Chapter 109 Giant Python
After all, it was the first time he made the clothes by himself. Although it was ugly, it was very meaningful!

When those strong men went out at first, they happened to see Shi Nianyu who was about to go out.

When seeing several strong men, Shi Nianyu's eyes were full of astonishment.

I didn't expect them to move so fast!

"You guys finished it so quickly?" Her eyes were full of doubts, "Where's Ye Tian?"

"Could it be that I didn't do it..." When she taught them how to make clothes, she had a premonition that these rough people would definitely not be able to make them.

"Ye Tian is still making clothes." Zhao Dongzi looked at Shi Nianyu and said first.

"Make clothes?" Shi Nianyu twitched the corners of his mouth, if others couldn't do it, he just stopped doing it. Is he so persistent?

After learning about it, Shi Nianyu finally understood that the reason why the co-authors came out was because Ye Tian took over all the tasks of making clothes.

It seems that Ye Tian is quite talented.

You have to focus on cultivating it.

"Let's go." Shi Nianyu glanced at these strong men.

It's not too cold today, and she, who is most afraid of the cold, didn't feel particularly cold.

That proves that today's weather is really good.

"I stepped on the first few spots, let's go and see if there are any big ones." Shi Nianyu looked at the four big men in front of him.

It's really a pity that such a few strong people don't make good use of resources.

Several strong men nodded.

Hearing that it was a big one, they subconsciously felt that the so-called big one must be a wild boar.

Unfortunately they guessed wrong.

Following Shi Nianyu came to her destination.

Looking at the cave in front of him.

Zhao Dongzi inexplicably felt that there was something infiltrating inside.

For people like them who are used to living in caves, there are either poisonous snakes or beasts in this kind of cave.

After Shi Nianyu lighted a fire effortlessly, he led them in with a torch.

According to her observation, there is likely to be a giant python here.

"Sister Yu, what are we going to do?" Li Qi looked worried.

"You'll know later." Shi Nianyu glanced at them, but didn't tell them what prey they were going to hunt.

With incomparable curiosity and apprehension, several strong men followed Shi Nianyu into the innermost part of the cave.

"That that... that is..." Lin Fa pointed at the things in front of him, stammering, his eyes full of disbelief.

Before he finished speaking, Shi Nianyu tightly covered his mouth.

He warned in a low voice: "If you don't want to die, don't make a sound! Understand?"

After finishing speaking, he looked at the other people and repeated it again.

She deliberately brought them here today to see the world and practice their courage.

It's not okay to be so big and so timid.

Several big men nodded like pounding garlic, not daring to take a breath.

Seeing their nervous appearance, Shi Nianyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

It doesn't have to be so...

"I've been staring at this snake for several days. I don't know what's going on. It hasn't entered hibernation for the past few days."

Looking at the boa constrictor that had completely entered hibernation in front of him, Shi Nianyu's eyes were filled with determination.

This snake is five meters long.

Enough for so many of them to eat for a long time!
Different from Shi Nianyu's excitement, several strong men went out of the situation completely.

Shi Nianyu: ...

These people have the appearance of a strong man, but they don't have the heart of a strong man.

"You guys wait here." Shi Nianyu twitched the corners of his mouth.

Forget it, she would bring them here today, and she didn't expect them to help hunt snakes.

She brought them here to carry things.

Fortunately, she is not alone.

Knowing that these strong men were unreliable, she was quite prescient and asked Fu Jinyan to come.

At this time, he should have come.

Sure enough, as soon as she thought of Fu Jinyan, he came.

He came directly after receiving the notification from Shi Nianyu.

I know it's a snake hunt.

But when he saw such a big snake, he felt his scalp was still a little numb.

Because snakes are hibernating, this is the easiest time to catch snakes.

Because when the snake hibernates, it is the most vulnerable time.

Therefore, catching snakes at this time is much easier than usual.

Shi Nianyu and Fu Jinyan have cooperated and successfully hunted many large animals.

Therefore, the cooperation between the two of them is still very tacit.

It is said that when you hit a snake, you hit seven inches, and the seven inches is roughly the heart of the snake.

That's where the snake is weaker.

The two walked up to the snake lightly, and they joined forces.

One person attacked its heart with the tip of a knife, and the other used Shi Nianyu's self-made tool to control the python's body.

After a fierce struggle, Shi Nianyu and Fu Jinyan successfully captured the giant python.

Several strong men watched Fu Jinyan and Shi Nianyu's operations, their eyes filled with admiration.

They excitedly walked towards Shi Nianyu and the others.

To be honest, they have never seen such a big snake since they were young!
It's been a long time!

Just when they were about to reach out and pick up the snake.

But it was stopped by Shi Nianyu.

"Wait first." Shi Nianyu looked at the snake lying on the ground solemnly.

Although it is dead, its nerves are not dead.

So the snake at this time is still very dangerous.

We have to wait a little longer, until it is confirmed that it is completely dead before we can take it away.

Hearing Shi Nianyu's explanation, several strong men nodded with a half understanding.

While waiting for the snake to die completely, Shi Nianyu walked around the cave with a torch.

She found that there seemed to be some totems on the rock walls of the cave.

Looking at these totems, Shi Nianyu suddenly thought of something.

As an archaeologist in her previous life, she knew that such a totem probably meant that the bottom of this cave... might be the tomb of a certain important person.

She looked dazed while holding the totem, but she quickly realized it.

Take a torch and go check out the boa constrictor.

The catacombs below the cave... need a long-term plan.

"Okay." He looked at it carefully.

The giant python on the ground is dead to the ground.

She directed these strong men to carry the snake up.

"Don't tell me, this snake is quite heavy!" Li Qi said with difficulty while carrying the snake's tail.

To be honest, even though they knew the snake was dead, they were still inexplicably frightened carrying such a big snake.

I'm afraid that the snake will suddenly come back to life and swallow them alive, what should I do?
As soon as they got home, Ye Tian came out with the finished clothes.

After working for so long, I finally finished all the clothes.

When he came out and saw the giant python carried by four strong men, Ye Tian was suddenly frightened and took several steps back.

"This, this, this... You guys... What did you do?" Ye Tian looked at the four strong men, his face full of disbelief.

"Of course not..." Several strong men shook their heads, they just helped carry it back.

(End of this chapter)

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