The days of being a landlord in the global game

Chapter 145 Seven-light Feather Chicken

It was not Jiang Ke and Liu Yuehong who were the first to see the new species, but the diligent "dog management" in the ranch!
Erhei, the deputy leader of the tabby group except Xiaohei, is leading a group of younger brothers to surround him.

And the other party didn't panic at all, walking on the grass with his wife, with the golden crown on his head raised high, like a victorious general.

This is chicken!

The Golden Feather Chicken is as tall as half a person.

Jiang Ke and Liu Yuehong who hurried over were stunned.

"If you look at the color, this thing really is a veritable 'golden species'."

Jiang Ke was silent for a long time before holding back such a sentence.

Under the light of the pasture, the feathers of these two chickens glowed with metallic luster, and there seemed to be a faint brilliance flowing in them.Especially when spreading its wings, it really has a mighty and domineering feeling.

Especially one of the roosters, the crown on the top of its head seems to have been horny.It looks like a crown, and the crown is inlaid with crystallized gems.

The rooster walks with mighty and domineering steps, while the hen clings to the rooster all the time, and her steps are quite "petite and cute".

I have to admit that Jiang Ke actually felt that he could see the weird feeling of love and affection from the two chickens.

"I think these two chickens have a sense of CP than the hero and heroine of some dramas I watched before."

"Ah, is this okay to say? If you said that before, you might be scolded thousands of times."

"So let's say it now, if someone dares to confront me, I can punch a 'key fairy' without any problem."


Jiang Ke shifted his gaze, and carefully read the description of the two chickens.

【Seven Obsidian Feather Chicken】

【Gold · Exquisite · Qiyao Perception】

[Explanation: Special poultry that live in areas rich in seven obsidian stones and mainly eat seven obsidian stones have hardened their meat to the point of being completely inedible after eating seven obsidian stones for a long time.

Their feathers can be used as weapon crafting and alchemy crafting materials.

The rooster will spit out an 'obsidian essence' every seven days, and the hen will lay three eggs every fifteen days, including one crystallized and two ordinary eggs that can be hatched.

According to the different attributes and quantities of devoured seven obsidian stones, the effects produced by the 'obsidian essence' and crystallized eggs will also change]

【Current obsidian bias is: Gold】

[Description: The permission to purchase seven obsidian stones has been opened, please study carefully]

[PS: ... This, is this actually the egg laid by a chicken? ——A Heroic Spirit]

"Seven Luminaries Feather Chicken?"

Jiang Ke looked at the two flamboyant chickens, and suddenly waved at them.


As expected, the two chickens walked over directly.

The rooster made a movement of spreading its wings and soaring, while the hen gently rubbed its head against Jiang Ke's hand.

The fluff on its head is very soft, not hard at all, and forms a sharp contrast with the metallic color.

"Let me just say, it's all at the gold level, how can it be without wisdom?"

Jiang Ke touched the hen's feathers again, but before she touched it a few times, the rooster on the side pushed her hand away with its body, and blocked the hen with its body intentionally or unintentionally.


The rooster raised its wings, clearly showing a gesture of rejection.

Jiang Ke and Liu Yuehong were amazed by this scene.

"Take good care of your wife's chicken."

"It's a bit like a domineering president or something."

Jiang Ke thought for a while, "May I call you Da Jin and Xiao Jin?"

The name was so impressive that Liu Yuehong couldn't help but rolled her eyes.

Jiang Ke's name is really outrageous.

What little pink, little blue and little black, here comes Dajin and Xiaojin again, if there is a red one in the future, wouldn't it be called Xiaohong?

Thinking of such a possibility, Liu Yuehong immediately shuddered, and quickly shook her head to get this terrible thought out of her mind.

"What is the attribute of your current Yaoli?"

After Jiang Ke asked this question, he saw a hazy light from the crown on the top of the big rooster's head, and a golden thing fell in front of Jiang Ke.

The surface of this thing is uneven and looks pitted.But we all know that the reason why precious metals are "expensive" is because of its luxurious, blood-pulling color.

To put it simply, this thing is like a big gold nugget placed under the spotlight, with soft light, high-definition and other special effects added by the way.

Well, if this thing was presented in the feudal dynasty, maybe you could get a petty official or something...

【Golden Yao Essence】


[Explanation: Burying it into the ground will form a gold lode of about 300 kilograms. The gold produced by this ore can replace all metals, and has the characteristics of ductility, self-repair, and strengthening over time]

[Note: It takes seven days for the vein to form, and within seven days, no foreign elements can invade the vein, otherwise the vein will self-destruct]

"Yaojin, this thing can be used as a weapon in a weapon shop."

Liu Yuehong said.

"No, I can still make some daily necessities, such as forks, spoons, bowls and chopsticks."

Jiang Ke shook her head and looked at Liu Yuehong: "Although Xingchu's technology can produce these daily necessities, the energy of Paradise is already in short supply, so how can we waste energy on these things.

I see that there is ductility in the description, let's see what it looks like after the veins come out.

If it works, then we can have one more income, and we can sell a lot more things. "

After hearing this, Liu Yuehong thought about it carefully, and nodded approvingly: "Yes, these daily necessities are actually the most real. There are quite a few people who want to buy and take away daily necessities from the paradise."

"That tunnel shouldn't be able to take these things out?"

"No, the small ones can't be taken away. If they are produced in the park, they must be eaten in the park. The ones that can be taken out are made in the apartment and brought into the park.

The latter is three times more expensive than the former. "

The butler Liu Yuehong naturally knew these things well, so she immediately explained them in detail.

"It's not easy to conjure materials out of thin air, but it's not difficult to shape them with materials. Sister Liu has to discuss this matter with Xingchu."

As Jiang Ke said, he reached out and touched the big cock.Although the big cock didn't rub his head because his wife was next to him, he was obviously in a good mood, and the "cluck" sound revealed a sense of pleasure.

"You really know how to be a hands-off shopkeeper."

Although Liu Yuehong said so, she always liked to take care of these things, and she suddenly became a big housekeeper from dawdling.She knew who gave it to her, so she was only grateful to Jiang Ke.

She watched Jiang Ke teasing Qiyao Yuji, hesitated for a moment, and said: "Feng Ziwei..."

"Huh? Is there such a person?"

Jiang Ke raised her head with a half-smile, and looked at Liu Yuehong.

"Of course not." Liu Yuehong decisively changed the subject, "Mr. Kang and the others have arrived, and I arranged for them to stay in the west."

"The space of the gathering place is still not enough, it needs to be expanded."

"Let's get someone to build a house for expansion. We can't rely on Xiaolan and the others for everything."

Jiang Ke stood up, walked forward slowly, and said as she walked: "It just so happens that the rules in the gathering place should be changed, let's change it to a points system.

There are points for making contributions, and enough points can be exchanged for supplies and valuables, including the qualification to enter the second gathering place.

At the beginning of Xing, I will let her continue to do it. There are many people in the gathering place who want to live in an environment like a paradise, so let them work hard to get it.

Only work can be rewarded, only hard work can get rich.

The prosperity of the paradise and the gathering place is inseparable from your efforts. "

Speaking of this, she paused, with a hint of a smile in her tone, but what she said surprised Liu Yuehong again.

"You are doing well, but you should take good care of your subordinates."

Her steps stopped.

"I heard that a man surnamed Lin took up his brother's pension and his child's wife, and then quit the security brigade, and just went shopping and drinking in the paradise every day?"

The word "heard and heard" has many interpretations, and there is naturally the possibility of spreading rumors, but Jiang Ke's "heard and heard" is absolutely true.

You know, it is her pets Xiaofen and Xiaohei who maintain the enchantment of the paradise and protect the gathering place!

Who can be more "clear and clear" than her?

"Wu Yu, this kid really left me speechless! Auntie can't protect him now! I have to beat him up!"

A ball of anger rose in Liu Yuehong's heart immediately. Fortunately, Jiang Ke told her, otherwise, if this matter broke out in the future, who would dare to risk their lives?

After death, someone took over his wife and beat his baby to spend his own money?

This is really scary to hear!

"I see."

Liu Yuehong said in a deep voice.

No guarantee was made, because Liu Yuehong knew that no amount of guarantees could compare to the results made.

Instead of talking so much, it is better to solve this problem.

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