When will I be the queen

Chapter 256 Breaking the news

After everything was over, it was past ten o'clock in the evening.

Cai Cai was so tired that he didn't want to talk at all, and Lucien left after four o'clock in the afternoon because he still had the task of acting.Come here and bid farewell to Cai Cai, leave your contact information, and leave all the ways of chatting with Cai Cai
"It's like punching a card. We searched for all three of us." Fang Qiao thought it was so funny.

Cai Cai leaned on the seat, closed his eyes, and felt a little drowsy, "It's been a long time since I saw you. I was the youngest in the class before, and I couldn't play with my classmates. After graduation, the classmates in the class are all focused on themselves I was the only one who became an actor in my stage career. At that time, I wanted to study screenwriting, but I didn’t want to be a screenwriter. I just felt that this major was closely related to being an actor. But I haven’t been accepted yet. I think it’s because I failed the interview. It was only when I graduated that I found out that it was because I was too young, even though I had a high grade in cultural subjects, the teachers felt that I was too young to do literature.”

"But later, I probably saw that I was quite determined in my decision, and I didn't have the disadvantages of a little girl doing literature too early, so I felt very regretful and guilty. I also knew that I always wanted to be an actor, so I decided to I recommended the interview with Pitt, and as a result, I passed the interview successfully, and I really became an actor."

When Cai Cai thought of this, he was also very emotional, "So in some script lines, it is said that fate is inevitable. No matter how many detours you have taken, you will always reach the destination you should reach." Sighing, he opened his eyes, "Then At that time, Lucien was a very crazy person. He felt that the performances in some stage plays were too hysterical, not realistic enough, and not moving enough. He felt that there was no need to scream, but it could impress the audience. So he often teamed up with me The teacher will give high marks to the works we filmed together.”

"I asked him at that time if he wanted to be an actor too, because I could see that he liked acting very much, but he said that he preferred to stand under the lights of the stage rather than the lights in front of the camera. Graduation After that, I basically lost contact with my classmates, as long as the teachers would send me emails. I also changed my email address several times. Now I met Lucien here. It was an accident, but it was not too late. Accident"

This is also an inevitable fate.
Fang Qiao felt that this was not some kind of fate, it was what it should be, "Lucien is so good-looking, young, and good at acting, it's normal to be an actor. Although the Internet celebrity economy has come down now, who can be an actor? Internet celebrity, who can do other jobs if you can be an Internet celebrity. If you don’t have ideals or can’t do your ideal job, then it’s best to find a job that makes more money. Besides, Lucien’s ideal and being an actor, Almost."

Cai Cai shook his head, "Performing on stage and in front of the camera are completely different. It is said that one minute on stage and ten years off stage is the most important thing. The threshold of being an actor is lower than that of performing on stage. There are too many. Even if you are a major, you have only studied in school for a few years, and if you add up the time to study acting, you can have a year, which is not bad. But if you don’t practice for a day in song and dance performances, you will regress. No. A step back, a big step back."

Although Fang Qiao is an insider, he is not an actor, so he can't understand Cai Cai's words, but since Cai Cai said it, it should be true.

"Are you feeling sorry?" Zhou Qing asked.

Since Lucien is a very good stage actor, and even has always dreamed of being a stage actor, he must have experienced one minute on stage and ten years off stage, and now he gave up the stage and became an actor , She also felt very sorry to hear that.

Cai Cai shook his head again, "I asked him at that time, and he said that he wanted to be an actor in front of the camera for the time being, because he could perform delicately. This is an experience he has never had. This means that when he was in school , want to try a new stage performance, although the teacher gave high marks in school, but in the mature commercial stage, it has not been affirmed."

Think about it, "Is it the happiness that comes from adhering to an ideal that cannot be affirmed, or the happiness that comes from signing a contract with the black line superstar for a new actor?"

"The latter"

Both Fang Qiao and Zhou Qing thought it was the latter.

Cai Cai looked at them and laughed, "The reason why an ideal is an ideal has nothing to do with whether it is affirmed or not, or even whether it can be realized. The greatest charm of an ideal is that it can be pursued desperately. It can also be easily given up. This is a part of destiny that belongs only to oneself and can be controlled by oneself. Noble ideals, such as saving the country and the people, everything we enjoy now with ease, how many martyrs once sacrificed their lives but watched Unbelievable ideal."

Thank you martyrs for not giving up.

"But personal ideals, exams, work, marriage, and even what you want to eat can all be called ideal. Lucien's personality has changed, so ideals should have changed too." Cai Cai is not very comfortable commenting on Lucien casually, It's just, "In terms of practical results and economic benefits, it is naturally the latter. But if it is really only about happiness, even if the ideal is not affirmed, when it is performing on the stage, it should be very happy. I definitely beat the latter." .”

Because she has seen Lucien on the stage, so crazy and enthusiastic
Zhou Qing and Fang Qiao glanced at each other, and found that Cai Cai was so tired, he still kept talking to Lucien
Just as Fang Qiao was about to ask Cai Cai, do you have any special feelings for Lucien? The phone in the car rang, and it was Jarvis from the car in front.

"It's almost here. I asked the shopkeeper to clear the place. It's just us. What do you want to eat?"

They were told to wait another day. Tomorrow, the black line would inform Cai Cai of the interview results, so they hoped that Cai Cai would stay as long as possible, and stay one more day, so as not to come to sign the contract if he passed the interview.As Jarvis said, he actually told Cai Cai in a disguised form that the interview passed, but Cai Cai was not so optimistic.But since Jarvis said he wanted to stay, there was no need for Cai Cai to rush back by himself.Nonsense, the director is here, don't worry, why is she in a hurry as an actor.
As for what I want to eat, "tomato and egg noodles." Now I want to eat a bowl of refreshing noodle soup, eat and drink, and then go to bed after eating.Very sleepy.

"." All right, "The residence is next to the restaurant, so you can rest after eating." Jarvis knew that Cai Cai was tired.

After a quick meal, Cai Cai was taken to the hotel to rest.But Mei Zhang is just about to start fighting.
I don't know why, the news of Cai Cai's interview with Blackline Chaoying was posted anonymously by someone in China.Because it was an anonymous revelation, although it was Cai Cai's information, neither fans nor passers-by took it seriously, and it was fine if they had seen it, and it was only spread in a small area, so very few people had seen it.But immediately after this anonymous revelation, there were anonymous replies from different places of origin, and continued to reveal the time, place and role information of Cai Cai's interview.

Black Line Chaoying is really a super big pie, so Cai Cai's fans wanted to repost it and asked in the fan group, and then more fans started to ask for speeches in the group, and asked Wanqian Xinghui's On the account, other people familiar with Cai Cai, such as Si Chen and Xianjun, were also asked.

Because since Cai Cai's last public appearance in China, and the time he was photographed at the airport, at other times, he has been invisible again, devoted himself to the embrace of filming work, and has become the unseen Cai Cai again.

Although Cai Cai's agents and companies will also send some news and photos of Cai Cai, but it is not real-time status and news at first glance.Besides, seeing that the Golden Clothes were about to arrive, other domestic actors began to warm up, but there was no news from Cai Cai, as if he hadn't been nominated, and there was no reaction at all.If it weren't for knowing that Cai Cai's managers and the company were already preparing for Cai Cai, fans would be scolding.

But at this time, it was revealed that Cai Cai did not follow the instructions of the agents to film the empire, but was interviewing for the film project of Black Line Chaoying.

Anyone who loves watching movies knows that the black line has been working for so long and the preparatory work is heavy.Most of the fans love to watch movies, so they first realized that Cai Cai, who hadn't heard from him for so long, was actually not filming, but preparing for a project to get a black line.Well, this does not go along with Cai Cai's direct and real star status of "I will post what I am doing" created by the agents.Because everyone knows that Cai Cai doesn't go online and doesn't care about things, so Cai Cai is not involved, otherwise the accusation of fooling fans with the cost will definitely not escape.

This is where the fans are irritable and even angry. Obviously the Empire is still filming, and Cai Cai is indeed filming. From the accounts of the Empire and Lily and the others, it can be seen.So, so, how did Cai Cai manage to prepare for the black line interview in such an intense filming of Empire?
[Cai Cai is still underage, is it really good to squeeze her like this? 】

[It has been said before that Cai Cai will not endorse any products. If capital wants to make money from Cai Cai, it must squeeze Cai Cai]

[There is a precedent for actors not acting as endorsers. Many actors do not endorse, for fear of ruining their jobs and brand names.]

[The shooting style of the black line is very tortured, can Cai Cai bear it? 】

[The dog company is inhumane! ! 】

[Bullying Cai Cai is kind and naive! ! 】

[No, can the empire release people? 】

[The God Maker will definitely delete Cai Cai's scenes]

[The cakes of the empire are no worse than the black line, why do you want to do this, what if the black line is out of play? 】

[And what about Kunlun?Stop shooting? 】

[Why don't you shoot a good domestic project, but instead shoot some brain-dead superhero]

[I feel that the person who broke the news is someone inside Cai Cai's company, and he knows it so clearly]

【I'm in the place where I broke the news. I plan to go out for a walk in the next few days. What if I can meet Cai Cai】

【I'm on my way~~~】

[I still don’t know if it’s true or not, please don’t get excited]

【The news is true】

Because there is indeed a high-level executive from Wanqianxinghui who responded to this revelation and said it was true.

Song Zheng smashed the computer angrily, and then joined Song Yun to call the group headquarters. This is not the first time this high-level executive has committed a crime, or he is cheating Cai Cai and harming the company's interests! !He must be invited back! !

Afterwards, the high-level executives deleted this response, and the news on the Internet spread instantly, overwhelming the sky.Discussions in the fan group were also released, because many of the discussions were very sensitive, so they were caught by Heizi, saying that Cai Caimei was breaking the contract, not filming Kunlun and the Empire, picking up bad cakes, saying that she is so awesome, no It is still a puppet manipulated by capital.
Here is an interlude, the original words of a sunspot is a bitch controlled by capital, but it was reported by other sunspots. After all, most of the sunspots also use money to do things. It is more straightforward than the navy. It looks like a sunspot, but it is not I really hate Cai Cai.
After all kinds of scolding and accusations appeared, the fans got busy here. They had to fight with Wanqian Xinghui and the sunspots. Moreover, because Wanqian Xinghui and his managers collectively pretended to be dead, the fans The emotions became more and more intense, and people began to get involved.

The passers-by who got involved also liked Cai Cai. They saw Cai Cai's fans, that is, the vegetable fields, jumping up and down the whole Internet, catching and biting whom, and interfering in Cai Cai's work content.In the eyes of these passers-by, this is bad fan behavior, very bad.Those who point fingers at the artist's work, thinking they are for the artist's good, are actually either instigated or used.Don't the artists themselves know what to do?Why do you like controlling artists so much?Do you really think you are a professional?Cai Cai's big manager, Mei Zhang, Boss Mei, doesn't he know more than your fans?

The passers-by also defended Cai Cai, but they started to fight with the vegetable plots.

Before Cai Cai encountered a crisis, the vegetable field and passers-by were entwined, and the effect is needless to say.Now, the vegetable field and the passers-by are starting to fight, and the sunspots are much quieter, but the navy has started to make trouble, which has led to an escalation of the battle between the passer-by and the vegetable field
Mei Zhang knew it from the beginning.But here he is abroad, and the domestic side promised to find the inner ghost - in the anonymous revelation, except for the wrong role, everything else is correct.This is not what is the ghost?As a result, the inner ghost has not been found yet, and the higher-ups claim it first.
The result of the discussion between the company and Meizhang is to keep quiet first, wait a minute, after tonight, the interview results will come out, and then, if you pass, then just make an official announcement, and if you don’t, just say Cai Cai was brought here by Jarvis to help Lily and the others to watch the excitement.Anyway, you can't admit failure in the interview.Before the golden clothes, stars, sails and golden masks and other ceremonies came, it was too discouraged to admit that I had failed the interview. If it affected the selection results, it would be bad luck.

This plan was directly destroyed by the silly high-level executives.After Lei Ting dealt with this high-level person, he began to investigate around this high-level group.The result is still nothing.Anonymous broke the news that although the account owner was found through some means, he said that he did not post it himself. Someone used illegal means to bridge the account and sent it anonymously.

The inner ghost has never been found, and the chaos on the Internet is getting bigger and bigger, but the problem is that it is not appropriate to say anything now.It doesn't work if you admit it, and it doesn't work if you don't admit it.

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