Chapter 235
If she was just a cannon fodder for Xianjun before, and in order to prove that she is the real chosen one, she used saving Xianjun as a sign of defeating those ghosts. Now she really only wants Xianjun to really be able to Live in peace, disaster and pain-free until 80 years old, 90 years old, [-] years old
"Children want to act, they have to use extra force, but adults use too much force, either it looks like the cerebellum is not well developed, or it is greasy. So many movie kings and actresses have played roles such as intellectual disabilities, and even physical defects. Such characters require acting skills, because as a human being, there is a big gap between instinctive things and habits formed due to cognition, and people who are originally flawed."

When Cai Cai called Xianjun at night, he told Xianjun what Jarvis said, and Xianjun started to tell her a lot.After discussing these acting matters, Xianjun asked Cai Cai when he would start work.

Well, Cai Cai sighed, "If you asked me to meet Jarvis first, you guessed it. The script of the empire will be changed and the filming of the fog is almost done. The problem is not serious. Gabbit will come over tomorrow. Jarvis should Talk to him."

Xianjun laughed when he heard this, "You have entered the circle of artists now, keep working hard, let's hold Jinyi first, and now the warm-up has begun, I wish you success in advance."

Cai Cai accepted this blessing and devoted herself to more busy work.

The fog is said to be the end, but in fact the shooting task is very heavy.

Gebitt's script for Cai Cai's supplementary filming was thicker than the previous script.

"."Why is that.
"You seem to have grown up a lot. Although many shots in the later stage will not be discarded, you need to shoot some more. There are also some previous shots. You should look better in your current state." Gabbit is particularly happy with Cai Cai's growth, So excitedly pulled a screenwriter to write a lot of new plots.

Cai Cai flipped for a day between filming, and then killed 30.00% of the content.

"These shots were shot before, and I have seen them. They have been shot quite well, and I am not sure about the coherence of emotions if I am asked to shoot again. Instead of looking for a new feeling and shooting new ones, it is better Just use the old one."

Gabit didn't give up, and wanted to grind Cai Cai, but after being rejected by Cai Cai again, he watched these shots again and found that Cai Cai was quite right.

"You just can't hug him when you see something pretty." Cai Cai complained about him.

Many of the shots that need reshoots are eye contact scenes between Cai Cai and other actors.Then Cai Cai discovered that Lawrence's eyes were different from those of other actors.At first, she couldn't figure out how it was different, so she didn't ask. She just practiced repeatedly in front of the mirror, trying to get Lawrence's eyes.

But after two days of practice, he didn't succeed. This is the first time that Cai Cai couldn't make a look.She can even develop the kind of loving eyes of motherhood, but she can't develop the eyes of Lawrence, who just touch the calf to the end.Less than loving kindness, more than petting.

Cai Cai simply stopped practicing by herself, and went to Lawrence to chat with her.

And then Lawrence burst out laughing.

"Anne doesn't have that kind of mother-child affection for Grant. After all, she is just a housekeeper, but she has a detached status in the Pierce family and is much older, so I understand that the way she looks at Grant is the way she looks at the new pet at home." She didn't quite understand the feeling of licking the calf, but according to Cai Cai's explanation, it was a great feeling, but Lawrence felt that Anne didn't have such a great feeling for Grant, "What she wants is to continue the blood of the old duke For future generations, whether this person is Grant or not, there is actually not much difference. Otherwise, if it is the new owner, Claire is obviously better, isn't it? "

"." Newborn pet.
Lawrence called Carl, turned on the phone, and found a bunch of videos of kittens and puppies for Carl to watch.

Lawrence is a senior, and Cai Cai is here, Carl didn't ask anything, just looked at it with his mobile phone.

Then, Cai Cai really saw Lawrence's eyes in the play in Carl's eyes.

"." I didn't understand, but I was amazed.

"When people look at their own cubs, they will be picky about beauty and ugliness, and they will also subconsciously choose children who are similar in appearance to themselves. For example, many researchers say that newborns will always grow up and look more like the person who loves them. But when people look at animals, Most of it is the aesthetics of young and fluffy. I played a role a long time ago and wanted to fall in love, but the opponent actor had a grudge against me. I really couldn’t fall in love. The director wanted to replace me. Then I was in Watching this kind of video to decompress and accidentally spotting myself in the mirror and that became my secret weapon."

Lawrence was not surprised either, and shared his experience and achievements without reservation to Cai Cai and Carl.

"I like this kind of mood. I feel that it is universal in many roles. I look at the opponent character with the eyes of a kitten, and he just thinks that I love him very much when I enter the drama. It is completely fine to use it in a family drama. Friendship is the same, and the effect is even better. The role I won the Golden Clothes Award last time was obtained by virtue of an excellent friendship line."

Lawrence was also a little disappointed when he talked about this.

"When I first started acting, I wanted to pursue the truth in everything, and I wanted the audience to see my performance and think that I was what I acted. But after I acted a lot, I understood that what the audience wants to see is a lot. Time is an emotion, just the right emotion. It is a natural emotion when placed in the picture. The director said that you want to show the happiness of the bride, so I made marriage a happy expression of eating sweets, and the director clapped my hands. As long as I If I don’t say it myself, no one will know. The audience will only think that I am happy for marriage when they see it.”

Cai Cai nodded silently, she already had this feeling.Many times, when she acts, what she thinks in her mind is not the role and the play.

"But it also shows that the character has been eaten into it, and the emotions needed by the character can be expressed appropriately, and I can't act yet. I think this is also very good."

Lawrence nodded, indeed, "but there will always be a little regret"

Cai Cai understood what Lawrence meant by the regret.After an actor takes on the role, he always hopes to achieve a kind of confidant-like empathy with the audience, which is the same as Boya Ziqi's feeling of me playing the piano and then you understand my piano sound.Actors also hope to meet one or even many sub-periods when they perform, and understand the various moods and small movements of actors during performances.Many times singers, actors and fans have feelings together, in fact, most of them are because the fans are bosom friends.

But the reality is that in most cases, it is actually difficult for the audience to understand the performance of the actors.After all, through external influences and blessings such as shooting, post-production, editing, special effects, dubbing and soundtrack, etc., the actor's performance is actually wrapped up layer by layer, and even screened. The audience will see a very successful character, but it is very difficult. It's hard to see the actor's true interpretation of the role.

In the perception of many people, the best performance is the interpretation of true feelings, but in fact, it is not the case in the finished work.The actor's performance is integrated and harmonious with everything in the whole work, so that the audience can see the most appropriate interpretation, so that the work can be more complete and beautiful.This is the so-called one-wood actor does not make a forest.

But many actors, especially those who are very confident in their performance, just want the audience to see that they are alone.Even Duxiu.

This is like many actors in the circle. The reward they want the most is not an award, but being praised for saving the entire work
This kind of thing is too much, but it is true to say that there is pursuit.

It's just that the circle doesn't like this kind of aspiring actor very much.This will make many actors who pursue the realm of performance switch to stage plays or dramas.At least the direct face-to-face performance communication on and off the stage will touch people's hearts more than across the screen.

However, Cai Cai felt that only [-]% of the audience was moved by the performance on stage, and at most no more than [-]%.What's more, it is still infected by the emotions and environmental atmosphere of other audiences around.But the feedback received by the actors on the stage is still [-]% real, and they even marvel at the audience's applause and tears, etc., and more.

"Regrets are regrets. There is no regret in being a person and doing things, and the performance is even more so. Many highlight shots are still done unconsciously or by accident. I think what the audience wants to see is the whole story. In this story, all If the role is performed well, the story will be very exciting. Only when the audience remembers the story will it have a more profound impact on the character, and thus the actor will be remembered. It is always the role that makes the actor first, and then the actor. What does this mean, it means that only by playing the role well first, let others remember us through the role, and then we can say that only I can play this role well.”

Cai Cai remembers what Xianjun said, "You must have the ability and heart to give up who you are. What the audience wants to see is the ability. The emotional focus in acting is to express, not to be true or false. Is the character dead? Parents, actors must have real experience?"

Lawrence either didn't understand this point, or she was a bit stubborn. She thought that Cai Cai would also be awkward in this regard, but she didn't expect that Cai Cai was more open-minded and mature than her.That's right, Cai Cai herself has a very cheerful personality, and she doesn't get too entangled in anything. Only people like Cai Cai who can think freely and focus on acting can go on the road of acting for a long time.She is like this, she has already reached the bottleneck
Carl listened for a long time before interjecting, "Actually, there are a large number of fans and film critics who over-interpret actors' performances. Many of the performances that are praised by fans as having depth and god-level performances are all hyped by buying drafts." Therefore , there is no need to be so anxious. He doesn't understand why Lawrence is unhappy and regretful. In his opinion, it's because her manager didn't do a good job. When she senses the artist's anxiety, she should find a way to solve the problem and comfort a good actor. It's hard, but it's easy to secretly spend money to buy some drafts for the actors to see.

Many brokerage companies coax artists like this.This is also a means of retaining artists, but it is much better than suppressing others.

Cai Cai pats Carl, good guy, you are so right.Lawrence was a little confused, but he understood, well, there are indeed many methods.
"Actually, I feel that the performance has no depth. It has something to do with the director and the screenwriter. There is no need for the actors to be responsible. Some directors pay attention to details, and the characters will be rich and three-dimensional, such as Jarvis. When the screenwriter writes a character, the logic is inconsistent. Actors and actresses are also not good at acting. For example, when I was filming in China, an actor couldn’t ride a horse, so he rode a prop horse. After the filming, only those who can ride a horse can see the problem. Others, including the director, will watch it. not coming out"

Carl is curious, what's the problem?

"The frequency of her ups and downs is wrong" This actually has bugs in many film and television dramas, but although the audience can't see the key to this bug, they can tell at a glance that this horse is riding a fake horse.

"If you don't care about the audience seeing it, then it's okay, but the director and this actor insist on pursuing the effect of riding a real horse, which will definitely not work." Cai Cai spread his hands, "Then tell me, who is to blame for this? An actor who can ride a horse? Lai, a young director who has never filmed a horse-riding scene? Anyway, if it is publicized that all the actors ride real horses, the blame will definitely fall on this actor. The audience will also scold this actor. "

So when Cai Cai discovered this bug, he first told Xianjun.Cai Cai didn't know how Xianjun told the general director Qi Quan, anyway, this bug never appeared again.

"So, in acting, it's actually not easy to pursue real feelings and real performances. Don't put too much pressure on yourself." Cai Cai comforted Lawrence.Originally, she came to ask for advice on acting, but it turned out that she was a bosom lady for a while, which can be regarded as very rewarding.

Then when Cai Cai practiced by herself, she found that she could show the eyes of licking the eyes when watching the dessert video.

Um, it's fine if it's useful.

After a busy week, it was finally finished.Just in time for the day before the press conference for the launch of the third season of Empire.

Cai Cai dozed off while eating dinner. Although it was a wrap-up banquet, because she was still underage, she would still be kicked out after dinner, and the others would continue to drink and have fun. Only she had to board the plane after dinner , to the filming location of the third season of Empire.You know she was still wearing a costume and wielding a sword three hours ago.
so tired.
Carl came over to clink glasses with Cai Cai, only to find that Cai Cai was about to fall asleep holding the cup, he helped Cai Cai take down the cup helplessly, and signaled Meizhang and the others to come over, and take Cai Cai back to rest first.

There is no other way for Meizhang. Both Xianjun and the company have explained that they want to shoot a few videos of the Misty Finale Banquet. No matter what the results are, it will not affect Misty's next filming plan, and no matter how Cai Cai's performance is on the golden coat this time, it will not affect Cai Cai's status in the project of Misty.

(End of this chapter)

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