The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 429 That Object 1 Was Determined to Declare Sovereignty

I don't know how long it took, the two talents returned to the Educated Youth Academy, Ye Qinghe looked at the moon, and waited for a while before returning to the Educated Youth Academy.

"Ye Zhiqing, do you have a date?" Did you slander and talk about a date at night?

But Ye Zhiqing went out several days a week.

This is not a conversation partner, he and Ye Zhiqing's surname must be a conversation partner.

"So obvious?"

Zhang Zhiqing was surprised, and Liao Zhiqing was also surprised.

Ye Zhiqing admitted it.

Admit that he has an object.

They didn't dare to ask before.

After all, they ate a lot of good food, and they all thought it was something given by Ye Zhiqing to help Fang's accountant's son with his homework.

"Ye Zhiqing"

Ye Qinghe changed his voice, "Do you think I have a partner?"

Zhang Zhiqing and Liao Zhiqing looked at each other, a little puzzled.

If there is an object, Ye Zhiqing's object must come out to declare sovereignty.

It is even possible to come to the Educated Youth Court to find Ye Zhiqing, or even come to deliver food.

But none of these, none of them.

Does Ye Zhiqing have a date?
"Not like."

"Yes, it's not like, before Yu Zhiqing's partner often came to our educated youth courtyard to look for him, and Yu Zhiqing also often went to find his partner. If you have a partner, why didn't we see your partner come to you, and you didn't go either Find your partner."

His partner didn't come to him?

Why didn't you come.

It's just that you haven't seen it.

Ye Qinghe thought of his partner's ventriloquism, and wanted to ask her where she learned it.

She knows the sound of birds singing in any season.

It's just that the sound is louder than normal bird calls.

They all want her to perform, and how can she scream.

"Go to sleep!"

Fang Youyou went into the mountain early in the morning, carrying a small basket on her back.

When you see some chicken fir fungus, you pick some, and there are some wild fruits.

"Here are early peaches, and loquats. I'll give you some of this fungus as well."

Give him the things one by one, and there is a small basket handed to him.

"There are still red bayberry trees in the mountains. They haven't turned red yet. Wait for another week."

Every time we meet, we are either giving something, or we are on the way to give something.

"Here are some wild eggs. Take them yourself."

Ye Qinghe saw her talking and giving the basket, "It's gone?"

I saw a certain person look around, and kissed him on the lips again, a peach smell lingered on his lips.

"It's gone now, go back quickly! I'm going back too."

This morning, when some aunts saw her carrying a backpack, they were going to ask her what she was carrying.

Fang Youyou hates people asking about this the most.

Ye Qinghe returned to the Educated Youth Court with his things. The educated youths who were cooking got up, but the educated youths who didn't need to cook hadn't woken up yet.

I took my things back to the dormitory, and took the chicken fir fungus to the kitchen.

"Burn a soup and go out to pick it."

The educated youth who was cooking saw a few mushrooms and nodded in agreement. Even the clear soup was delicious, and he didn't think it was a waste of time to make one more soup.

The educated youths in the Educated Youth Academy saw a large plate of mushroom soup for breakfast in the morning, and when they heard that Ye Zhiqing went out to pick it up, they all looked at Ye Zhiqing.

Ye Qinghe coughed lightly, "I saw it when I went out, so I dug it back."

"That educated youth is lucky, this soup is too fresh."

Now after they share the fine grains, they eat vegetable steamed buns, two for each of them.

Fang Youyou has a lot of things here. He caught a rabbit, picked some wild fruits and fungi, and sent some wild fruits and gallinaceous mushrooms to Uncle Fang's house, as well as half a rabbit.

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