
Meng Huaiyin didn't expect to work overtime.

It must be a very serious matter for them to handle it in person.


Xiao Nanqi nodded, "Sit down, we're leaving."

The two raced all the way, stuck at the maximum speed limit.

When they came to Changxin Park, they were already surrounded by the staff of the Bureau of Demon Control.

Xiao Nanqi pushed aside the crowd and looked at the person in charge this time, "What's going on inside?"

When the visitor saw Xiao Nanqi's eyes lit up.

He said, "More than 20 people inside are not mentally normal, and they will attack others everywhere."

"After we found out, we immediately set up an enchantment, and now they cannot see these more than 20 people in the eyes of outsiders."

"But even if you can't see it, you can be attacked."

He looked a little complicated, "So we immediately dispersed the tourists in the park."

"Would you like to go in and have a look?"

Xiao Nanqi nodded, and heard him say, "The people inside are too aggressive, and many park facilities have been destroyed."

"Luckily no one was hurt."

He glanced at Xiao Nanqi cautiously, "We have used up the 'panacea' you left in the department last time, but the effect is minimal."

The authority of the person in charge this time is relatively low, and Meng Hu pulled it over temporarily, so he didn't know that the bottle contained dragon's breath.

Thinking about it, how could the little bit of dragon's breath in the bottle be enough to dissolve more than 20 grievances?
"Take us in."

The person in charge only saw Meng Huaiyin behind Xiao Nanqi at this moment, he was a little surprised, isn't this the female guest on the romance show that Xiao Nanqi participated in?
Why are you here together?
Despite his doubts, he still acted according to Xiao Nanqi's words.

He broke through a small corner of the barrier, "Go forward, it won't last long, and the barrier will close again."

The two stepped into the enchantment together.

It has to be said that the enchantment of the Demon Management Bureau is very useful, and Meng Huaiyin stepped into it.

There are basically two places inside and outside the barrier.

Outside the enchantment, the wind and the sea are calm, and there is no dispute with the world.

But inside the barrier, it was dark and very gloomy.

A black hand suddenly stretched out, Meng Huaiyin reflexively cast a spell, and the black hand was instantly annihilated.

Seeing this scene, Meng Huaiyin suddenly thought of the haunted house in the playground.

If the staff hadn't said that the grievances here would move, no one would have thought that this was actually a collection of more than 20 personal grievances.

Meng Huaiyin was shrouded in consciousness, but found that the resentment was too strong, covering part of her vision, preventing her from prying.

She frowned, and looked at Xiao Nanqi sternly.

Xiao Nanqi took out the magic weapon and broke through a resentment in the sky, "Look again."

This time there was no cover, Meng Huaiyin successfully saw the black-eyed, elongated body, twisted and slender limbs, and the entangled crowd.

They were all black, and the black air wrapped around them, as if they were alive, continuously penetrating into their limbs and skeletons.

With just one glance, Meng Huaiyin was startled.

what are these? !

Can they still be called human beings?

Is this level of distortion really something humans can do?
Meng Huaiyin's complexion was not very good, Xiao Nanqi noticed it immediately.

he asked aloud.

Meng Huaiyin shook his head, "Come with me."

She followed the picture she just saw and kept walking towards her destination.

Soon, a huge monster appeared in front of them.

Xiao Nanqi was shocked by the scene before him.

This is something that has never been recorded.

Nothing like this has happened in the thousands of years since the appearance of grievances.

Even though resentment can persecute people, it is more of a mental torture.

There has never been such a thing that directly changes the structure of the human body.

The more than 20 people in front of me have long since disappeared, and they are entangled together.

The limbs are like noodles, thin and long, and some even boldly stretch out towards them.

The two looked at each other, and they were not sure whether these people could return to normal even if the grievances were resolved.

Meng Huaiyin released her power and tried to purify them, but found that these entangled grievances were very powerful and completely unaffected by her.

As soon as she gritted her teeth, she changed back to her dragon form and shuttled directly among them.

The black air in front of her was scattered by her in bursts, and they gradually peeled off from the body, becoming thinner and lighter.

Xiao Nanqi was not idle at this time, and directly took out the magic weapon to attack the scattered resentment.

The two worked together, and the sunlight gradually penetrated the dark space.

Meng Huaiyin was a little out of strength, the spiritual power she cultivated during this period was not enough for her to release.

Although she can deal with resentment all over her body, the most effective thing is her spiritual power.

After solving more than 20 personal grievances at once, she seemed to be hollowed out.

At this moment, she has returned to her human form, and she is a little out of breath.

The more than 20 people in front of them have recovered their calm, and they are all weakly unconscious at the moment.

Although the grievances have been resolved, the elongated bodies of these people have not changed back.

They have been separated now, but their limbs are still hanging limply like noodles.

Xiao Nanqi rushed over from a distance, he supported Meng Huaiyin and let her lean in his arms.

Now they have determined that this altered body structure cannot be restored.

Now things are a little more difficult.

The placement of these people has become the biggest problem.

From the outside, these people are obviously not normal people. Even if they are still alive, they are no longer suitable for human society.

Appearing in front of ordinary people with this image will only cause them to panic.

Xiao Nanqi contacted the person in charge this time and asked them to come in a few people.

As soon as the person in charge received the news, he sent 5 people, including himself, into the barrier.

As soon as they came, they were shocked by more than 20 people lying in a row in front of them.

Maybe it can no longer be called a human being.

The person in charge was very surprised. When they opened the enchantment before, even if these people were not normal, they just acted crazy.

There is no current state.

"Contact the General Administration for an emergency meeting to decide where these 'people' go." Xiao Nanqi said calmly.

The person in charge obviously realized the seriousness of the matter. He looked at the people behind him, "You take them back to the Demon Control Bureau, and I'll contact the people at the headquarters."

The people below were stunned, they had never seen such a scene before, they all froze in place.

"Hurry up!" What were these people doing, but they didn't move.

They reacted and hurriedly carried the more than 20 'people'.

They sighed in their hearts, and they didn't know whether it was lucky or unlucky to live in this state.

One of the employees went crazy when he touched them.

Why is this soft and slippery touch so uncomfortable.

Their whole bodies seemed to have no bones. If he didn't know that it was a person, he would have thought it would be a pool of soft flesh.

Moreover, these people are too long, already exceeding the height of normal people. When they are lifted up, their limbs will still hang on the ground.

If he wasn't a demon, he wouldn't be able to carry them.

"Let's go back to the game too." Xiao Nanqi looked down at Meng Huaiyin.

Meng Huaiyin nodded and lay down weakly.

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