Heart attack

Chapter 416 Later

Chapter 416 Later
"Did anything happen before the feast?"

Probably the question got to the bottom of his heart, Sheng Peiqing opened his mouth, but couldn't say anything: "Actually, I don't know the specific things. I was young at that time, and I didn't know anything. I only found out after a little investigation, but I know It must be different from my brother’s personal experience.”

"I understand."

Even if Sheng Peiqing didn't say anything, Tang Hong could probably guess that it should be the unborn Sheng Yan.

"Okay, here we are." Sheng Peiqing led her to a room, "My mother is inside, she said she wants to see you, don't be afraid, my mother must have something important to say if she wants to see you, and she won't embarrass you."

Tang Hong also smiled helplessly: "I'm not afraid."

"Mom, let's go in." Sheng Peiqing pushed open the door, and what caught his eye was a tall painting, which should be some kind of historic site, and Tang Hong was not familiar with it either.

After opening the door, Sheng Peiqing didn't go in again, leaving Tang Hongyi alone. She opened her legs and listened to the voice inside: "It's Hongyi, come quickly."

Tang Hong also quickened his pace to go in, and then saw Kang Simiao sitting on an ancient wooden chair, holding two pills in his hand, "Come on, sit first."

She sat down and at the same time saw the names of the medicines, which were all antipsychotics.

Raising her eyes, she met Kang Simiao's watery eyes, and she smiled kindly, with obvious smile lines from two years: "Do you know these medicines?"

Tang Hong also nodded, "They are all antipsychotic drugs. I investigated them before when I was researching similar characters."

"That's right, they're all antipsychotic." Kang Simiao put away the medicine and picked up the photo album on the side, "Here's this for you to see."

It was a yellowed paper photo album. She took it carefully, and opened a page. The paper was already yellowed, and it seemed that even a little force would break it.

Tang Hong also looked at the photos. The photos were beautifully developed. The little boy in the photo album was smiling very happily, with a baseball bat in his hand.

She looked over carefully and found that the shoes worn by the little boy were very familiar, as if she had seen them at... grandpa's house.

The pair of sneakers that were despised by the feast.

"Is this a feast?" Tang Hong also asked in surprise.

It wasn't her fault for being startled, but the little boy smiled very happily, with hope in his eyes.

Different from the current one, which occasionally shows a gloomy and cold appearance, the current photo looks like the appearance he should have.

"It's Yan'er." Kang Simiao leaned over and pointed to the photo album, "Every photo here is Yan'er."

Kang Simiao: "This one is Yan'er's favorite rice cake when he was a child. He would pester me to eat rice cakes every night. Later, when Xiao Liang scolded him, he cried aggrievedly."

"There is also this one. He went out to play with Master Xiaoliang, his body was covered in mud, and he was smiling very happily."

"This one is also very cute." Kang Simiao looked at it, with tears in her eyes, "When I was young, Yan'er was very fond of laughing, playing, playing ball, being clingy, crying to please others, and later... "

"Later..." Kang Simiao wanted to say, but he choked on the words.

Tang Hong also followed her introduction, flipping through Shengyan's childhood one by one, watching Shengyan cry for eating rice cakes and laugh for playing ball.

Every photo expresses that he had a perfect and happy childhood.

Kang Simiao wiped away her tears, "Something happened later, I fell ill, Yan'er was still young, Xiaoliang had to be busy with the company, too many things to take care of, Yan'er supported the family all by himself, and blamed me."

The words were stuck in his throat, and Tang Hong didn't know how to speak.

Kang Simiao: "Yan'er also had a very good childhood, I wondered if I hadn't lost my temper at that time, would Yan'er be different now."

(End of this chapter)

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