Catch that system

Chapter 414 What is stolen is to be repaid after all 33

Chapter 414 What is stolen is to be repaid after all 33
Chapter 411 The Stolen Things Have to Be Returned After All 33
Afterwards, the current dynasty established regulations to protect women's dowry. Unless the woman herself willingly gave the dowry to her husband's family, no one could rob or cheat a woman's dowry.Offenders will be sentenced to beheaded, or sent to the army and exiled.

Even if the woman is gone, her dowry can only be used by her own children, and others are not allowed to rob and deceive her. If she has no biological children, it must be returned to the person who bought the dowry for her.

Therefore, even a family that combines capital with rights and interests only uses methods and methods to allow women to use them willingly. Marrying the daughter of a businessman who is an official family means that her status in the family is not considered bad.

This also put an end to those men who murdered their first wives for dowry - since you married her home for money, you have to treat her well.

Otherwise, if the first wife dies, you won't be able to use her dowry. You can only manage it for her, and the money you get must be sealed up and inherited by her children when they grow up.

Therefore, those who marry a merchant's daughter for money must think carefully before marrying, and after marrying, they must treat her well and let her live well.After all, only when she feels that a man treats her well, will she be willing to give the dowry to her husband's family.

The Jin family was originally a family of merchants. When the family’s business was losing money, they married the daughter of the Ning family. The daughter of the Ning family brought a generous dowry. wife, but did not dare to devour his wife's dowry.

But Mr. Jin really didn't expect that his aunt would be so bold as to swallow up his dead wife's dowry and give her daughter a concubine as a dowry!

Is it because his Jin family has no money?As for Qingyu, a concubine, he allocated 4 taels of silver as her dowry. In addition, don't think he doesn't know. Over the years, she has managed more than a dozen dowry shops and more than 800 acres of farmland owned by his deceased wife. It was reported as a loss or a small amount of money, but in fact, she made a lot of money from it.

Over the years, the income from those farm and shop additions should add up to several 10 taels of silver.He turned a blind eye, just thinking that she has no dowry herself, and it is understandable to use the dowry shop of her dead wife to earn some money, but you can't milk someone else's milk, and even take the cow away ah.

She was not satisfied with the interest-bearing money, and even stretched out her hand to the dowry of her dead wife!
How could he not be angry?
"Just hope that Qingluan won't sue you!" He said angrily.

Although Aunt Niu knew that a woman's dowry could only be given to her own children, she really didn't know that the punishment would be so severe?
Besides, in a small family, how can a woman have a dowry, even if there is a little, if the husband's family is rich, they will not look at that dowry, if the husband's family is poor, and the woman lives sincerely, she will take it out without her husband's telling used up.

Just because there are very few dowry robberies around, Aunt Niu has rarely heard of such cases.

Besides, didn't she already raise Qingluan to be timid and cowardly, wouldn't she dare to stand out even if she got her dowry?

What's more, when she planned the dowry, she also planned her marriage, and that marriage could be considered an official family, even if she knew that the dowry had been carried into Zhizhou's house, how could Qingluan dare to ask for it with her usual personality?Let alone sue.

It was precisely because of these two points that she dared to do it.

"What should I do, what should I do?" She trembled her lips: "I don't want to go to jail."

Master Jin shook his head: How dare such a timid woman extend her hand to Mrs. Xian's dowry?

"Go find Qingluan, and beg her to show you a noble hand. Only when she issues a letter of understanding can you be exempted from your crimes."

(End of this chapter)

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