Heart attack

Chapter 371

Chapter 371
Specifically, I was filming in a remote area and there was no signal. After learning about this matter, I quickly contacted the official blog to deal with it, and there was no rhythm or even deliberate behavior.

Just when things were turning the page quickly, someone else revealed at the same time that Jiang Wenya was eating, drinking and having fun in the most luxurious area of ​​the capital during the few days when she disappeared, not filming at all.

However, the post was quickly suppressed. Most of the people who knew about it retweeted and retweeted the matter.

Jiang Wenya, who saw Weibo in the morning, seemed to have a big mouthful of blood in her throat. She couldn't say anything. Just a few days ago, she wanted to teach Tang Hongyi a lesson. Unexpectedly, the lesson would intensify and become helpless in the end. control.

However, the public opinions of netizens are all positive. She is still very relieved, thinking that Tang Hongyi really gave up and quit, and it turned out that he was hiding this trick.

Seeing the sudden drop in the number of pinks one by one, Jiang Wenya was angry and hated, but she had no choice but to teach others a lesson for Su Hexiang, and she had no hatred for Tang Hongyi herself.

But now, it is not necessarily necessary to touch Nilin.

She didn't believe it, and Tang Hong couldn't dig out any black material.

However, before she started digging, she was panicked by another news.

A marketing account broke out that the award for her post-view was bought, and the public opinion was one-sided in an instant, and Jiang Wenya panicked for no reason.

Because any news can be spread, at most it will be a show to cover up the past, but if it involves buying and selling awards, this stain will not be covered up for a lifetime.

Followed by it, there is also speculation about one's own ability.She has seen too many stories of people standing on the commanding heights falling off the altar for no reason.

She can't, this is her only chance.

Subconsciously, Jiang Wenya took out her mobile phone and found Su Hexiang's phone number. She had already gotten to this position by relying on Su Hexiang, so she couldn't fail again.

This one end was in a daze, and Tang Hong on the other end was also in a daze.After dealing with Weibo matters in the morning, he was picked up by Sheng Yan and left the bed.

He said he was going to take her somewhere, but it was still mysterious.At this moment, Tang Hong was also standing alone in a cemetery.

Sheng Yan went back to get things, and now she was alone.

This cemetery looks very expensive. As Sheng Yan said earlier, the person who wants to worship is at the highest place.

There is no gloomy feeling like other cemeteries here. Rather, if there are no tombstones in front of you, it must be a good place with beautiful scenery.

The noon sun was very hot, and the cold wind brought some coolness when it blew, which made this place a bit lonely, surrounded by flowers and plants everywhere, very spacious, and looking back, you can see the whole city.

The tombstone is on the mountain, and standing on the hillside has a completely different sense of majesty. Being able to stand the tombstone here shows that either this person attaches great importance to it, or he was very rich during his lifetime.

At least to be able to erect a monument here must be a rich man under certain circumstances.

The feast will bring her here, and the reason is self-evident. He was on this mountain yesterday, paying homage to a very important person.

There are still very high steps in front of her, and at the top of the steps there is a tombstone illuminated by the sun, a few miles away, it is still as bright as a human being.

Tang Hong was also inexplicably attracted, his body moved naturally, and he jumped up a few steps. Suddenly, his fingers were held by someone, and Tang Hong immediately fell back and fell into the hands of the steps and the feast.

Tang Hong also returned to his senses in a daze: "Shengyan, you, you are here."

"What's wrong with you?" Sheng Yan felt strange, and glanced at the top, "Did you see anything?"

Although it's a bit ridiculous, Tang Hongyi's state just now was obviously not right.

Tang Hong also felt strange, and felt that there was an idea lingering in her mind, calling her to go up.

(End of this chapter)

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