Of course, the lady will also greet the queen from time to time.Although the number of visits was less due to pregnancy, the queen's love for the young lady was real.Kangrui Palace has already tidied up a room dedicated to collecting rewards from various palaces, and now I am afraid they will have to tidy up another room.

The madam also came to the palace to visit the young lady occasionally, and she was relieved to see that the young lady was doing well.

Sometimes the wife would also ask the young lady how the prince treated her.

The young lady said it was okay, always remember the lesson of the madam, must live well, treat the prince and the princess as the peak to please, the Liangdi talent as a colleague, the queen as the top of the peak, the queen mother as a card player, and then Using a little bit of the coquettishness of the great-grandmother on the queen mother, the effect is not bad so far, and she shows off her acting skills to the wife.

"Compared to before, my daughter is now able to shed tears instantly, and she can retract freely, hehe."

The madam was angry and funny, and reminded the miss that she must pay attention to her diet, but don't follow other people's ways.

The young lady smiled again and said: "Mother, is she afraid that the Crown Princess will play tricks on the diet? Hee hee, don't worry, everything from the purchase to the kitchen has been strictly checked now. Other clothes and other things are also in charge of special personnel. There is no place to do it even if I want to do it. The only thing my daughter is worried about is this baby, if it is a boy, it will be a little tricky."

The lady stared at the young lady's belly, touched it lightly, felt the young lady's pulse again, and sighed: "You can stay awake all the time, mother is very pleased. I hope this baby will be a girl. Then you can live in peace for a while." time."

The young lady is six months pregnant and her stomach is getting bigger, but she still walks like flying, and she doesn't even need my support.Nanny Kong routinely advises the young lady to act weak and not to be too aggressive.

But the lady said it was not necessary.

The young lady would go for a walk every day, with different purposes, sometimes she would go to the Empress Dowager's Palace for a meal, and sometimes she would go to Lin Guifei's Palace to sit, and even play horse hanging with Lin Guifei.

Concubine Lin Gui is the emperor's favorite concubine. Although she has no heirs, she has been favored for many years. Sometimes the queen will act according to her face.This is definitely a spectacle in the harem.

Nanny Kong also reminded Miss that Concubine Lin Gui and his wife were deadly rivals, they fought against each other several times when they were young, and each won.You must be careful of Concubine Lin Gui.

But the lady didn't take it seriously, she even dared to push Pai Gow with Concubine Lin Gui, and sat for an entire afternoon.

Concubine Lin Gui was not born to be overwhelmed by the country, her face has traces of years, and she looks even older than the empress.I don't know how the emperor doted on her so much, and even handed over half of the palace affairs to her.

The relationship between Concubine Lin Gui and his wife is indeed stiff, which is well known inside and outside.But Concubine Lin Gui loved Miss very much, every time Miss went to her palace, Concubine Lin Guifei would give her a lot of good things to eat and reward her with various treasures.Miss also welcomes all comers.

Concubine Lin Gui also asked Miss: "Everyone in the world knows that my palace and your mother are enemies, so you dare to come to my palace."

The young lady smiled and said: "My mother told me that her old man and the imperial concubine have long since settled their differences, and the reason why they maintain a tit-for-tat confrontation is only for outsiders to see."

Concubine Lin Gui asked in surprise: "Your mother really said that?"...

"Of course, otherwise I wouldn't have come to play with your empress."

Concubine Lin Gui gave Miss a glance, and said with a sneer, "Just like your mother, they pretend to be pigs and eat tigers."

The young lady smiled and said, "Thank you, Madam, for your compliment."

Concubine Lin Gui stared at Miss's belly again, asking how many months it had been.

Knowing that she had a six-month-old belly, she frowned a little: "When the queen was pregnant with the crown prince, the six-month-old belly was far less big than yours."

The young lady rubbed her stomach: "My mother said that it might be a girl, and that her stomach would be bigger when she was pregnant."

Concubine Lin Gui laughed: "Hi girl, the first child is a girl, so it saves a lot of trouble."

"Auspicious words from Mother Cheng!"

It was getting dark, Concubine Lin Gui started to catch up with the young lady, and even sent her confidant nanny to escort the young lady back to the East Palace.

Miss refused.

Concubine Lin Gui sneered: "Everyone knows that I am not on good terms with your mother, if something really happens to you, I will be suspected."

The lady did not refuse.

Concubine Lin Gui's crow's mouth really hit the spot. On the way back to the East Palace, one of the eunuchs who was carrying the empty shoulder slipped suddenly.The whole shoulder tilted towards him.I held the young lady's hand tightly, and I felt lucky in my heart. If the young lady sat on the shoulders, the consequences could be imagined.

I found out later that the road was sprinkled with lard, and the only person who could step on the road in the middle of the road that we all walked was the eunuch who carried his shoulders.

Now that the lady has a big belly, she usually goes out on foot and then comes back sitting on her shoulders.This time the black-handed person had a clever idea.

However, the other party did not expect that Miss Lin Guifei ate too much tonight in Concubine Lin's Palace, so she walked to digest food when she was full.He escaped a disaster.

But the young lady would not let this matter go easily, she found the prince crying and told the story of what happened tonight.

The young lady cried to the prince like this: "The concubine came into the palace, and it has been smooth sailing, so she neglected to guard against crimes. I never thought that there would be such a dangerous thing waiting for the concubine. Woooo...the concubine is really scared."

The prince hugged the young lady and kept comforting, coaxing and kissing, and promised to give the young lady an explanation.

Miss has been acting like a spoiled child for a long time today, and her crying is also a little real. She is really a pitiful image on the stage who specializes in pretending to be weak and helpless.

But what surprised me was that the prince was so patient, as long as the young lady was making a fuss, the prince coaxed her for as long.


The place where the incident happened was the only way the lady had to go back to the East Palace. The murderer poured lard, and he must use jars or utensils. The lard needed to be boiled, so Madam Kong searched from the kitchen.

Two days later, the murderer behind the scenes was caught.

It was Caiying, the dowry maid next to Li Liangdi. She asked for pig fat from the small kitchen, and she stayed up in the middle of the night, and when no one was looking, she collapsed on the only way her mother must pass back to the East Palace.Her purpose is to make Miss slip tire.

And Hu Liangdi did express her dissatisfaction with the lady's exclusive favor in public, and even had a verbal quarrel with the lady.

Hu Liangdi has been in the palace for half a year, and has never been favored. She has resentment towards the young lady, and also has the motive to attack.

Caiying confessed, but her master Hu Liangdi yelled at her innocence, saying that although she had accused the young lady, she would never do such a stupid thing to kill the heirs of the East Palace.

But no one believed what she said, so the prince ordered Hu Liangdi to be sent to Qiutong Palace and imprisoned. …

Qiutong Palace is located in the side hall in the northwest corner. It is uninhabited all the year round, and it is far away from the main hall. Over time, it has become a place for erring concubines.

The concubine also came to condolences to the young lady, and deeply condemned Hu Liangdi for her insidious methods, and blamed herself again, because she arranged Hu Liangdi for the prince, and now that something like this happened, she could not escape the blame, and was punished by the prince for three months.

The Crown Princess was grounded by the Crown Prince against the young lady before, but she was exempted from punishment because of the young lady's intercession, and now that Hu Liangdi's incident happened again, the Crown Princess' prestige in the East Palace has plummeted, and her status in the Prince's heart has also deteriorated greatly.

But the lady is still respectful to the crown princess, and said generously, only a thousand days is a thief, there is no one thousand days to guard against a thief, please don't blame yourself for the crown princess.She didn't blame the princess.It is the duty of the princess to spread branches and leaves for the prince, so what's wrong?

Even in front of the prince, the lady is also speaking well for the princess, even saying that people's hearts are the most unpredictable in the world, so she can't blame the princess entirely. ,

The prince said with pity on his face: "You always say good things for her. Do you know that she often says bad things about you behind your back?"

The young lady hesitated and said: "I have known the Crown Princess since we were in the boudoir. Although I don't have much contact with her, I also admire her talent and learning. The Crown Princess is extremely talented and knowledgeable. Naturally, such a talented woman can't look down on me who is too lazy to study. .It's human nature to see that I don't go up."

The prince said: "It's all just complaining, she said all kinds of bad things about you."

The young lady tilted her head and said with a smile: "Did His Highness believe it?"

The prince quickly shook his head: "I don't believe it."

The young lady smiled and said, "Then it's over."

The prince hesitated to speak, but the lady took the initiative to end the topic and brought the topic to the child in her stomach.

"Recently, the little guy often kicks my stomach, Your Highness, come down and touch it."

The prince put his hand on the lady's stomach, looked at the pain on the lady's face, and said nervously: "But the child hurt you from kicking you?"

The young lady straightened her waist, exhaled slowly, and then said with a smile: "It's okay, I can still bear it."

Seeing the young lady's smile, the prince felt more and more distressed, and he took the young lady into his arms with a trace of complicated emotions on his face.

Because the young lady was pregnant, the prince did not spend the night with the young lady, and stayed with the young lady until she yawned before leaving.

After the prince left, the young lady's eyes became clear again, and she said to Nanny Kong: "Caiying is Hu Liangdi's dowry maid, did she get mad? She didn't think about it except to trap the master in injustice. Her family?"

Nanny Kong said that she has sent people to the Duke's Mansion to check on Caiying's family, and she believes that there will be clues soon. "

Two days later, Nanny Kong told the lady that Caiying's family members had all been killed.As for the Hu family, apart from being panicked, they cursed Caiyin the most.And the prince's people also knew about it, but they kept it a secret.

The young lady tilted her head and said: "It seems that the murderer behind this scene is very cunning. What about Caiying? Her family members were killed, and she must have been murdered to silence her. At this time, it is even more painful."

Nanny Kong said: "My mother is right. But Caiying couldn't ask anything useful, because she didn't see the murderer, and she didn't even know whether the murderer was a man or a woman."...

The young lady laughed: "Where did Caiying see the murderer? Is it in the East Palace or somewhere else?"

"It's in the East Palace. But there's no way to give any more clues." Madam Kong comforted the lady again, "He must be someone who can threaten Caiying with family members outside the palace. Conflicts of interest can be counted with a single slap. Although His Highness has not found the murderer, Hu Liangdi has been thrown into the Qiutong Palace, and the dowry that the Crown Princess and Li Liangdi brought into the palace have all been sent away by His Highness looking for reasons."

The lady thought for a while, then laughed: "That's right, if you don't have a confidant to use, even if you hate me, I'm afraid there is nothing you can do."

This incident did not affect the mood of the young lady, and the young lady still ate and drank well.

The prince also came to visit the young lady from time to time, and the young lady always said, "I'm fine by myself, Your Highness doesn't need to take care of me."

Whenever the young lady said such things, it always gave me a sense of pity for a weak woman pretending to be strong.

I don't know if I'm the only one who feels this way, anyway, the prince is more considerate to the young lady.

The young lady never complained or complained, and she was full of joy and expectations for the child in her belly.Even make small clothes for children under the lamp.

Although the prince would take away the needles and threads every time he came, he was almost responsive to the young lady.

Madam also went to the palace a few times to give the young lady a private pulse, and said: "How hard it is for a woman to give birth to a child, a man who cares about you will naturally pity you. Just the right softness can arouse a man's desire to protect. And just the right strength, even more Can arouse pity in men."

The young lady smiled and said: "Mother's words are indeed very reasonable. My daughter has never complained about the hard work of pregnancy." Then she glanced at me, "It's just Qian Mo who has a big mouth and always talks about my difficulties."

Madam glanced at me, then laughed, and said: "Qian Mo is born with a simple and straightforward appearance, who would suspect that this girl is full of bad things?"

Every time the imperial doctor came to check the young lady's pulse, I would tell her all kinds of discomforts after pregnancy, and the young lady would say: "It's okay, I can bear it."

The imperial doctor who checked the lady's pulse often praised her, saying that she was the strongest lady he had ever seen.

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