274 Flow
No wonder Fang Xiaoning said at the beginning that Cai Cai cannot be injured.
No wonder Fang Xiaoning wants to make a variety show for Cai Cai to expose in advance
Cai Cai didn't even know that he would have such an important day.She had to talk to Fang Xiaoning about this matter.A leading actor, a leading actor and a leading actor who plays the leading role in every scene, these three are fundamentally different, and they are very different.

"I'm really not sure that I can take on such a burden." This is not a matter of carrying the box office anymore, it's about betting everything, everything, on her alone, including Fang Xiaoning's career.This is really not an exaggeration. You must know that the last trilogy of Xianxia was starring Xianjun, and received countless praises, which directly made Xianjun a myth in film history.And in that play, Xianjun was only the leading role, and he also had a lot of supporting roles.Now it's Cai Cai's turn. If Kunlun is released, even if it only gets the same results as Xianjun did at the beginning, it will be a failure.

Cai Cai also said truthfully, "I really like this script very much, and I really want to act it. I want to do my best to act it, but I am also really afraid. If this fails, I can still fight again, even if it is a trick. , as long as you can act, you can do it. But what about you? The whole world is waiting for you to achieve greater glory. If I don’t act well, I will screw up the sinner of all ages.”

Fang Xiaoning was writing about the process of auditioning for a variety show. When Fang Qiao invited her here, she thought it was something, but it turned out to be this. She wanted to laugh, "Why are you a sinner through the ages. You have acting skills and are good at acting. It is now a globally recognized fact. Looking back, you With Jarvis, the acting skills are superb, but with me, the acting is bad. Everyone will say that it is my problem. Besides, brilliance is not so easy to create. Many times, it depends on luck and God’s will. Why do you do this There is a lot of pressure, no matter how you memorize this project, you can’t memorize it. Whether it succeeds or not is not under your control, let alone your responsibility and burden.”

Also, "I know you will be under pressure to play such a role independently, but I think this is nothing to you, right?" Breaking through achievements abroad, and uprooted in the domestic Jedi, becoming the current superstar.To be honest, if it wasn't too early, Fang Xiaoning felt that Cai Cai's experience could be made into a movie. It is definitely a good script.

And the child who has such an experience is only 17 years old now. Isn't this kind of life more stressful than a project?

To be honest, what Fang Xiaoning admires most about Cai Cai is that she has never been lost.

How many children who became famous at a young age have been lost or even completely lost.It is not uncommon for characters to become famous.Even Xianjun was lost and deceived when he was young.But Cai Cai, no matter how stormy the outside world is, what she is said or praised, she will always be an actress and act seriously.You know, with Cai Cai's current fame, how many people in the industry are waiting to see her act as a demon. As a result, time and time again, no matter how big the trouble is, Cai Cai can get through it in an unimaginable way, and then gain even more fame and acclaim.

Even with the Golden Clothes incident this time, Cai Cai can be said to be unscathed. She herself is optimistic and strong, but she abused the fans and passers-by. As a result, more people like Cai Cai.

Although Wanqian Xinghui regretted that Cai Cai could not participate in the Golden Clothes, Xianjun felt that it would not be a good thing for Cai Cai if he won the award with the Golden Clothes.There will definitely be some professionals who criticize Cai Caide as uncoordinated.And after this incident, even if Cai Cai is really unworthy of virtue in the future, it will be difficult for others to catch him and make use of it.

This kind of core role has very few roles, Fang Xiaoning is really not sure whether Xianjun will take it.

This runs the risk that Fang Fang may not be able to leave.

Cai Cai laughed, okay, thank you.Thank you very much.

Fang Xiaoning didn't know if Cai Cai could understand what he meant by flowing, because Kunlun needed characters to have flowing emotions.And this flow does not become a new look after the flow, it is to leave traces of repeated erosion after the flow.This is different from accumulation and precipitation.
"I understand." Cai Cai looked at Fang Xiaoning, and understood his unspoken real worry.

"I understand." Cai Cai continued, "Flowing beauty has different traces of erosion every time, but each time it is a brand new beauty. It is not superimposed or precipitated. It is a kind of conforming to time, heroic And tenaciously consuming the beauty of oneself." Paused, "It's like life."

This is the real reason why Cai Cai felt that it was not easy to act after reading the script.

In fact, there are a lot of lucky people in the circle, but there are very few people who are talented and hardworking at the same time.

Fang Xiaoning heard it, glanced at Mei Zhang, and laughed out loud.

After all, he is his good friend, and Fang Xiaoning didn't want to deceive Xianjun, so he felt that it was better to forget it.

She didn't want to become Fang Fang, but to bring Fang Fang into this world through her body.

Although there is no need for Xianjun to add weight to Cai Cai, if there is a cameo of Xianjun, it will still be such a role, it will be full of explosive points, and Xianjun will definitely perform very well and delicately.But the key point is that this role is not Xianjun's style.

What Fang Xiaoning is worried about is that the role she understands is different from what he wants.Being different doesn't mean it's bad, but it's not what Fang Xiaoning wants, so it's more serious than bad.Only when the director shoots what he wants to shoot, can he make the shot more emotional and give the picture a real soul.

Fang Xiaoning thought for a while, "In my opinion, it is close to the latter, but there are also all kinds of small thoughts of the former. You said a lot, he is a very humane fairy. But he wants to kill Fang Fang himself. , to be honest, if the role is played well, people will be scolded. Xianjun." Will you like it?
So far, Xianjun has never played a real villain.The villains he has played are all the ones that make people feel distressed and sympathetic, the kind of tragic villains who are subjectively kind and want to be a good person, but they have a lot of fate, and the world makes people uncomfortable, so they have to become a villain in the end. cruel people.And the fairy elders, who wear the appearance of a fairy, do things full of selfish desires, both good and bad.To put it bluntly, it is humane, but to put it bluntly, it is the behavior of a villain.

Cai Cai took out the script and pointed to the role of the fairy head, "This role can be used by the fairy king. Although Fang Fang's teacher is a fairy, he is full of human performance everywhere, and he firmly supports the rules of the fairy clan. , but secretly supported Fang Fang, and Fang Fang was about to be executed in the end, and became the executioner again. He said that he wanted to distance himself from this, and it was fine to give Fang Fang a crime and meritorious deeds for the private gift of the magic weapon. He said that he wanted to kill himself with his own hands. The most beloved disciple, the soft-hearted want to help the rebels made the disciple a target that the three realms want to kill, blame yourself, and save her from being tortured by others."

It's obviously a good role to play in a lot of ways.Cai Cai thinks this is a role that a fairy would want.

Fang Xiaoning's eyes were extremely gentle, and the eyes overflowed like treasures, ah, my Cai Cai, I couldn't help but stroke Cai Cai's hair gently, "Life, you will definitely have the most brilliant and beautiful life."

Fang Xiaoning stood up and asked Cai Cai to watch the sunset in the sky, "Reviewing what I have done, I really feel that I can do better, but time is always moving forward, the sunset you see at this moment is The most beautiful. You may say later that you have seen a more beautiful sunset, but at this moment, it is the most beautiful. It is not a bad thing to reflect on yourself, but don’t deny yourself. When I shoot a lot of shots, I also feel at the beginning I can shoot better, but then I knew that at that moment, it was the best I could do, just right, so I don’t need to shoot anymore.”

In other words, basically, many actors still focus on positive roles. Negative roles like villains are scolded if they don't perform well, and even worse if they perform well.After all, truth, goodness and beauty are always the most beautiful yearning in the world, and all living beings have the heart to be good.So if you can't play a negative role, don't act. This is also for the career of an actor.Because after many actors acted as villains, they never received good scripts and projects.Besides, from a commercial point of view, there are too many villains, and the advertisements can't catch up with many villain-professional actors, and they will be beaten when they go out in private.
For many actors, the role of the fairy in Kunlun is a big cake, but for the fairy, it is discredited.

What Fang Xiaoning wants is not a well-acted character, nor a complete project, but the living Fang Fang in his script.

This is normal, and it is really extremely rare.People who may be seen everywhere in reality are rarely seen in film and television works.Because the characters in film and television works need to be very dramatic and have a sense of conflict, and the settings are very full and complex.But in reality, there are ordinary people with harmonious families, happy lives, no disasters and diseases, and dying of old age.This kind of very ordinary person will almost never appear in film and television works. Even if the script is written, no actor is willing to act.

Sure enough, cooperating with famous directors has no good fruit.

But this is also the reason why Cai Cai doesn't want to give up even if he is under great pressure.The temptation to successfully play such a role is too great for an actor.

After discussing the script again, Cai Cai suddenly said, "Why can't Xian Jun participate in the show again?"

But Cai Cai felt that he could ask Xianjun first.What she thought in her heart was that Xianjun would definitely like this role very much.Because she likes it very much.This kind of the most humane role is really rare, and it is hard to come by.Because he is a normal character.

"I let Xianjun play the role before because you couldn't afford the project at that time. However, even if the project has become bigger now, you have become stronger and can resist it, so there is no need for Xianjun to increase the size. You know, at the level of a fairy, not everyone can invite this kind of icing on the cake. Besides, you two are in the same project, which is obviously a waste." Mei Zhang who sat over explained.

This is what Cai Cai discovered after Fang Xiaoning said that the lives of ordinary people are urgent, and after watching a lot of film and television dramas and documentaries.

Cai Cai was also very happy, and asked Mei Zhang to bring some snacks and fruits, saying that he was tired.

"Because I can continue to shoot in the future, I will always take better shots than before, but that is all for the future. I can take the best shots at this moment, that's all." Fang Xiaoning also looked at Sunset, "In the camera, you can see the traces of the passage of time. The most obvious thing is that the actors who collaborated with them many years ago, their skin and eyes have changed. Time is flowing, and beauty is also flowing. The beauty of this moment does not delay the beauty of the next moment, and the beauty of the next moment will not swallow the beauty of this moment."

This is more difficult than the kind of performance that breaks itself and then brings its own characteristics.

Cai Cai smiled, working hard, "I don't think I'm working hard enough, because I always feel that I can do better."

Fang Xiaoning also said, "The previous role set you as a demon, and the fairy is a fairy, which is a good match. Now the script has changed, and there is no suitable role for the fairy. Apart from you, other characters really use it. There is no need for Xianjun, pure waste."

In Fang Xiaoning's view, Cai Cai is just like him, a person who is both talented, lucky, and hardworking.

The soul of this picture is actually a very ethereal concept, but in fact, in simple terms, from the audience's point of view, when you see a picture, you know which director it is, which means that this director is very good. A picture with a soul.

Fang Xiaoning said to Cai Cai like this, it is because of your steadfast hard work that you can get to where you are now, "So, what do you have to worry about?" Because you have worked so hard.

Cough cough cough. Always sitting at the door and pretending to be transparent, Mei Zhang coughed hard three times, speak as soon as you speak, don't move your feet! ! !

Having been in this industry for so many years, Fang Xiaoning knows that he is also talented, otherwise he would not be so successful, but he also recognizes that no matter how much talent is, it needs hard work, opportunity and luck.

Amazing wonderful ordinary people.

But even if ordinary people are so amazing and beautiful, they can't be seen in movies and TV dramas.But she saw it in the script, but after it was filmed, she couldn't find it again.This is chopped off.

Because this kind of beautiful ordinary person does not have drama and explosive points.Even the film and television dramas that focus on a better life are all fluff, and even dramas have a tragic core.This made Cai Cai pay more attention to this kind of discarded and precious waste characters.And this fairy head, although he has various unusual settings, but the core of his character is normal.That is to say, this kind of precious waste role that is disliked.

Indeed, this role can be played very well in the hands of any actor.Even in many film and television works, there are the same characters, and Cai Cai can probably count a bunch of them.But Cai Cai just felt that Xianjun could act better.Because he is a fairy, with such a fairy appearance, this is something that no other actor can perform. If there are better and best actors, why find others?

(End of this chapter)

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