Chapter 323 Elimination Rules (1)

If you ask me, why not ask Xiang Yang, I was eliminated at that time, according to the rules, the eliminated people will not know the next question.

Hua Changming frowned, He Biya snorted, if I believe this, you don't have to go out of this coffee shop today.

Where did you get the confidence to trap me? Liu Yian is lying in the hospital, who else can you rely on?
He Biya tilted her head, rolled her eyes, did you see those people passing by with umbrellas outside?
He Biya pointed. Since she came in, she has been looking out of the window from time to time, and accidentally saw Ah Feng's figure. She thought it was sent by that emotionless father.

Hua Changming closed his eyes, Liu Yi'an just wanted to lock him up, this He Biya wanted to do it!

When did you become so patient?

Hua Changming looked in the direction of her finger, and quickly took it back.

People change, Hua Changming, you don't know that my biological father is Song Fuyun, you always say you are bad, but I think you still have some distractions for Yang Yu.

Suddenly the wind chime outside the door rang, Hua Changming shrank back inside, He Biya stood up and looked, there were two young men, they chose a remote corner to sit down, He Biya stood for a while, staring When she met those two, she pulled Hua Changming and was about to go out.

"Did you offend someone?"

He Biya lowered her head, not daring to look back, Hua Changming seemed to realize something, and with a glance, the two young men actually caught up.

"Afeng, Afeng." He Biya yelled, a man holding a black umbrella chased after him, and handed the umbrella to He Biya, "Someone follow me."

Ah Feng looked behind He Biya, the two young men seemed to have been stimulated by something, they suddenly stopped and began to chatter.

Hua Changming and He Biya walked side by side, and both of them quickened their pace, "I always suspected that there was a ruthless character among the people who played the game that day, but I didn't even find out who it was today."

"There are two winners in the end, one is Liu Yi'an and the other is Xu Jinnian. Those questions are too tricky, no one can stick to the end. He Biya, actually there is one more thing I didn't tell you."

When Hua Changming walked and talked to He Biya, his speech speed increased. After that game, everyone would exchange their secrets, including me.

He Biya held her breath, exchanging secrets?She frowned, "To you, those secrets are valuable?"

Hua Changming nodded, "If you want to control others, you must at least have a handle. At first, I didn't understand why Liu Yiping wanted to leave this game, but once many things are exposed, no one can escape."

Hua Changming put his hands in his pockets, and when he looked back, Ah Feng had already stopped those two people far away.

"Then what's the secret you got?"

He Biya finally let go, found a bench on the side of the street and sat down, Hua Changming looked around, "My secret, it says, number 6, I like those young boys, I Take them baby, I love them, and if they don't love me, I'll kill them."

He Biya lay on the bench and glanced at Hua Changming, "It's very exciting, on par with you."

"At this time, are you still in the mood to joke with me like this?"

(End of this chapter)

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