Jiang Ke who "fell" back to the ground seemed to have come out of the soil, and "biu" suddenly appeared on the ground.

Like a mole or a groundhog.

Fortunately, there was no one around, otherwise it would have frightened a few people.

She looked down at the gift from Xiaohong, her heart skipped a beat and she expressed emotion at its thoughtfulness.

The hands holding the seeds are trembling slightly - this is excitement.

Because the foreseeable future lies in this seed.

This is the seed of a dark gold level plant.

【Blood soaked seed】

【Dark Gold · The Only】

[Explanation: After planting it, the primordial fire spirit will provide blood essence from the blood race for it to grow up, and it will periodically bear fruits of no lower than the color level after entering the mature stage]

[Note: If there is no primordial fire spirit and the watering of blood essence, it will wither within three natural days]

[PS: For your future --- King of Fire Spirit]

Judging from this explanation alone, Jiang Ke is already restricted to death. Jiang Ke absolutely wants to keep the fire spirits to work for her, and by the way, Jiang Ke has to find trouble with the blood clan.

Who said that the cute little fire spirit must be pure and flawless?

An upright conspiracy.

But Jiang Ke can only thank the other party.

What she lacks now is a color that she doesn't know where to get, that is, a mythical material!

With the materials, she can upgrade the apartment. I don't know what magical abilities the third-level apartment will give.

However, the problem still lies ahead.

That is to say, there is no place to look for the vampire now, the only one she has seen is the vampire in Xingjian City who can see through the disguise of the stone hat.

"It seems that we can only wait for the leveling of this place. By the way, if someone encounters these fire spirits, they can't let them kill them..." Jiang Ke thought, and threw a moonlight to kill a fire bird that was rushing towards her. .

As she was thinking, she didn't notice the terrible state of the fire bird's disintegration when the moonlight hit him.


Jiang Ke, who went straight back to the paradise, soon met Liu Yuehong and Ying Xingchu who were trying to choose suitable members.

The petals of the lotus are only twelve petals, which sounds like a lot, but with such a huge player base and fire-type professionals, it is instantly stretched.

What's more, they still don't know what the skills that are given are.

If it is a particularly powerful skill, it must be given to someone who is close to the power of the apartment.

Seeing Jiang Ke approaching, the two of them didn't stop their busy work, but Ying Xingchu handed her a tablet.

Well, this is indeed something that was dug up from the ruins of a home appliance city and sold to the apartment side.It can be used after Xingjiancheng Technology's unreasonable magic modification.

The only thing that disappoints Jiang Ke is that after the magic modification, even if it is just an ordinary part modification, without the energy supply in the paradise, it will immediately become a pile of scrap metal.

So these things are destined to only be used in the park and inside the apartment.

"What's on it?" Jiang Ke glanced at the information displayed on the screen. It was almost like a resume, with everything including skill level and personality.

"Yuehong and I selected a group of professionals who can accept the flame lotus. They all joined the apartment directly, and the possibility of betrayal is very small." Ying Xingchu replied.

"Then do it, as long as both of you think it's appropriate, there should be nothing wrong."

Jiang Ke was too lazy to read so many materials, so she simply put down the tablet. She glanced at the lotus flower that was missing two petals, knowing that it should have been handed over to brothers Liu Zexing and Wu Yu.

"By the way, I would like to announce that when you see those fire spirits, you must not hurt them. Anyone who hurts them will be regarded as hostile to us."

Therefore, Ying Xingchu and Liu Yuehong, who had just lowered their heads to work, raised their heads and expressed their doubts with their eyes.

But then, they saw the seed in Jiang Ke's hand.

The two instantly knew why Jiang Ke said that, and vaguely guessed what Jiang Ke had just talked to those fire spirits.

"Okay, I'll make an announcement." Liu Yuehong nodded sharply.

"Where's Cui Jue?"

"At the hot spring hotel, it is said that she is taking a mandarin duck bath with her envoy."


Jiang Ke suddenly opened his eyes wide.

She was silent for several minutes before giving up the idea of ​​looking for Cui Jue, but there was an unconcealable unhappiness on her face.

"Forget it, I'll go to the apartment to see how the tree is growing, and I'll leave it to you!"

A certain landlord went straight back to the apartment in a huff.

What she wanted to see was of course the dark spirit blood tree presented by Jiang Yan, which had already been planted in the farm.Although Jiang Ke's previous idea was to plant it in the sacred nursery...

It's just that the sacred nursery is very resistant to this seed. Jiang Ke just dug a hole, and the seed was "thrown" out before it was planted.

It should be said that it really deserves to be a sacred nursery, and it doesn't like to see this kind of plants that are inclined to the evil side.

Jiang Ke rushed to the farm and met a somewhat unexpected person.

Zhao Ting.

He was wearing very casual clothes and flip-flops, looking like a homely nerd.

It's just that he was holding a measuring cup in his hand, and there was a viscous black liquid in the cup, exuding an ominous breath.

"Good afternoon." Jiang Ke hesitated for a moment, then went up to say hello.

"Good afternoon." Zhao Ting smiled, then pointed to the small dark red tree that had grown branches and said: "The elder said that although it can absorb the energy in the apartment to grow, it would be better if it can be fed with some poison. "

I knew that he was doing this to get a job as soon as possible, but Jiang Ke actually didn't agree with this.

The occupation this thing got doesn't sound like a particularly good name.If possible... She still hopes that Zhao Ting can get the job of the plant in the gray beast farm.

But then again, what position does she have to ask people to wait?

Occupation... That was something she had longed for before the apartment advanced.What's more, I still lost a hidden class plus a colorful card...

Just thinking about it makes my heart hurt so bad I can't breathe.

"I don't want to take it as a career, Ake."

Zhao Ting evenly poured the liquid in the measuring cup on the tree, and those things that looked like highly poisonous substances were absorbed by the young tree visibly, and then the little tree grew up visible to the naked eye.

The mature countdown that only Jiang Ke could see next to him moved forward for a while.

"The occupation that this tree can produce must not be a good thing. What I am looking forward to is the harvest from the gray beast farm."

"Then why do you expect it to grow up so much?" Jiang Ke wondered.

"Because I'm bored!" Zhao Ting replied, looking at Jiang Ke with a complex look in his eyes.

"I have seen the scenery in the apartment all over, although it is beautiful, it will be boring and depressing if you look at it for a long time.

It is like a miracle, but there are many miracles, so is it still called a miracle? "

After a pause, Zhao Ting asked, "Ah Ke, you should have a job, right?"

Jiang Ke was not surprised to be guessed out, after all, he had run out quite a few times since he got a job.

It was in stark contrast to being trapped in the apartment every day before.

"Yeah, I got a job."

She admitted it.Jiang Ke knew very well that Zhao Ting was not the kind of person who would talk nonsense --- besides, it would be fine even if everyone knew about it.

Zhao Ting did not continue to dwell on this question, but asked Jiang Ke something that she had never thought of——
"Liu Yuehong's two younger brothers, Gu Ziyi and her son were probably unemployed before entering the apartment, right?
Why did they suddenly get a job? "

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