Chapter 430
The boundless darkness enveloped me. I searched anxiously in the darkness, but I couldn’t find the exit. Thinking that the lady was still suffering, I couldn’t help shouting anxiously: "Miss, miss..."

As soon as I shouted like this, I woke up.

Then Zhu Qin rushed over and said, "Woke up so soon?"

I didn't care about the pain in my buttocks, so I hurriedly asked, "Where is Miss? How is Miss?"

Zhu Qin answered angrily: "You'd better take care of yourself. Miss is fine, she is healing in the room." She pressed my waist and asked me not to move, and the blood flowed out again.

I breathed a sigh of relief and lowered my head on the pillow, cold sweat broke out on my forehead again, it was because the wound was hurt by the violent action just now.

"It's good that Miss is fine." I panted heavily and gritted my teeth. It hurts, it really hurts. My buttocks and the whole thigh are all in hot pain.

Zhu Qin said: "You are really a tiger. You have suffered forty boards for your life, and you can still break free from your wife. Everyone passed out, and you still hugged the young lady tightly. It took a lot of effort for the ladies I couldn't let go of your hand, and in the end it was Madam who said, don't hit the lady anymore, and that made you let go."

I reproached myself and said, "It's all my fault. If it wasn't for me, Miss wouldn't be punished. I can't atone for my sin even if I die."

Zhu Qin said: "You are considered lucky. The Duke originally wanted to send you out of the mansion. The young lady cried and begged for a long time, and even kowtowed to His Highness the Crown Prince regardless of the injury. His Highness the Crown Prince opened his golden mouth and reluctantly spared you. "

I struggled to make amends to the young lady, Zhu Qin held me down again, and said, "You should rest at ease and recuperate. His Royal Highness has already spoken and ignored it. You are safe now."

"It's not a pity to die my humble life, but Miss, how is Miss now? She has suffered so many boards, she must be in pain now." Miss is the most delicate, how long has she suffered like this?
Zhu Qin said: "The Duke's Mansion has a lot of high-quality gold-chuang medicines. Besides, His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also gave medicines. You should take care of yourself first. Miss, there are people to take care of her."

Later, Mother Qing also came, holding a bottle of medicine in her hand, she said that it was the jade muscle ointment from His Highness the Crown Prince, and the young lady gave me some left after using it up.

I was flattered and quickly asked, "Miss, are you all right?"

"It's okay. The woman who executed the execution is measured. It looks bloody, but it's actually just a flesh wound. But the punishment you suffered is the real thing." Qing Nao said angrily, "But You are indeed a tiger. After forty slaps from real materials, you still have the strength to take the slaps for the miss. Madam said, no matter how hard-hearted you are, you will be touched by you. You can rest in peace and recuperate."

I'm still not at ease, Madam has always been kind and generous, but this time she was forced to take it seriously, which shows how much trouble I caused this time.

Sister Qing said: "Madam is also for His Royal Highness to see, there is no way, no matter how noble the Duke's Mansion is, but in front of the crown prince of a country, you have to recognize the situation."

I'm still very upset, and the main reason is that I feel sorry for the crimes Miss suffered this time.

The young lady healed her injury first, and she could still come to see me. I was so moved that I stumbled, holding the young lady's hand and regretting endlessly.

Instead, the lady comforted me, saying that it was all right, and let me recover from my injuries.

I was still sad, and said: "It's all the servants who have troubled the young lady. How can the servants let the young lady lie low in front of His Highness the Crown Prince." This is what makes me most sad.

The young lady babbled and said: "What a big deal, a man can bend and stretch. My father is a dignified prince, and so is my mother, and so is Asun. Of course I can do it too. It is not shameful to bow your head to the honorable. I Mother always taught me that if you want to live comfortably, you have to bow your head when you should. If you refuse to bow your head because of your status, your death will be even worse."

I can't seem to understand.But this incident still made me understand a truth, no matter how much Miss hates His Highness the Crown Prince, she must never offend her.

After lying on the bed for a few days, the young lady came alive.But I couldn't do it. It took me half a month to get out of bed and walk around.Zhu Qin, who gave me the medicine, said: "It's good to be strong, but if it were any other person, he would be disabled if he didn't die."

After I fully recovered from my injury, it was already a month later.

It is said that His Royal Highness the Crown Prince also came twice, but was blocked by the Duke of the State.

The eldest son also came to visit the young lady, and said: "The crown prince wants me to give the elder sister a gift again today, but I resisted it."

The eldest sister glanced at him, and said, "You still have a little conscience, and you didn't eat inside and outside."

The eldest son hurriedly said again: "Who am I? Of course I am on the side of the eldest sister. My elder sister is such a rich and precious person, she should live happily, not in tears." Then He smiled at the young lady again, "Eldest sister is cuter when she does bad things."

The eldest sister got angry and went to pull his ears.The eldest son dodged neatly.

As expected, the young lady has healed the scar and forgot the pain. Although she no longer troubled the eldest son, she never gave in every time she quarreled.

I couldn't help but said: "Last time, Eldest Young Master was punished by you forty boards, did you forget?"

The young lady wrinkled her nose and said, "I'm really guilty, but my mother told me not to blame myself too much, it's all because of this kid."

The young lady told me that although the eldest son suffered an innocent disaster, he was not completely innocent.His Royal Highness the Crown Prince and Xiao Jing, the prince of Zhen Guohou, are not too young, yet the Eldest Young Master led them to the inner courtyard without hesitation. Just based on this alone, it is not wrong to beat him up.

After the accident, the eldest son should tell the truth, take the initiative to bear the mistake, and ask the prince for forgiveness at the first time, but he is so clever as to blame the beast, can His Highness not be angry?

I think what Madam said is reasonable, but the Eldest Young Master has received forty boards, which is still a bit wronged.

"So, I was also punished." The young lady rubbed her buttocks and said, "After all, the prince's mistakes are not small. If he hadn't broken into the inner courtyard, we wouldn't have been punished."

The lady's impression of the prince is even worse.

However, when she actually faced the prince, the young lady was very polite and respectful, and she never even complained.

On Halloween, the young lady did not enter the palace because of injuries on her body.This time for the Queen's Thousand Autumn Festival, the young lady entered the palace in a well-dressed manner.

The miss brought me into the palace for the first time.

I was overwhelmed by flattery, but also terrified. It is said that the palace is a place where people cannibalize. What if I get into trouble again for Miss?
The lady said: "It's okay, the empress is very kind. The only thing we have to guard against is the prince and Zhao Qian. I will feel at ease if I bring you with me."

I'm also afraid that the prince will continue to target the young lady.

The madam also told me that I must stay by the lady's side, and once the crown prince gets close to the lady, I must take the lady away as soon as possible.

The Queen's Thousand Autumn Festival is very lively, and it is also the first time for me to enter the palace. I feel like I am facing a big enemy, and I have been following the lady all the time, never leaving her side.

The young lady also followed the madam all the time, never leaving her side.

Zhao Qian's mother and daughter also entered the palace. After seeing the young lady, I actually felt guilty from Zhao Qian's face.

Hmph, I must have spoken ill of Miss behind her back again.


Zhao Qian took the initiative to greet the lady, and smiled cordially: "Sister Chu, long time no see, how have you been?"

The young lady smiled and said: "Thanks to my sister, it's okay, I can eat and sleep. I just don't like to write poems, and I don't like to read books, so the crafting is getting worse. Next time I participate in a poetry meeting, my sister will save some face for me. Oh."

Zhao Qian also laughed, and the two began to talk about everything again.

But I feel that Zhao Qian has a human face and a beast heart. I am afraid that the lady will suffer, so I stare at Zhao Qian from time to time, and occasionally bark my teeth at her.

Zhao Qian shrank back in fright, and quickly looked away.But when no one was paying attention, he glared at me viciously.

Not to be outdone, I also stared back.Although I was stared at by the lady several times, I said unwillingly: "Miss, this person always speaks ill of you behind your back."

"Nonsense, sister Zhao is not that kind of person." The lady scolded me in a low voice.

The young lady stayed by Madam's side all the time, even if the other young ladies went out to play, the young lady did not leave.Even if there were invitations from other noble ladies, the young lady just said quietly and quietly: "Go and play, I will stay with my mother, so that my mother will not speak ill of me in front of the empress again."

The Queen Empress burst out laughing, and said to Madam: "This child has the same temperament as you."

Later, the prince entered the palace with several princes and kowtowed to the queen.

The young lady was the first to get up and avoid.

My lady and I stood behind the screen, watched the prince finish kowtowing, and looked around before leaving.

During the banquet, the young lady was arranged among a group of noble ladies.I stood beside the lady, took the initiative to take the plate from the hand of the maid, and put it on the table of the lady myself.

It's not that I want to grab the maid's job, but these court ladies probably haven't been trained, and they actually spilled the vegetable soup on the young lady when serving the dishes.

I can't wait to kill this court lady. The skirt that Miss wears was embroidered by ten embroiderers in the mansion for half a month. The chrysanthemums embroidered with golden threads have been stitched so that golden chrysanthemums bloom at any time between the hem of the skirt. Together flashing, lifelike.A dress like this is worth a thousand dollars.

I quickly took out my handkerchief and gently wiped the oil stains on Jinju.

"Miss, I can't wipe it off." I glared at the court lady fiercely.

The court lady knelt down in fear and pleaded guilty, and asked the young lady to change her clothes.

The young lady was unmoved, just took out the handkerchief, wiped the remaining stains on the clothes slowly, the greasy on the chrysanthemums could not be wiped off, she was not angry, she just said flatly: "It's okay, there is no need to change it. "

But the maid insisted that the young lady should change her clothes. If the clothes were unclean, she would be laughed at.

The young lady said: "It's okay, I'm used to being laughed at anyway, so it's not bad this time."

What did the maid want to say, I pushed her away: "Go away, hurry down." But I was muttering in my heart, didn't it mean that the etiquette in the palace is strict, and the court ladies have received strict training?Why are you clumsier than me?
Later, the maid continued to serve the dishes, and this time I was more sensible and took the initiative to take the plate.This court lady is even more foolish than me, and she refused to hand me the plate. Unmoved, I firmly grabbed the plate and put it on the young lady's table myself.

Tonight, the young lady should fight against the broom star, and the maid is clumsy, and the maid of Zhen Guohou's daughter is not much less, but when she came back from a trip with her own lady, she accidentally spilled the chicken bones on the plate. body.

"Slaves deserve to die, slaves deserve to die!" Zhen Guohou's daughter knelt down and slapped herself.

Zhen Guohou's daughter scolded the servant girl a few words, and then asked the young lady to go down to change clothes with an apologetic face. She would pay the young lady for one piece of clothing.

The young lady still wiped the stains on her arm with a handkerchief slowly, and said indifferently: "No need, anyway, I'm going home after finishing the table."

The other party said again: "It's better to change another one, it's dirty and indecent."

The lady glanced at Zhen Guohou Qianjin, and said, "Since you know it's indecent, you shouldn't do such a thing."

Zhen Guohou's daughter smiled embarrassingly, and couldn't say anything more.

It's not that you have to leave immediately after finishing the banquet. After the lady finishes using the banquet, it's our turn to eat the banquet.

Maids have their own place to eat, and I kept Madam's words in mind, so I didn't dare to stay longer, I wolfed down the rice with silky chicken soup made from bigfoot mushrooms, cooked a bowl of rice in a hurry, and then went back to Miss.

The lady was very surprised when she saw me: "So fast?"

I said, "I just ate a bowl of rice and filled my stomach."

The young lady smiled slightly, and said in a low voice, "I'll make you a supper when I get back."

"Miss Xie." I grinned.

Just when the wife was about to leave the palace with the young lady, the lady was stopped by a young eunuch, saying that the Duke of the State was drunk in the front hall, and asked the lady to take care of him.

Madam then said to Nanny Li who followed into the palace: "Go and take care of the Duke." Then she took the young lady into the carriage.

Behind him came the stammering voice of the little eunuch.

Madam turned her head and stared at her sharply: "Is there something else, little eunuch?"

The little eunuch opened his mouth, and hurriedly said: "It's all right, madam please, miss please!"

After the Empress's Thousand Autumn Festival, Zhen Guohou's daughter came to apologize to the young lady.

The lady didn't receive her in person, but asked Zhu Qin to go to the banquet hall to receive Zhen Guohou's daughter.

I was a little puzzled, and asked the lady: "At least she is the daughter of the Marquis, and she usually has a good relationship with the lady, why is it so this time..."

The young lady said lightly: "Don't worry, she doesn't dare to get angry."

I was at a loss and didn't understand what the lady meant by this.

It's just that the lady didn't explain, and I didn't dare to ask more.

In the afternoon, it is said that the prince also came.The news spread to the inner courtyard and also to my ears.I immediately reported to the lady.

The young lady stayed beside the madam properly.

I thought the prince would leave after a short stay, but unexpectedly, he stayed until the Duke came back from the Yamen.

The Duke of the State can only invite His Highness the Crown Prince to dinner.

Therefore, the wife called all the men in the family to the outer courtyard for dinner, and asked the kitchen to use all its skills to serve His Royal Highness the Crown Prince.

The wife and the young lady went to the Longevity Hall and had dinner with Mrs. Tai.

Mrs. Tai, who is in her eighties, is full of silver hair, but she is still full of energy. She is neither deaf nor dumb, she thinks clearly, and she is still full of energy when speaking. The most filial piety.

Mrs. Tai also asked: "Why is His Royal Highness staying for dinner?"

Madam said: "It's really strange. But grandma, don't worry, there are the Duke, Fourth Uncle, Third Brother, Fifth Brother, and Asun to entertain them."

(End of this chapter)

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