The female supporting role is a heartthrob in the chronology

Chapter 285 Planning to Give Educated Youths a Quota

Chapter 285 Planning to give the educated youth a place

The two cousins ​​arrived at Fang's house while talking.

"came back?"

When I saw them go out, still carrying the bucket, I knew what they had planned.

"Second Auntie, we are back. We went into the mountain and saw a lot of persimmons, so we picked some back."

There are indeed persimmons on the barrel.

After taking out the persimmons on the top, the things under the barrel are exposed.

Mother Fang was not surprised when she saw it.

"Mother, stew old duck soup and make dumplings."

Fang's mother glanced back and forth between her daughter and the duck in the barrel, "Okay."

These ducks are quite fat.

However, there were many people at night, two of them were killed, and the remaining three were brought back by Xiao Wu, and two were sent to Jianshe's daughter-in-law. Her second aunt can't go to the city for the time being.

Fang Xiaowu also helped kill ducks and pluck their feathers.

"Mother, have you finished planting the wheat?"

While Fang's mother was busy, she replied to her daughter, "Not yet, but it won't be a few days to plant. After this work is over, I plan to plow some fields."

There are quite a few cows in the brigade, and when the time comes, members of the commune will sign up to plow the fields, ten centimeters a day, and many people will go.

My old man also plans to give the educated youth a place.

"Brother Wu, there are still some mountain products in the mountains, let's go pick some."

Few people go to the deep mountains, even if they know there are mountain goods inside, they dare not go. What should I do if I risk my life for this little mountain goods?
The entire brigade knew about the fact that the educated youths were chased by wild boars last year.

There are still some bold ones, but very few.

"Then come back early."

Fang Xiaowu carried a pannier and a fertilizer bag, and changed into clothes. Fang Youyou also changed into clothes before entering the mountain.

Mrs. Fang walked around and came to the second child's house with food.


Mrs. Fang could already smell the fragrance and knew what the second daughter-in-law was doing.

"Second daughter-in-law, this is food. Your father and your eldest brother are going to eat at your house for a while, so don't let it go."

There is no need for Fang's mother. The elder sister-in-law has to take care of her in the city for at least half a month. The elder brother and father can cook, but the taste can only be said to be edible. The mother-in-law brings the rations of the elder brother and father, of course it is ok.

"Yes, yes, mother, you beat it, there are so many, I stewed two, left two for Jianshe's confinement wife, and one for my uncle."

"I can see it."

Fang's mother mentioned dumplings again, and asked Mrs. Fang to help make dumplings.

The cousins ​​who have entered the mountain here are busy.

Chestnuts, hazelnuts, pecans, and persimmons.

Even saw wild rabbits.

The two returned home with a full load.

Fang Xiaowu thinks that he is the elder brother, and he must carry the basket.

Fang Youyou, the younger sister, didn't stop her either.

Some aunts frowned when they saw them coming back with persimmons on their backs.

"The persimmons are very astringent, why did you pick so many?"

"Who knows?"

"Xiao Wu has gone to work, otherwise, he will go back to the village to play during the summer and winter vacations."

"Xiao Wu is already at work, so I don't know if he has a partner?"

"They must be looking for girls from the city, why would they look for our rural girls?"

"It's uncertain."


When Mr. Fang wandered back, he saw two brothers and sisters busy peeling hickory nuts in the yard.

"Picking so much?"

"We were lucky. When we saw that there were no picks, we picked them back."

Mr. Fang also came to help.

"Mom, I smell the fragrance, you can order me a dumpling first, and I will send it to Master."

None of the elders stopped him, Lao Zhao was alone, and he was also Yoyo's master, and Yoyo was learning medical skills from Lao Zhao.

(End of this chapter)

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