Yun Shu really didn't care what they said.

After the two sentences were spoken by Mrs. and Mrs. Cheng, the couple said that they understood the matter of cooperation, but they still need a day to go back and check it out.

The two parties said goodbye politely and returned to their respective hot spring rooms.

Yun Shu focused on that radish ding, stood up and left, while Gu Xing consciously picked up the clothes from behind, put his hands on her shoulders, and then pulled her back.

When the family of three walked away, he asked in a low voice, "Do you like children?"

"She's very cute." Her parents praised her like this before, including several neighbors, who said she was the most beautiful among the children surnamed Yun.

Gu Xingze rubbed her shoulder twice with his hand, looked at her curled eyelashes when she blinked, and said inadvertently, "That means you like cute children. Want one?"

She said slowly: "Steal it? Or it doesn't matter if it's not yours? Only when the parents grow up well can the child be beautiful. I should find a more beautiful man..."

"If you still want this mouth, just shut it temporarily."

She just kept her mouth shut.

The restaurant is not far from the hot spring room, and their bedroom is next to the hot spring pool, which is also very warm.

After Yun Shu returned, she sat at the end of the bed with her legs curled up, and for some reason, suddenly talked about the past.

"If it wasn't for these things, I'd probably be married by now."

Gu Xingze who just hung up his clothes: "?"

He turned around, rolled his eyelids and looked at her while pulling his belt: "19 years old, not yet the legal age for marriage."

She slightly raised her head to look at the night outside the window, and Pingping said: "The law still stipulates that people cannot be kidnapped and imprisoned."

But no one violated it yet.

"But under the age of 20, there is no marriage certificate to get. What you are talking about is not marriage, at most it can be called a reasonable cohabitation."

Gu Xing walked up to her, traced the end of her eyes with his fingertips, and asked lightly, "If you didn't have these things, would you develop relationships with people at this age?"

"Not necessarily," she tilted her head to avoid his fingers, "When I left home, Sanniang was afraid that I would be cheated and sold outside, so she wanted to introduce me to someone to get married and live a life with, so there was someone who could take care of me .”

She didn't agree at the time, but she didn't rule out finding someone at the right age to start a family.Parents are away, there are multiple family members, and the stove can be hot during the Chinese New Year.

Then... Then I didn't expect to be tricked into selling it.

Gu Xingze let out a faint laugh in his nasal voice: "Find someone to take care of you? Can ordinary people take good care of you?"

Yun Shu frowned unhappily, lay back, raised her foot to step on his waist and gave a kick.

"I'm not a quadriplegic in bed. I'm a hard worker."

He held the foot, raised his eyebrows and said, "I didn't see it."

She doesn't cook, doesn't wash dishes, doesn't clean up, doesn't buy things for the house, and has a big temper. When she encounters a dish she doesn't like, she can pretend to be a robot for a long time.

The more he thought about it, the more amusing he became. He bent down and tickled the dress she was wearing, and said:
"Today's clothes are still worn by me. You live a life of clothes and food, which is called good care?"

"Whose fault is it that I can't wear it? You have done something wrong and I have to bear it myself. That's not called taking care, it's called bullying." She stretched out her foot to kick again, and was caught by Gu Xingze again. …

Gestures evoke unbearable memories.

Gu Xing pressed him down, nodded and admitted: "That's right, it's all my job. I take it off, and I should wear it."

Yun Shu felt bad when she met his eyes, and tried to turn over and crawl out, but turned over just as Gu Xingze wanted, and pressed her with her palm and held her down.

Yun Shu: "...what are you doing?"

Gu Xingze: "Check it out. Didn't you say tight when you put it on?"

Yun Shu: "It's because your hand is there."

Gu Xingze: "My fault. But it's really a little small."

Yun Shu: " get out."

Gu Xingze: "It's really fierce, baby. Do you want me to get out, or get out with your hands?"

Yun Shu: "..."

She bit her lower lip, her eyes drooped, and she quickly glanced at the big palm protruding from her clothes.

"Whose reason is it small?"

Gu Xing buried his head in her neck and smiled: "My reason, I plead guilty. Go home and change another batch, and I will help you choose?"

"Don't worry about it."

"Don't be so polite, it will have to be unbuttoned by my hands anyway."


"Well, I like your pervert. There are coming and going, say, I like it."


"Don't tell me? It seems that you are only willing to speak the truth when you are out of breath."

"I thought only young people would like to come and go."

"...You say I'm old?"

The low-pitched whispering soon changed again, and Yun Shu realized the danger and planned to run away, but she jumped off the bed before stepping on the carpet and was fished back.

It can be said that the two days in the hot spring pool were used very well, so good that when Yun Shu left, she didn't want to take a second look.

People often say that every plant and tree in my hometown is a memory of childhood, and here is a memory that I don’t want to recall every step I take.

When she was alone, she couldn't help but wonder if liking muscular men was a wrong hobby.

When they left the resort, they met three members of Cheng's family at the exit.

The other party agreed to cooperate.

But there is a prerequisite, the information of the other two victims is needed.

"In yesterday's risk analysis, Ms. Yun missed the attitude of the other two victims. According to the information we found, those two did not have a strong desire to sue the mastermind."

Yun Shu replied without changing her face: "They are included in the last risk I mentioned. They are unwilling to change the status quo, and want to pretend that they have not learned the truth, and just live like this."

Mrs. Cheng tried: "Then you..."

"No emotion, just do what you want."

"That's good. Apart from protecting their real information according to the law, we won't cover up much."

Yun Shu nodded, restrained her emotions, and asked calmly as much as possible: "When can I start?"

"If there are no accidents, you will be able to see relevant entries on the Internet at noon tomorrow. I give you a suggestion, don't read too many bad comments, it will affect your mood."

"OK, thanks."

Watching their car drive away, Yun Shu turned her head to look at Gu Xingze, pursed her lips tightly, and then smiled: "It's about to start."

The last wave of this matter is finally about to begin.


An ordinary Saturday at the end of December.

When the gossip pioneers on the Internet could only eat fried rice over and over again, at twelve o'clock at noon, a big V account with over [-] million influence released a shocking news.

#Ning’s entertainment president caught in a scandal of seducing girls from mountainous areas for fun#
The news was spoken in the tone of the victim's appeal, and a few hastily handwritten timelines were attached. The font is relatively immature, more like the contents of a diary.

【…On June 27 this year, after handling the funeral for the last family member, I went to the small county alone to make a living. 】

[In July, I was injected with drugs, unconsciously appeared in the primeval forest tens of thousands of kilometers away, became a performer in Ning Siyun's birdcage, was treated as a guest of a variety show, and worked hard to pass the game to please the audience. 】

[In August, I was given to one of the audience as a lover, and I was locked in the villa and was not allowed to go out. 】

[In November, Ning Siyun's sister revealed all the truth to me, and I ran out]

[In December, I got the evidence and called the police to sue Ning Siyun]

【Twelve days later, Ning Siyun was acquitted】

The words in the last picture suddenly became much more standard, and each stroke seemed to be engraved——

【I am a bug in the glass jar of the giants, I can never escape, I can only rot in their hands. 】

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