Chapter 339 Chang Jin

It was already mid-December, and after two rains, the sky finally cleared up in a county in the neighboring province.

There are many ancient towns here, and the tourism industry is developed. Many places have been deliberately maintained, and the ancient architectural style of many years ago is still maintained. Looking at the past, there are not many high-rise buildings.

As soon as you go out, you can see the blue sky, white clouds and rolling mountains.

Chang Jin took his bag and went out. When he was about to lock the door, he was still talking in a low voice into the room.

"I have something to go out for a while this time, it won't be too long."

"It was a friend I met in the army who asked me for help. His name is Gu Xingze. I told you, remember? The girl he likes is in trouble."

"I won't go home for half a year like before returning to the team. I didn't bring two clothes in my bag, so I couldn't run too far."

No one responded.

Just as the key was about to be taken out of the keyhole, he stopped and opened the door again the next second.

"Do you want to come with me?"

The gardenias in the living room were shaken by the wind, and Chang Jin smiled with downcast eyes.

"Okay, then I'll take you with me."

He went to get a photo of Zhang Lin Qingqing, pulled off the jacket, and put it in the inner pocket close to the mouth.

There are already five photos installed there, with a little curvature protruding from the heart.

After putting the photo away, he took another gardenia, and finally walked out.

From here to Yinyun County, you have to cross several provinces, even if you change to the fastest local transportation every time, it will take three days.

The last means of transport is the country bus.

Dusty, covered with dried mud, driving on bumpy dirt roads.

Drive a little faster, and the windows vibrate deafeningly, looking like they might be scrapped on the road at any moment.

There are many detours in Yinyun County, and a long section of the road is on the hillside. I heard from the people in the car that if you drive up and downhill after it rains, the car will slip, and you have to push the whole car down.

When the station stopped, half of the people went down and vomited.

The driver saw that he didn't look like a local, worried that he would read a joke, and explained: "They rarely take this kind of car, and there are many detours here. Are you the son-in-law here?"

Chang Jin knew a little of the dialect of this province. He shook his head first, then handed him a cigarette, and asked with a frown:
"I want to ask where is the police station here? I have a younger sister who came to play at her classmate's house and got lost."

The driver cherished the good cigarette and put it on his ear.

"The police station is a little farther away. I'll take you there. I just happened to pass by there to pick up people."

Chang Jin said thank you, and then asked casually: "The police station here is very busy. I called them and heard that there were a lot of people lost."

"How much we don't know." As soon as the car started, the driver could only shout at the top of his voice.

"But I did see a few people who came to look for someone, crying and shouting, and dragged them to the police. There was also a family. The children in the other house had good grades in school, but they couldn't find them after going out to play. They never disappeared. People are dead but there are no corpses, and the family is crazy, if you walk past, maybe you can meet them and ask you for a photo."

Chang Jin frowned.

"Is it a girl?"

"Hey! Girls lose big boys and boys lose children. Boys are always abducted when they are young, and girls are abducted to be daughters-in-law when they grow up."

"Didn't the police station help find it?"

"It's so easy!"

The driver shook his head and turned the steering wheel skillfully.

Chang Jin glanced outside. A woman in a padded jacket with a child on her front and a basket on her back was holding a steelyard to sell persimmons.

The quality of the red and bright persimmons looks very good. In Haicheng, they are probably high-quality goods in supermarkets, and some of them are sold for more than a dozen or 20 yuan.

It's just a few bucks for food here.

He looked back and asked again: "Master, are you planning to repair the road here? Only after it is repaired will more people come."

"If you want to get rich, build roads first, who doesn't know! But it's not up to us to decide which dead moths are doing what immoral things!"

"That's right. But you don't repair the road. From the outside, you are the only car that runs here. I waited for a long time to get it. I wanted to take a taxi but didn't see a good one. I was afraid of getting a black car."

"Hey, are you afraid of taking illegal cars with your physique? But although we are poor here, as the saying goes, there are rich people in poor places, and there are still a few families who have good cars!"

"Then have you seen any good cars? The bigger ones. If I find someone, I will take my sister and classmates back with me."

"Bigger ones? Yes, you can go to the hotel and ask. There is also the building material city. They all have larger vans. If you spend more money, they should pull you away. By the way, do you want to stay in a hotel? I can I recommend two for you, depending on whether you want the cheaper one or the better one.”

The corner of Chang Jin's mouth curled up a little: "It's cheaper, I'll have to spend some money to find my sister."

"Then let me point it out to you. Turn right at the police station and walk two streets, then turn left again. There are many cars and hotels on that road."

After finishing speaking, I just arrived at the place.

He thanked him, walked to the noodle shop opposite the police station, and ordered a bowl of noodles.

On the way to wait for the surface to come, he glanced around secretly.

The police station was also dusty, with mud splashed on it and it hadn't been cleaned for an unknown amount of time.

On the two wire posts next to it, there are also murderer wanted letters and missing person notices.

On the street, there was no sound of police cars coming and going, and no noise of disputes. Everywhere was peaceful and peaceful. The customers and owners of the noodle shop were still talking and laughing while sharing the happy event at home.

However, when a person finds a cockroach under the sun, it means that there are too many cockroaches in places that cannot be seen.

The peaceful small county is a high incidence of crime.

After eating the noodles, Chang Jin still didn't go into the police station.

He took note of the location and went to a hotel first.

Gu Xing didn't give many clues, so he had to figure it out first.

The notice of the police station's assistance in handling the case should have been sent here, but it may be useful, or it may be a warning.

Other people who came to investigate may not be able to find anything for the time being.

So he had to find another way.

The hotel I was looking for was on the edge of a three-way intersection.

Cars heading for villages and towns in dilapidated stations will stop here to welcome passengers, shouting "you can get on".

The cars driving here from villages and towns will also stop here for a few minutes, and then the owner of the hotel will come out to pull people.

It costs 30 yuan a night. Before I stayed in it, it was hard to imagine that there would be such a hotel.

In the damp and small room, a wooden frame bed almost takes up the entire space. The old stained glass window is pushed open, facing the sewer behind, and the electric pile full of aging wires.

Most of the people who live in are migrant workers, gray-haired middle-aged men, taciturn women, and of course young girls.

At the age of seventeen or eighteen, he was tied with an ugly low ponytail, his clothes were old, and the eyes on his face couldn't tell whether it was ignorance, numbness, or habit.

They come out to work, and after working for two years to save some money, they have to go back and get married.

(End of this chapter)

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