Chapter 222
Because Li Nu was born with auspiciousness and an unusual status, even the people who waited around her felt that they were extraordinary, and they rarely put anyone in their eyes.Only when the emperor is pampering the harem or courtiers whom he trusts, they dare not be too presumptuous. Others, such as those few princesses who don’t have a strong sense of existence and the emperor rarely asks about, are just like court ladies in the mouth of the eldest aunt.
But in fact, the mothers and concubines of those princesses were all born in officials, and they had connections in and out of the palace. Seriously, they were actually much stronger than raccoon slaves.Others are still dreaming of marrying a raccoon slave to Princess Shang, but the mothers and concubines of these princesses can see it very clearly - it is impossible for the emperor to marry a raccoon slave in his life.That's why their attitudes towards Li slaves are somewhat subtle, showing respect on the surface and pity on the inside, even contempt and ridicule.And even if they didn't tell their daughters about this attitude, how could their own children not notice it?
Besides, it wasn't the first time Li Nu had suffered at their hands since he was a child.Basically every time the raccoon slave suffers first, and then the emperor pretends to be a good person and jumps out, pretending to support the raccoon slave, saying that he is punishing those princesses, but it really doesn't hurt or itch, and sometimes the raccoon slave is fine. , the emperor just said a few words verbally.However, these princesses did not dare to really hurt the raccoon slaves, because when they were young, the raccoon slaves accidentally fell and broke the skin on their hands. The national teacher was shocked, the emperor was furious, and killed many people, including a prince and two princesses. .
Regardless of whether there is any intention of the emperor to make use of the topic, anyway, it is necessary not to hurt the raccoon slave.

The raccoons don't get hurt not because she is who she is, but because she is a mascot.It is auspiciousness, the emperor's heart protection pill, and the people's peace of mind pill.

She is a lot of things, an existence that many people like to look up to and admire, but she is not a person alone.

Li Nu sat up slowly, smiled, and quietly watched the eldest aunt standing by the screen, without delaying people on both sides could see her clearly, spitting and talking.Li Nu just looked at it like this, looking at it, as if he was encouraging but also as if he was having fun.
Shen Yu lowered his eyes, and slightly scanned the other side of the screen, vaguely, as if seeing a raised corner of his mouth.But inexplicably, he knew, she wasn't smiling.

Interrupting Eldest Aunt's next words, Shen Yu asked someone to bring the emperor's reward. The raccoon slave sat still, but the tone of his speech was full of emotion and joy, and asked Eldest Aunt to go down to clean up. She had something to tell General Shen to play to his father. The emperor, to thank the emperor for his kindness.
What the eldest aunt likes to do the most is to receive rewards, and she runs very fast when she shows up to get rich, and she is even obviously prioritized over serving by Li slave's side.Baoyi waited for the eldest aunt to leave, and found a reason to send the other maids away. After coming out, the door was not closed, but the door was wide open, and he stood guarding the door.

The raccoon slave pretended to cough twice, "General Shen, long time no see, how are you?" The last time Shen Yu was injured, it was the raccoon slave who hid him in the carriage.

Now Li Nu has affirmed Shen Yu's identity to a certain extent, and he is definitely not a royalist, nor a prince's faction, but from a certain faction that she doesn't know, and Shen Yu is still the leader of this faction .
So Li Nu just wants to find out whether Shen Yu is someone she can cooperate with. Anyway, it is definitely not hostile.
Shen Yu stood closer to the screen, and he could basically see Li Nu clearly.Then he discovered that Li Nu's sitting posture did not seem to be the sitting posture of a person injured by falling from a horse.
"How is Your Highness injured? Your Majesty ordered you to call for an imperial doctor."

"." Li Nu's face flashed unnaturally, the imperial doctor let it go, but he also realized that he seemed to be seen through by Shen Yu. However, years of experience in pretending to be sick and pretending to be injured allowed Li Nu to react quickly.She seemed to lose all her strength, and fell backwards, as if she had hit a wound, Li Nu couldn't help moaning.

It's the kind of cry that hurts so badly but contains depression.

Shen Yu is very familiar with this kind of voice, because he will sometimes make it like this. Before he had time to think about it, Shen Yu strode around the screen and came to the raccoon curtain, separated by the hazy bed curtain, a little anxiously, "Why? Like? Where does it hurt?"

The treasure clothes outside the door still had their hands hanging down, but the hem of the clothes moved slightly.

When Li Nu saw Shen Yu coming in, he turned his head to the inside, coughed intermittently, and even his body began to tremble.

Shen Yu didn't care about the rules, he lifted the curtain and stretched out his hand to support the raccoon slave, but just when his hand was about to touch the raccoon slave, he quickly shrank back and carried his back behind him.

Seeing all this from the corner of the eye, Li Nu secretly rolled her eyes, and then coughed even worse, because she was almost lying on the bed, so her voice was muffled and depressed.

Shen Yu relied on Li Nu not being able to see his face, so he made no effort to hide the pain in his eyes, the hands behind his back were tightly clenched, he looked as if he was the one who was injured.

Li Nu really didn't want to pretend to be coughing, otherwise she would really cough, so she slowly raised her head and pressed her lips with a handkerchief, "Small things, I have been used to them since I was a child."

Shen Yu thought that before he left the palace, he saw that the princesses who had been grounded by His Majesty had already run to the front of the palace to play with the river lanterns, so he frowned and felt even more distressed for Li Nu, "If Your Highness doesn't dislike it, in the future, This subordinate will seek justice for His Highness."

To be fair, I won't ask for it myself?If I have any grudges, I will report them on the spot. Look at those princesses who will not wake up tomorrow. How happy they are today will be how sad they will be tomorrow! !
Li Nu was thinking in his heart, and wanted to thank him.

Shen Yu didn't really see Li Nu's face, so he was a little worried, "I heard that His Highness hurt his arm, it's better to lie down to recover from the injury."

Li Nu responded, continued to press his lips, slowly turned around, and sat back.

As a result, Shen Yu discovered that she was pressing her lips with a handkerchief wrapped in gauze, that is to say, she had been pressing her injured arm under her body just now, and she was using it to cover her mouth with the handkerchief However, put the hand not wrapped in gauze on it, in a protected posture.
"." Shen Yu took a step back, looking helplessly and vigilantly at Li Nu.

"." Li Nu realized that he was exposed when Shen Yu's body stopped.When Shen Yu stepped back, he quickly put on a flattering expression.

"General Shen is really a cure for the disease!! Just come and see me and I'll be fine~~~"

When Shen Yu heard these words, he became a fairy in an instant. He couldn't hold back and stopped, and the play stopped.

Cai Cai knew the scene was over when he got stuck, and also broke away from the role of the raccoon slave, reaching out to grab Xianjun's clothes, "I can't change this sentence well? It's good, right?"

The original line of the script is [General Shen is worthy of being the God of War, just take a look at me], which means that Shen Yu is like a god, showing his spirit.

"I think the raccoon slave hates living people being treated as mascots, gods, Shen Yu is someone she secretly likes, so it shouldn't be said that Shen Yu is the manifestation of the God of War." They explain.

Xianjun sat on the ground, Qi Quan and the screenwriter also came over and approved Cai Cai's changes.

She is indeed a famous actor who eats characters into her stomach and brings them to life. She has discovered even such tiny logic bugs.

After going through the script again, continue shooting.

Shen Yu found out that Li Nu was faking, and his first reaction was to feel sorry for her.Because she can pretend to be so proficient, it means that she has met many times since she was a child. He wanted to tell her that he didn't have to be so careful, but it was nonsense to say it, not to mention that he had no position and was not able to say such a thing.
"I will report the injury to His Majesty truthfully. His Highness is so injured that he can't get up. I should rest in the mansion for a few more days. I will naturally serve His Majesty well for the affairs in the palace." To avenge the slaves, the princesses must be grounded.And don't take the hands they used. As for the emperor, Shen Yu also planned to be an eyeliner to help the raccoon slaves keep an eye on them.

After saying this, Shen Yu was about to leave.

Li Nu quickly grabbed the hem of his clothes, "Stay, General."

Shen Yu stood still, but did not turn back immediately, but stopped for a while, and then slowly turned around.

"Does your Highness have any orders?"

Li Nu looked up at Shen Yu, "Concubine Wu Shu's father, Wu Jin, the servant of the Ministry of Rites, is a member of the eighth prince. He is not a member of the fifth prince. He appears to be loyal to the fifth prince, but in fact he has long been in collusion with the eighth prince. It is also the same to promote you." The meaning of Lao Ba, but whether it is the emperor or others, they all think that promoting you is the meaning of the fifth prince. You have to be careful, if Lao Ba asks you to ask you to do something, you must be careful." Concubine Wu Shu gave birth to two Princess, so I chose other princes to bet on
This was made public by Li Nu himself, and he told Shen Yu about this kind of thing.Before, she just sent a message secretly, or said something for Shen Yu to find out by himself.Even if Shen Yu already knew that the raccoon slave was helping him, no matter whether it was overt or covert, but the raccoon slave hadn't said it himself, Shen Yu followed her will and pretended not to know.

Now I heard Li Nu say it himself, Shen Yu knows that something has changed.
But Shen Yu actually didn't want this kind of change.
"Your Majesty, do you know who was responsible for the serious injury last time?" Shen Yu asked, bending down and facing the raccoon slave.

Li Nu's eyelashes trembled, she did it.Because she found that Shen Yu wanted the fourth prince, her brother, to know the truth about her mother's death.
"I didn't know who you were at the time, and thought you had malicious intentions towards the Fourth Prince, so... I'm sorry." Li Nu apologized very simply.

The fourth prince is the one that Nanny and the others really protect.So after realizing that Shen Yu was approaching the fourth prince intentionally, Nanny and the others became murderous.Because Shen Yu is too mysterious and powerful, the nanny and the others got news of Shen Yu's actions from her, and wanted to kill Shen Yu behind her back.She only had time to pick up Shen Yu and hide him to heal his wounds. It doesn't matter whether you talk about these explanations or not.

Shen Yu tore off the hem of his clothes, "Your Highness, you and I are each masters, each has its own fruit, and the way is different. Don't plan. Please, Your Highness, do it yourself." After finishing speaking, he left without looking back.

A trace of pain flashed in Li Nu's eyes, the way is different. The way in this world has never been different.For money, power, and love, it's all for yourself. Your Shen Yu's way can't escape the one for yourself. But my way has never been different from yourself. It's really different. The red mark left by the hem of the clothes, the light in the eyes slowly dimmed.

"It's over!" In this scene, there are several eyes and micro-expressions that must be in place, otherwise the filming will not be good.Qi Quan was worried about getting stuck at first, but he didn't expect to finish it much better than he imagined.Cai Cai's eye drama is really strong.

Xianjun came over and looked at Cai Cai's hand, "Are you all right?"

The scene of the red marks on the palms was not included in the script, it was added by Cai Cai himself after discovering it.Naturally, Qi Quan could only pat his thigh with satisfaction.This is the real princess, and this also hints at the tragic ending between Li Nu and Shen Yu.

And many psychological activities, in addition to expressing with eyes, need to be dubbed by the actors themselves in the later stage.There were also people who were arranged to recite outside the venue, but Xianjun felt that this was not the emotional rhythm of his own speech, so he recited it in his heart. Cai Cai and Xianjun learned it, and it was the same.For example, the last part of Li Nu's heartfelt words about the way of doing things for oneself will be dubbed in the later stage.The time for Cai Caimo to read is actually not short, it is almost enough to call the card.But Qi Quan found out that Cai Cai hadn't been in the show, so he didn't call it off. In the end, Cai Cai used the red marks on his palms to add a scene.

Fortunately, Qi Quan is a veteran, so he immediately asked the camera to follow up and captured the red mark.Otherwise, Cai Cai's painstaking efforts will be abolished.

"It's okay." Cai Cai shook his hand, but the field manager still found medicine and sprayed it on Cai Cai. Zhou Qing saw that the medicine was good, so he didn't need to bring it himself.

After taking a few more shots, it was time to shoot the next scene in this scene.

In this scene, Li Nu was really hurt.

This was the time when the sixth prince rebelled. He wanted to kill the raccoon slave and use her to sacrifice the flag. The emperor couldn't take care of himself. If Shen Yu hadn't missed the sixth prince's knife with an arrow, the raccoon slave would have been wiped off his neck on the spot.But the knife still cut Li Nu's shoulder, bleeding a lot.In the end, the sixth prince was killed by Shen Yu, and the emperor dared to stand up at this time. After scolding the sixth prince, he said that this was the fate of the sixth prince who hurt Xiangrui.Li Nu was bleeding, and was dragged up to the high platform by the emperor to show everyone. When Li Nu couldn't stand and was about to collapse, he hugged her and pressed her wounds secretly with his hands so that she wouldn't faint.
It wasn't until the emperor was satisfied that he let Li Nu go, but he didn't let anyone lift her, and let Li Nu go down by himself.It was only when Li Nu couldn't leave that she had people drag her down, trying not to let Li Nu fall down.The imperial doctor must be sent to ensure that the raccoon slave is safe and sound.

Shen Yu watched all this with his eyes, his palms were bloody due to anger and patience. But he couldn't catch up, and he couldn't even take a second look.
After Li slave returned to the princess mansion, he was seriously injured and fell into a coma.But the emperor blocked the news, saying only that Princess Changping was rewarded with countless treasures for her meritorious service in rescuing her, and the princess just stayed in the mansion to enjoy the rewards.But the nanny, Mrs. Yang, still spread the news. With Shen Yu's means, many people knew that the princess was seriously injured, and she might even be dying or already dying.

(End of this chapter)

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