After the second marriage, I acted weak in a wealthy family

Chapter 452 Join if you can't beat it

Chapter 452

"I go."

He Biya was about to follow the horse, Li Yixiao's eyes became sharper, "No, you can't go."

He resisted desperately, "You've been cowardly since just now, why, tell me, why can't I go?"

Li Yixiao took a deep breath, let go, and murmured, "I'll go with you."

Ma Yi glanced at Li Yixiao, "Sir, I want to see Miss He alone."


Li Yixiao glanced at He Biya in a calm voice, and when the four eyes met, He Biya was very firm, "Be careful."

He confessed sheepishly that maybe when He Biya saw that person, she could really stand by his side. The way she looked just now, there was a hint of wit in her pretentiousness. She thought she was acting by herself. How good it is, once she gets stuck in this matter, it will be difficult to get out.

"He Biya, have you made up your mind?"

Li Yixiao asked, He Biya had already stepped out, Ma Yi walked in front and urged, "Think about it, I'm not a child anymore." She followed Ma Yi as she spoke, her back gradually disappearing Among the crowd around her, Li Yixiao looked up at the sky, devastated, and didn't know that after she saw that person...

Li Yixiao picked up the phone and dialed a number, "Hello?"

The person on the other end of the phone was silent for a while, "It's rare to call me."

"He Biya left with the person in the spider's web." Li Yixiao's voice dried up for a while, and the person on the other end of the phone coughed a few times, "Did you feel ashamed of her all these years?"

As the voice fluctuated, the person on the other end of the phone murmured, "Are you looking for me to make amends? Li Yixiao, you have no right to say that about me. Could it be that you were not responsible for what happened back then? Don't you want to give her back to me too? Don't you think you're a little hypocritical now? "

Li Yixiao was silent, and he couldn't find any loopholes in what he said to the law. As soon as the thought in his heart dried up, he immediately hung up the phone and called Chang An, "Help me find Liu Yian's phone number."

"Sir, why do you suddenly want his phone?"

"Find it for me soon."

Li Yixiao remembered that Liu Yi'an had been to Shuiyunju, and Chang An would leave his phone number for everyone who had been to Shuiyunju, as usual, and he brought a few young and beautiful girls with him that day.

After a while, Li Yixiao called Liu Yi'an.

"I'm Li Yixiao."

Straight to the point, Li Yixiao's tone seemed a bit hasty, and Liu Yi'an on the other end of the phone let out a long "Oh."

Li Yixiao became more anxious when he heard that he was not in a hurry.

"The relationship between He Biya and I is clean and there is no personal relationship."

Li Yixiao choked his throat, he never explained anything to others.

"And then?" Liu Yi'an asked slowly, "Those gossip news are all fake." Li Yixiao explained, Liu Yi'an was calm, he came to explain so quickly, what did he want to express, "Do you think you Just say a few words and I will believe you, do you think you are a child? Huanhuan is a child of the Liu family, and I will stay. As for He Biya, I will not care about her life."

Liu Yi'an coughed twice, and his heart was brewing for a while, this should seem ruthless enough!

"You left her five years ago, do you know what she has experienced in these years? What do you mean she doesn't care about her life or death, even a domesticated dog can't be so ruthless!" Li Yixiao yelled, listening to the sound For a moment, Liu Yian's scalp tingled.

(End of this chapter)

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