Heart attack

Chapter 489 Childhood

Chapter 489 Childhood
"I'm not easy to persuade, you have to work hard."

Guan Sizu's fingers froze, and the place she patted was burning hot, not because of her strong hands, but because he felt a little sad.

It turned out that he still avoided Tang Hongyi at the beginning, and these were reasons he couldn't think of himself.

After the breakup, he thought about many things. In the five years they were together, they seemed to spend a lot of time together, but in fact they were very little.

They don't get tired of being together every day, Tang Hong is also busy with the group, joins the group, he is busy with all kinds of flamboyant world.

Perhaps it was the comfort of seeing each other occasionally that made him reluctant to leave all at once.

In terms of accompanying him, it is really not as much as a feast, and what he does is not as much as a feast.

As she said, beside Feast, she is a happy and healthy little girl who has never been sick.

"Father of the gold master, be sincere, you will be convinced in my literary world sooner or later." Tang Hong also slapped his chest resoundingly.

"It doesn't hurt?" Guan Sizu was astonished, and pulled her hand down, "I'm convinced, I'm convinced."

"Happy?" She rubbed her chest, "It really hurts."

"I'm sick." He let go of his hand and sighed softly, "It's not a big deal, it's just thinking about when the relationship with the feast became like this."

"Sheng Yan and I have known each other since we were three years old. You heard that day. I haven't had any conflicts with him, but he has been like this since he changed."

"Changed?" Tang Hong also pinched his palms to make sure he wasn't dreaming.

"He didn't tell you?" Guan Sizu was also shocked, and he couldn't believe it. "I thought he would tell you."

"He tried, but..." Tang Hong also thought of his eyes, those eyes that were as bright as stars, and when these things were mentioned, they became horrified and confused.

"It doesn't seem to be aimed at me."

Guan Sizu pulled a chair for her, "Sit down, let's chat with you."

"What are you talking about?"

"Feast." Guan Sizu said, "He was different before he was five years old, completely different, aren't you curious?"

Tang Hong also sat down, answering the curious reply.

"You know children, when you are young, you are either making trouble or laughing. In fact, it is not a big deal. Sheng Yan is such a person, who can laugh and make trouble."

"When we were young, we often went to play baseball together. Occasionally we would cry when we lost. We grew up in a greenhouse. We all regarded each other as the same person and never changed."

"Until the age of five, Sheng Yan asked for leave and didn't come back for a whole week. I went to find him, but there was no one at home, and the whole room was cold."

"When he came back a week later, he became taciturn, and he didn't like to laugh or play baseball. When they were young, the two kids who shared their sneakers could laugh all afternoon. From that day on, they didn't laugh much, and then the feast was transferred to another school. "

"We haven't seen each other since we transferred to another school. I have no ability to look for him, and there is no news about him. There are only occasional rumors that he goes to school in Beijing, and the rumors all come to Huaicheng."

"It is said that he fights and fights and does all kinds of evil. He is a bastard that even teachers have a headache. In short, he has a bad reputation. Afterwards, I had some time to go with the house. He didn't refuse to ask him to meet. I didn't see you."

"The feast changed completely. It was probably the day he came back. He took over the Shengshi Group in one fell swoop, pushed Chairman Sheng from the position of president, and held all the shares and power of Shengshi in his own hands."

"I went to join in the fun. You know my temperament, but you just wanted to ask him what's the matter, but he refused. His tone was very cold. Do you know the look in the murderer's eyes?"

Tang Hong also choked, and shook his head vigorously, not daring to think about what it meant.

Even though she already knew what Guan Sizu wanted to say, she hoped that he would not say these words.

(End of this chapter)

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