Mei Zhang glanced at Fang Xiaoning, very upset that he asked this question.After Fang Ye found out about Cai Cai's background, he decisively shut up.

Here, although Xianjun didn't pay much attention to the China Merchants Association, he also knew the specific situation. Through various gossip, he actually knew more than Cai Cai who was at the scene.Then, some media who favored Cai Cai sent an early warning to Xianjun.

[Someone wants to make trouble] The accompanying picture is a very intimate photo of Cai Cai and Hai Mian smiling at each other.

"." Xianjun knows Haimian. The wealthy Hai family in the south has several champions and important ministers in their ancestors, but they are all the ones who picked up the genealogy and tied it on their own. It is hard to say whether it is the real blood or not. But after all, he is famous and rich, so he is quite famous.I also know Hai Mian's style, and I know that he and Cai Cai have known each other since childhood
It has long been seen that Cai Cai's criteria for selecting capital and brands, so it is not surprising that Haimian's company was selected.For his friendship with Cai Cai, he went there in person, Cai Cai will definitely choose him.But outsiders don't know
Hai Mian is actually a pure and simple businessman, only because he has found a few artist girlfriends, and has a child with a famous host in Hong Kong City, so he became a resident contestant on the entertainment page in the mainland.However, he has more gossip in the entertainment version of Hong Kong City.What Hong Kong media like to report most is the gossip between rich businessmen and female celebrities. This kind of gossip is enthusiastic and has a long history.

One is a rich businessman who is very talkative but not too good, and the other is the most popular superstar, who is underage. It is really big news that these two were photographed having an intimate conversation.

It's okay to say that underage female stars want to tie rich businessmen to attract investment, and it's okay to say that rich businessmen eat tender grass.In short, there are no good ones, but they are all explosive.

At first glance, the photo was taken secretly by someone at the scene, maybe a few photos were secretly taken, and then the one that looked the most intimate and ambiguous was deliberately selected, and all the other people around were removed.I also want to know that it is impossible for Cai Cai to be surrounded by other people.
After thanking him, Mei Zhang called Gu Sheng and showed him the photo.

At first glance, Gu Sheng was also taken aback. It is true that Hai Mian's style is not very good. Seeing how chaotic his private life is, even compared to women, he seems to be more willing to have children at a young age, and there are groups of children.
"Is he obsessed with his genes?" Gu Sheng really couldn't think of any other reasons.Knowing that Xianjun knew him, he asked curiously.

How would Xianjun know, "Do I have to care whether other people have children or not?" Besides, "Men want children. Now there are many methods. It's easier than peeing. It's not a man's birth. Naturally, there is Haimian's happiness." Sincere reproduction "When will men be able to have children, let's talk about fertility, genes, and other issues.

Gu Sheng laughed, Xianjun is really kind, but if he boasted so much, Xianjun would definitely say, isn’t this a normal thing, what is there to praise. But the more normal things are, the harder it is to do That's right. Gu Sheng has also known Xianjun for a long time, and many concepts have gradually changed and become normal.

"What should I do about this matter? News may come out at any time, and photos may also be exposed at any time." After knowing that Cai Cai knew Hai Mian, Gu Sheng didn't know what to do.Talk about spreading rumors and slander, if Cai Cai and Hai Mian are photographed again in the future, they will be blind.It can be said that they are friends, even more blind.
Xianjun raised his chin, "Send it to Mei Zhang, and ask Cai Cai." He knew that Cai Cai and Hai Mian knew each other, but he didn't know to what extent.

Meizhang quickly answered Xianjun's question, [Cai Cai said that Little Sponge is a very good person. 】

"." Gu Sheng didn't dare to look up at Xianjun's face.

Xianjun kept his face cold and stiff, and after a long time, he said something to let Cai Cai figure it out, and left.

Gu Sheng wanted to laugh but didn't dare to laugh, so he quickly contacted Mei Zhang. He needed to deal with it quickly, but he also had to take into account the relationship between Cai Cai and Hai Mian. After all, it might also involve the families of both parties.

But they didn't expect that after Cai Cai saw the photo, he directly said that it was bad, and said that Hai Mian should not be taken into account.

"His reputation is so bad, it's all his own fault, why should I praise him while clarifying to myself?" It doesn't matter whether it is good or not, let alone, "Why should I clarify? This kind of Just ignore the rumors about dumping a photo. Does it need special treatment just because the target is Hai Mian? He doesn’t deserve it.”

As Cai Cai said, she asked Zhou Qing to contact Hai Mian directly. She had several contact information of Hai Mian in her electronic business card holder.Just hit the first one.

"Someone secretly took a picture of us talking. If you want to spread rumors, I don't want to bother. Be prepared to be scolded."

On the other side of the video, Hai Mian scratched his head, "That's all?" He wondered why.

Cai Cai nodded, just for this matter, "I am a very popular female star now, this kind of thing, not you, there will be others. Because I am underage, so the words will not be too harsh, but the rumors should be dirty There will be no shortage of content. Adding the target is you, and there will be more rumors.”

Hai Mian blushed, "Actually, I'm pretty clean."

"." Everyone who was not in the mirror opposite Cai Cai fell silent.

Cai Cai laughed, "Your parents show off their grandchildren in the circle of friends all day long, who wouldn't be jealous?"

Hai Mian didn't want to talk about this topic, so he directly asked Cai Cai what he wanted to do, and he absolutely cooperated.

Cai Cai just wanted to ignore it, deal with it coldly, and didn't want to clarify, but he still had to listen to Mei Zhang on how to do it, so he called Mei Zhang over, "My Xiaomei will tell you."

Mei Zhang didn't hesitate, and said that they would do invisible processing here, and let Hai Mian's side refute the rumors and pursue accountability for the rumors. Of course, they would also provide funds and manpower.To put it bluntly, let Hai Mian take the lead and carry it alone.

Hai Mian is not a fool either, first he said that he doesn't need money or people, and then said, "Will it be regarded as a red-faced beauty by doing this again, and it will have the opposite effect?"

Mei Zhang said not to worry, they have follow-up arrangements.

Hai Mian didn't ask any further questions, and asked the secretary to discuss the details with Mei Zhang, chatted with Cai Cai for a few words, and then hung up.

Cai Cai is so curious, what are the arrangements?

"Isn't it time for a golden mask? George held a charity auction in the name of your movie. All the items were very good, including a famous Chinese painting he had collected in his early years. The auction The proceeds will be donated to Huaxia, to the families of the sacrificed heroes, especially the orphans." The news Mei Zhang received in the morning has already been confirmed with George. You may be required to attend at some time, try to arrange it on the eve of the golden mask, so as not to delay your shooting."

"Compared to Hai Mian's sudden anger and beauty, compared with George, it's nothing. When the news breaks out, Hai Mian sent a message, and I will post this news here. If this is the case, in the future It won't be a problem if your acquaintance with Haimian is exposed."

Cai Cai was still thinking about the charity auction, and said, "Use the money we got from the auction of our ancient paintings to do charity for us, and we will remember him later. Why does the more you think about it, the more wrong it becomes? The wool came from the sheep? "

Mei Zhang couldn't help but smile, "A businessman like Rotten Joe would have a sense of charity. It's just that you didn't participate in the promotion of the movie with the golden clothes. The golden mask is definitely not reconciled to you returning empty-handed. Foreigners do charity and utilitarianism. The heart is always so strong, so this is a talisman for you. You know, if you were with George and the others on the eve of the ceremony, you would be much safer."

This is it.

Cai Cai has no objection, but, "Since it's in the name of my film, I'll donate something too."

Mei Zhang nodded, "Yes, what do you want to donate? I'll send it over."

Cai Cai knows that donating things for charity is actually risky.Not to mention other things, the business resources piled up in the studio must never be used for charity. Breaking the contract is one thing, and borrowing flowers to offer Buddha is the main reason. There is no such thing.If they are picked up, their houses will collapse. Even former artists who resell second-hand will be ridiculed, which is very risky.

Even if she didn't know, she wouldn't donate things from the studio, "You contact my family, they will prepare it." After Cai Cai finished speaking, she didn't care, went to find Fang Xiaoning after changing her clothes, and planned to join the group in the afternoon .

"There are several groups now, mainly three groups, A, B, and C. Your main scenes are in A, B, and B. You have shot so many personal shots before, and they are all usable. I will shoot based on your shots. Others, there is no shooting task in the afternoon, so you go to Group A and meet your future classmates."

Kunlun is now said to be filming the first part, but the whole story is in Fang Xiaoning's mind, so Cai Cai knows that basically all three films are being filmed at the same time.It's just that the focus of filming is the first part, studying in Xianshan.The first part is the foreshadowing of the next two tragedies in troubled times. The whole story is quite happy. After all, it is at the stage of studying. It was too miserable at the beginning, and the comparison later will not be so obvious.But it doesn't mean that the first part is not miserable. Cai Cai has read the complete script, and the first part is just as miserable as a dull pain.

The heroine is bright and intelligent but ignorant, but she has already glimpsed the troubled times in the future, so she unconsciously studies hard.

Originally, Cai Cai thought that Fang Xiaoning said that there was no filming, so the crew was on vacation.It turned out that I didn't know until I got to the scene that if I didn't shoot, I didn't have a shooting task, but I was still shooting.

Three machines were turned on at the scene, facing an indoor building, which looked like a school-like venue, with different angles, and blowers from different angles were blowing air, and the wind was not strong.

(End of this chapter)

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