Chapter 165 That Midsummer (3)

As soon as He Biya went down, she saw her grandmother calling someone with an elderly phone.

In the evening, Second Uncle Zhao came to apologize to He Biya with his child, and offered a lot of nutritional supplements.

Grandma took the things and drove them away.

He Biting and He Biya stood aside and watched.

"Is this figured out?"

"That's all my head is worth?"

Granny He glanced at the two sisters, "It's not that simple, since the things have been delivered, it's better than nothing."

Granny He pointed to the mung bean cakes on the table, "In these years, most of the family's income has been dependent on Xiaoting. After two years, grandma will find a good marriage for Xiaoting."

He Biting was taken aback, "No rush, wait until Xiaoya graduates from university."

Seeing He Biting waving her hands, He Biya suddenly felt guilty. If she grew up faster and went to college sooner, she would be better.

After the college entrance examination, Grandma He went to the city once, and when she came back, she told He Biya that He Biting and the He family had nothing to do with each other anymore.

What's going on here?
She was fascinated by the wild men outside, Xiaoya, you are grandma's good baby, grow up quickly, and exchange all the money for her, our He family does not have such a child.

Grandma's words hit He Biya's heartstrings. One second, she was still discussing her college entrance examination application on the mobile phone He Biting bought for her, and the next second her grandma was going to kick her out.

It was only later that He Biya found out that her grandmother had talked about a marriage with He Biting. She was the son of a carpenter in a neighboring village. So I went to the city to find He Biting, hoping to save her from wasting a few years outside.

But as soon as she went to the city, she saw He Biting being hugged by a middle-aged man. The two were standing at the door of the hotel and they were arguing about something. Granny He stepped forward and pulled He Biting to take her home, but He Biting was unwilling. Let's go, saying that there is something we haven't finished talking about, and asked Grandma He to wait for her at a nearby coffee shop. She also gave Grandma He five hundred yuan.

Seeing the wretched appearance of that man, Grandma He became even more frustrated.

Granny He asked, what is your relationship with this man? How did I teach you when I was a kid?
He Biting shook her head. She had a sense of proportion in her heart. This was a client of Yuexing Entertainment. Jiang Langyue said that if he was taken down, she would be given a 20.00% commission.

Grandma He has always been a fiery person. Seeing He Biting's self-willed and depraved appearance, she said directly, "You won't come with me now, and don't come back in the future."

He Biya secretly called He Biting to ask about the situation. Grandma was lying on the bed with a cold towel covering her forehead, and she kept muttering, what kind of sin was this? .

He Biya listened carefully and brought grandma a bowl of water.

Don't be angry, grandma still has me!
She finally thought that such a sentence could comfort grandma, and grandma sat up suddenly.

He Biya, Xiaoya, listen to grandma, no matter what time you put your mind on a man, he can pamper you for a while, but not for a lifetime, you can do everything by yourself.

He Biya nodded casually, grandma was right, I listened to grandma.

Don't expect too much from others, expect more from yourself, Xiaoya, Xiaoting didn't like you when she was young, and you slowly kissed each other when you got older. After grandma left, there are only two of you left in this world.

Grandma is talking nonsense.

He Biya kept a straight face, imitating her grandmother's manner and making a few pee pee pee, and grandma was about to spit it out, and grandma was immediately amused by He Biya, and also pee pee.

Early the next morning, grandma was drying corn on the roof, and she called He Biya, who was making cakes below, to pass her a piece to taste.

Before He Biya went up, grandma fell from the roof. He Biya yelled that she couldn't find anyone, so she had to ask Uncle He for help. When she was sent to the hospital, grandma still had a breath , confessing that He Biya must get He Biting back.

He Biya, who was sitting in the hospital, was at a loss. He Biting brought her grandma to check up before. She pressed the number on her mobile phone and called He Biting.

With a tired voice, He Biting told He Biya where to register and where to get the medicine.

He Biya sat in an orderly manner, but when she came back, it was too late.

She called the doctor to save her grandmother, but in the small hospital in a barren town, the doctor went to rescue Hua Changming's grandmother first.

It seemed that all the efforts were in vain, He Biya knew nothing but crying, Second Uncle He sent Grandma to the hospital and then went home, and when she came again, it was already at Grandma He's funeral.

When He Biting came back, she held a beautiful funeral for Grandma He, and spent another [-] to [-] yuan to buy Grandma He a beautiful place to be buried.

The gossip in the village was never short, but she never took it seriously.

After that, the house in Hejia Village was renovated.

People in the village said that Grandma He's granddaughter was meaningless to raise, and she only renovated her house after she died. He Biting didn't care, she said it was her and He Biya's home.

That year, He Biya was both sad and happy. After He Biting finished the funeral and decorated the house, she went to work in the city. When she came back, He Biya had already received the acceptance letter from Tianda University.

Later, He Biya read He Biting's diary and found out that Liu Yiping had recommended this school to her.

That's right, she didn't even go to college, and she was still helping herself fill out the volunteer application.

He Biya's hand on the hospital bed trembled slightly, and Liu Yi'an was lying on the hospital bed next to her.

"How did this happen!"

Song Fuyun yelled, and Wu Juan, who was sitting in a wheelchair, lost her gaze, "It's all life, it's all life."

Her throat was a little choked, and Yu Jiajia beside her squatted down.

"Aunt is fine, they'll be fine."

After a while, Fu Xiao, Xiang Yang, Lie Changfeng, Pei Xiaohua and Song Yan all came.

"What's the matter with the driver?" Song Fuyun asked Aqiang coldly, "Drunk driving."

Song Fuyun said coldly, "The driver of a big truck is actually drunk and driving?"

Ah Qiang lowered his head, "Yes, the police are still investigating the specific situation. I asked the doctor about the old man, and they said they were only in a temporary coma."

Wu Juan was sobbing, "I just hope they wake up soon, these two children are suffering, I asked you to help me find out Xu Chengjun's whereabouts, have you found it?"

Song Fuyun smiled slightly, and glanced at the people standing in the room.

"I found it."

When Xiang Yang heard the name, he unconsciously glanced at Fu Xiao, and the two of them stared at each other in silence.

"It's my brother Nuo's mother. He came back this time to find her." Lie Changfeng was about to say something.

(End of this chapter)

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