Heart attack

Chapter 538 Chapter Remembrance

Chapter 538 Memories
Because of such a passage, in the silent space, only her tail tune remained. Guo Guangshan squeezed the teacup with his hand, and it was difficult to think about what it meant.

She bumped back and forth in a panic, not knowing whether she should say these words, after all, it was the Guo family's housework, and as an outsider, she was not qualified to take care of it.

Suddenly, a pair of hands covered the back of her hand, encircling her thin palm. The panic just now calmed down, and countless words returned to her mind.

She slowly settled down, facing Guo Guangshan, her nervousness became relaxed, and when she looked at him again, she was no longer a famous director, but Guo Erqi's grandfather.

Tang Hong also said: "During the few months I was on the crew, I have been helped by Guo Erqi. Guo Erqi's viewpoints, his grasp of the camera, and shooting techniques, I dare not pretend to be professional, but in terms of viewpoints, due to professional reasons , I was really driven by her many times."

"Guo Erqi has more powerful skills and opinions than ordinary people, and is far more mature and stable than expected. Grandpa may be the elder, so he always treats him as a child, but in the eyes of many people, Guo Erqi is already a Great director."

Guo Guangshan's fingers froze, as if he really listened to the words.

Seeing the effect, Tang Hong also hurriedly said; "Grandpa, you must have heard Wen Yin say a lot, I know that persistence in your career is what you have always done, but Guo Erqi has his own views, and it is not necessarily true for someone to film a movie. It's for the money, but someone must have come for the money."

"Guo Erqi is not a person who will be hungry and obsessed with art. It's not because he doesn't love art, but because he has some considerations. Grandpa, I believe that the people you bring out must be people who love this industry."

Sheng Yan patted her, turned to Guo Guangshan and said, "Grandpa Guo, we won't delay your rest as soon as you get out of the hospital. I'll call someone over to prepare a nutritious meal for you later."

"No, there's Lao Yu here. Going to the hospital is not the gate of hell. It's no big deal. It took you so long. Go back quickly." Guo Guangshan waved his hands, his body still hanging down.

This appearance is just like her grandfather's back then. I haven't seen the old man for a long time, and the old man's appearance is slowly lost in memory.

Probably thinking of his relatives, Tang Hongyi remained silent on the way back.

"Don't think about it." Sheng Yan said, covering her head with her big hand, rubbing it left and right, "What are you thinking about, so addicted?"

"I think of my own grandfather. When I was young, my grandfather often quarreled with my dad. The main reason is that my dad was more noisy and out of shape. Later, he was trained by my mother."

Tang Hong also came out from his arms, "Do you think Guo Erqi will talk to Grandpa Guo?"

"Did your father finally talk to grandpa?" Sheng Yan asked.

"Let's talk about it, but it was a long time later. At that time, grandpa was not in good health, but he was young and had good strength. He insisted on being brave and went out to the field with others. He fell and stayed in the hospital for a few days. When he came back, he Let's talk."


"Actually, I don't remember much. It seems that my father worked overtime again. When he came back late and grandpa couldn't sleep, the two father and son chatted in the living room all night. Afterwards, the relationship became better."

Tang Hong also thought about it carefully, and Song Qingke told her about many details later, and she almost forgot about it herself.

"But I think it's fine if we can reconcile. If it weren't for Grandpa Guo, I don't know that I have begun to forget so many things."

She was a little reluctant to part with those memories, "You said that if one day I start to forget, what about the two of us?"

(End of this chapter)

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