Chapter 120 Is Liu Mei Injured?
When there was a lot of noise here, suddenly a female teacher ran in from the yard in a panic.

When she saw Xiang Laogen, she rushed to him: "Village Chief, something happened!"

Seeing the anxious look of the other party, Xiang Laogen quickly put down the dry tobacco in his hand: "What's the matter? Speak slowly, don't worry."

"Early this morning, Liumei and I went to the mountain to pick fruit. Not long ago, it rained for several days in a row, and the rocks on the mountain were loose. Liumei accidentally stepped on the stone on the edge of the cliff, rolled down, and fell hurt!"

"Ouch! This is no small matter!" Xiang Laogen was also anxious, and hurried out, "I have to find someone to bring her back."

"I've already found someone. It happened that there were other people picking fruit on the mountain. The big guys helped and carried Liumei to the clinic. But her condition is a bit serious, and the clinic can't handle it. She has to be sent to the county hospital." The female teacher followed Xiang Laogen out, explaining quickly while talking.

"Then why are you still standing there, hurry up and find a car to take him to the county hospital!"

The little girl looked embarrassed: "I can't find it! That's why I came to you, the village chief, and begged the village chief to find a way."

"It's not difficult. I can borrow it from the next village."

While talking, Xiang Laogen saw a person passing by on a bicycle, and hurried over to stop him, asking him to go to the next village to borrow a cart.

In the yard, Xu Xiuxiu was also anxious to know what was going on with Liu Mei. She looked at Li Dazhuang with a cold expression on her face: "I repeat, I don't know you at all, and I don't know what you are talking about. I have other things now." Let’s talk about it later!”

Li Dazhuang was not deaf, so he naturally heard the conversation between the female teacher and Xiang Laogen just now.

Know that this is a matter of human life.

Moreover, it seemed that Xu Xiuxiu had a good relationship with the injured person. After all, after the female teacher finished speaking just now, several people came to Xu Xiuxiu to inquire about the situation.

Li Dazhuang thought for a while, and caught up with Xu Xiuxiu: "Seeing that you are in a hurry today, and it is a matter of life and death, I will not argue with you for now. I will come to settle the score with you again in two days. Let me tell you, this matter If you don't give me a satisfactory answer, we will never end!"

After speaking, he turned and left.

Xu Xiuxiu, who was frightened for a while, bit her lower lip angrily: "Is this guy crazy? I don't know him at all, so why does he say that I cheated him of his money?"

"Maybe I misunderstood the person. Didn't he stop Xiang Baiwei at the riverside and say that Xiang Baiwei lied to him?" The companion walking next to him muttered, "I remember that Xiang Baiwei also said He recognized the wrong person, and this person did not recognize it."

"I think he's a lunatic." Xu Xiuxiu cursed in a low voice.

Then, she remembered her watch that had disappeared.

Maybe someone in the yard stole her watch, traded it in the free market, and then caused this incident.

If he guessed right, that person probably reported Xiang Baiwei's name in the free market.

I heard people say that people who go to the free market to do business basically do not report their names.

Even if there is, it will be made up.

Somebody who had a grudge against Xiang Baiwei reported her name.

Xu Xiuxiu thought about it and thought of Liu Mei.

In her perception, Liu Mei lived in that compound and had the deepest hatred for Bai Wei.

"What's wrong with Xiuxiu? Why did she suddenly stop walking?" Seeing Xu Xiuxiu's sudden stop, the companion who was walking along couldn't help asking curiously.

Xu Xiuxiu's face was pale: "It's nothing, just when I was walking, my foot was suddenly pricked."

"Is there sand in the shoes? I'll help you, and you get the sand out." The companion said, reaching out to support her arm.

The words have been spoken, and it is impossible not to act.

Xu Xiuxiu supported her arm, took off the shoes on her feet, knocked them lightly against the ground, then put them on again, and tried them out with her feet: "It's gone, it doesn't feel like it hurts my feet anymore."

"That's good, then let's go quickly and see if we can help Liu Mei. Why do you think she ran up the mountain early in the morning to pick fruit?"

"I don't know, maybe it was a whim." Xu Xiuxiu said something casually, but her heart sank.

Could all of this be caused by Liu Mei?
After all, she hated Xiang Baiwei so much.

While she was thinking wildly, the clinic arrived.

At this moment, a large crowd of onlookers surrounded the entrance of the clinic, and Xu Xiuxiu and her companions squeezed in from the crowd.

On the bed in the health center, Liumei's face was as pale as a sheet of paper, her forehead was still sweating, her eyes were closed, her white teeth were biting her lips, her hands were tightly clutching the bedding, she seemed to be enduring great pain.

Seeing her like this, Xu Xiuxiu's doubts just now were all suppressed.

She came to the bed and bent over to care about Liu Mei: "How do you feel now?"

The doctor next to her waved to stop her: "She doesn't have the strength to speak now, don't ask her questions, just stand by and encourage her, let her persevere."

Xu Xiuxiu nodded: "Liu Mei, hold on for a while, the village head has already sent someone to the next village to borrow a cart, and he will send you to the county hospital soon. The doctor said that your condition is not serious and you will not be left behind." The root of the disease, just bear with it, the car will arrive soon."

Liu Mei closed her eyes and groaned in pain from time to time, as if she didn't have any extra strength to respond to the outside world.


Xiang Baiwei, who was washing clothes in the yard, heard what Jiang Sui said, and immediately stood up in surprise: "What did you say?"

"It just happened today. Didn't you hear the noise outside and the sound of carts passing by in the morning?" Jiang Sui put the things in his hand aside and helped Bai Wei to carry water, "It is said that Liu Mei fell quite hard. It's serious, but she was lucky, someone was there at the time, and now the person has been sent to the county hospital, so it should be fine."

"Is it such a coincidence?" Xiang Baiwei murmured to herself.

Li Dazhuang just came to the village to stop Liu Mei yesterday, but today she fell and was sent to the county hospital for treatment?

It's hard not to doubt whether Liu Mei is deliberately avoiding this matter.

"When it's too coincidental, it may not be a coincidence." Jiang Sui rolled up his sleeves, "Li Dazhuang asked her just now, and she had such a thing. I guess it really has something to do with Liu Mei."

Xiang Baiwei looked at Jiang Sui with complicated emotions: "But you don't have any evidence, what should you do next?"

"If it's a pure coincidence," Jiang Sui shook his head lightly, expressing his own understanding, "Because the watch in Li Dazhuang's hand is engraved with Xu Xiuxiu's name on the back, with Xu Xiuxiu's financial resources, it is impossible to buy it." Seeing such a watch, this watch should have been given to her by Liu Mei before."

(End of this chapter)

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