Chapter 425 Qualified dog leg
There was a sharp pain in my arm, I quickly regained my senses, and saw Cai Nanny gritted her teeth and stared at me with a dark face: "What are you looking at? Why don't you wipe off your saliva quickly, it's a shameful thing." Turning around, I turned to Li Nanny and Miss Li. She smiled and explained, "I let the lady read the joke. I am a maid who is born with a lack of understanding, and I have never seen much of the world. Please don't be as knowledgeable as her."

Nanny Li smiled and said, "It's the first time I've seen a maid drooling at a young lady."

I quickly touched my mouth, and sure enough, I was really drooling, and I was so ashamed that I wanted to crawl into the cracks in the ground.

The young lady's voice was as crisp as a wind chime: "What's the name of this maid?"

"Ginkgo. I'm ten years old. I was sold to me by my parents when I was four years old. It's just that I'm a bit stupid. I haven't sold it until now. I have to keep it by my side to do some chores. Let her come and see the wealth of the Duke's Mansion today." .It's just that this girl is a shameless girl, which made the lady laugh."

"You're only ten years old? You're so tall and strong." The lady looked at me in surprise.

I can't wait to shrink my body by three inches.Because Nanny Cai said that it is not good for a girl to be too short, but it is also not good to be too tall.But I'm the taller one, and I'm still strong.

Cai Momo said with a smile on her face, "That's right, I can eat a lot, and I have to eat five big steamed buns for one meal."

I blush again.

The young lady smiled and said: "It can be eaten so much, isn't that a lot of strength? How does it compare with our Qingmao?"

Nanny Li replied with a smile: "Grandma Qing's strength is innate. It's probably incomparable."

But the lady came out of curiosity and asked me to move the tumbling stone under the corner of the wall.

When I raised the millstone, I heard the young lady clapping her hands happily and saying, "Look, Madam Li, isn't this the second Sister Qing? I want her."

I was stunned.

Although Nanny Cai belittled me to nothing, she still couldn't stand the insistence of the young lady and said she would buy me as a personal maid.

Not only Madam Cai was stunned, but I was also stunned, thinking that there was something wrong with my ears.

By the time I reacted in a daze, I had already been bought by the lady for thirty taels of silver, and I was renamed Qianmo.

Mammy Cai's amazed mouth that could stuff eggs into her mouth, and the three blooms of silver that were forcefully stuffed into her hands hurt my eyes severely.

I grinned happily: "Mommy, so I am quite valuable."

Mammy Cai's face, which was so surprised that she lost her voice, was deeply imprinted in my mind, and it has made me proud for many years.


I became Miss's personal maid and changed my name to Qianmo.Also because I was the most expensive maid, I was specially taken to see the mistress.It was a beautiful woman with a soft and noble appearance, with an indescribable temperament, I looked straight at her again.

The mistress asked some questions, I just looked at the beautiful face of the mistress, I didn't know what I said, I only knew that the mistress said to me: "Sure enough, I'm so stupid, I can compete with Qingsi."

It was only later that I realized that the blue silk in Madam's mouth was the famous Qingmao.

Qing Nanny is tall and strong, wearing a dark blue embroidered chrysanthemum gown, her hair is tied into a bun, with big eyes, big nose bridge and big lips. Those who don't know it may think that it is "being rich and unkind" in Cai Nao's mouth The dominatrix of the landlord and rich family.But the young lady is very intimate with Qingmao, allowing the young lady to act like a baby on her, the smile on her face is so loving.

Sister Qing looked me up and down and said with a smile: "Sure enough, I have some shadow." Then she taught me that, from now on, I will follow the lady by my side, and I must serve her well, and I must carry out the orders of the lady meticulously.

Looking at the majestic Qing Nanny, I nodded.

Later, I learned that Sister Qing is a unique existence in the mansion.She is one of Madam's dowries, and all Madam's dowries back then were married and had children, but she is still an old girl.She doesn't get married either, and says she wants to stay by Madam's side for the rest of her life.And the madam also let her.

Sister Qing doesn't do anything, she just stays with Madam every day, she eats whatever Madam eats, and follows Madam wherever she goes.When I was free, I led a group of servants to patrol around, and the servants were particularly afraid of her.

Probably because I can eat but can't do anything, everyone said that I was a fall for Qing Nanny, and Qing Nanny was more patient with me, pointing me from time to time on how to serve the master.

Looking at the tall and majestic Qingmao, I suddenly had a goal to fight for!

Miss Chun Sui regarded me as the second young lady, regardless of everyone's objections, she insisted on promoting me as her personal servant girl.Sitting on an equal footing with the four major servant girls.

This has never happened in the duke's mansion with strict rules.It is said that the personal maids who can become young ladies are all selected from the sons of the family who know the basics, and have been trained rigorously since childhood.There are very few people like me who buy it from outside and put it directly next to the lady without training.

So I also caused a small sensation in the Duke's Mansion.From the old lady to the other nurses in charge, they all came to look at me very curiously, and then said, "Sure enough, there are some shadows of black hair."

And then no more.

The lady didn't arrange any specific errands for me. My task is to be with her every day. She plays the piano while I sleep soundly beside her.The lady was painting, and I was sleeping on the side.The lady went to the teacher's class, and I chased butterflies and cracked melon seeds outside the main room.

The young lady is very generous to me, she will feed me whatever she eats, and I will not refuse anyone.

It was at this time that I realized that there is such a delicious food in this world, so beautiful that I wish I could swallow it with my tongue.

Later, I also met the male master and the three sons of the mansion one after another.

Miss is the eldest daughter of the mansion, she is the same age as me.But the lady is beautiful, talkative, and knowledgeable. The lady knows a lot of knowledge that I don't know, and tells me.

Every time I listen to it with gusto.

Miss likes to go out.

I will follow Miss and protect Miss.

The lady also likes to ride a horse, but the lady is too young, so the lady found her a gentle pony for the lady to ride on. Although the lady also ordered the young man to follow, I still followed my sister all the way with all my heart .

The lady is sometimes naughty, makes mistakes, and is beaten by the wife. I see the teary eyes of the lady, and it really hurts. I will rush up and beat the lady on behalf.

Madam looked at me, unexpectedly did not continue to punish the young lady for the first time, but told me to look after the young lady well in the future, so as not to let her make mistakes again.

However, Madam really thinks highly of me. I think Miss is the cutest and most beautiful master in the world. I will only carry out Miss's orders unconditionally. How can I refuse?
Therefore, when the lady does something bad, I am usually the first to charge into battle.

The lady decided to plot against the eldest son on the road that the eldest son must pass, so I immediately dug a hole and found a piece of shit and put it in the hole.

The eldest son fell into the pit, his shoes were full of shit, and he was so sick that he wanted to vomit. The young lady and I laughed.

The eldest son was so angry that he stomped his feet. He didn't dare to deal with the young lady, so he vented his anger on me.

But with all my strength, I beat the two young servants next to the eldest son until they cried.

Later, things got serious, and both the young lady and the eldest son were punished to kneel in front of the Duke and Madam.

The Duke of the country reprimanded Miss, as the elder sister, she doesn't love her younger brother, and even bullies her younger brother, she is really not worthy of being an elder sister.

The eldest sister was so trained that she cried.

My heart aches so badly, miss looks so pretty when she smiles, carefree, innocent, looking at this little face, crying so hard that pear blossoms with tears really makes my heart tighten.I hastened to express that it had nothing to do with the young lady, it was my own initiative to dig a hole to plot against the eldest son, and it had nothing to do with the young lady.

In the end, I was slapped twenty palms!
This is the result of Madam's intercession, otherwise, the stern and majestic Duke will tie me up and sell me.

Because I heard Madam Cai say that as a slave by the master's side, in addition to serving the master with all his heart, he also has to persuade the master.If the master did something wrong, the slaves around him were usually the first to be punished.In severe cases, they were beaten or sold, and in severe cases, they were beaten to death.

The lady felt very guilty because of my palm, and said that she would not implicate me anymore.

But I said: "Miss, we were careless this time. Next time we plot against the Eldest Young Master, we shouldn't be on the sidelines. We should hide in the dark and laugh. That way, the Eldest Young Master won't find out."

The lady's eyes lit up, and she felt that what I said was reasonable.

Miss looks like a kitten who has succeeded in doing something bad, not to mention how cute it is.

Heh, actually, Miss Gan is the cutest when she starts to have bad ideas.

However, my words were heard by the madam.

So, I was screwed in front of my wife again.

Madam didn't have the gentleness before this time, but asked me seriously: "Do you know what mistake you made?"

I answered honestly: "Slaves shouldn't allow the young lady to deal with the eldest son."

"Since that's the case, why do you still say such things to Miss?" Madam said seriously, "Didn't Mammy teach you that as a slave, you have to persuade the master to tell the difference between right and wrong. You are so indiscriminate in trying to encourage the master, I could absolutely kill you."

I flinched, but still summoned up my courage and said, "Your maidservant knows that you shouldn't help the young lady to plot against the eldest son. However, besides being disgusted by shit, the eldest son has no other loss? The madam doesn't know anything, the eldest son Not only did she catch bugs to scare the young lady, but she also intentionally damaged her favorite dress, and the young lady was so angry that she cried. The young lady just responded with an eye. Otherwise, the young lady is holding her breath in her heart, what if something goes wrong?"

Madam was stunned for a moment, and blamed the eldest son for being rude, and then blamed the young lady, saying that she was bullied by her younger brother and didn't say a word, she should have told her.She will definitely make decisions for the young lady.

But I said: "However, the young lady said that she is the eldest sister, and the elder sister's complaint to the younger brother is also a bit ridiculous. Besides, it is too shameful for the young lady to sue the elders for such a trivial matter. The servants also felt that, Solve your own affairs."

Madam laughed angrily, but thought that what I said was reasonable, but she still beat me a few words, so that I could no longer accompany the young lady to do anything wrong.

But the next day, the eldest son came to the door angrily. Seeing him stroking his butt and looking like a bullfighting bull, I knew that the eldest son should be punished by his wife, and now he came to settle accounts with the young lady.

So I stood in front of the Eldest Young Master and said, "Eldest Young Master, this time it's a complaint from the servant, if you want to beat the servant, just beat the servant."

The eldest son was so angry that he didn't hit one place, so he really asked the little servant to beat me.

But they were all thrown to the ground by me.

Moreover, I even beat the eldest son and trampled him underfoot.

The eldest son was stunned, half of his face was on the ground, his cheeks were flushed with anger: "You damn girl, you are so bold, dare to attack the master, I will tell my mother, I will beat you to death."

I said disdainfully: "Sue at every turn, coward!"

"you you……"

"I didn't expect Miss' younger brother to be so useless."


"As the master, but let the servants beat you, if it were me, I wouldn't tell it even if I was beaten to death. You are the only one who wants to file a complaint. Isn't that embarrassing enough?"

I let go of the Eldest Young Master, straightened the clothes and skirts on my body, put my hips on my hips and said, "If you want to sue the Eldest Young Master, just go ahead and sue. The servants have earned their lives in exchange for the Eldest Young Master's reputation."

The eldest son who was only seven years old was so angry that I blushed and his neck was thick, and then he left angrily.

Later, when the young lady found out that I had beaten the eldest son, she said worriedly: "You should come with me to make amends to my younger brother. Otherwise, if your parents find out, they will definitely beat you to death."

But I said: "Your maidservant can go alone, and I will bear it alone if I am beaten or killed. Miss, don't go." I really don't want the expensive lady to be humble because of me. Miss is born to enjoy happiness and be carefree. Yes.

But the young lady comforted me and said: "It's okay. Although that kid is a little naughty, he is not cruel. Let's bow down to him and be gentle, and he will be fine if he gets angry. Otherwise, if daddy finds out, you My little life is in danger.”

I refused to let the young lady go, so I went to apologize to the eldest son with a determined heart.

The eldest son lived in the outer courtyard. When I passed the second gate, I was stopped by the gatekeeper woman and asked me what I was going to do.

I said to go to the outer courtyard, find the eldest son, and kowtow to the eldest son to apologize.

After the woman registered, she looked me up and down and let me go.

The outer courtyard is quite large, and this is the first time for me to come here, and I don't know where the eldest son lives, so I asked a young man who was about the same age as me.

The boy pointed in the direction.

After walking for a long time, he saw a small figure in green clothes walking towards a courtyard surrounded by a group of servants.Isn't that figure from the back the eldest son?
So I shouted loudly, "Young Master!"

Then I ran over, knelt on the ground, kowtowed and said, "My lord, this servant has accompanies you. This servant should not have beaten you just now, let alone trampled your face. Miss is afraid that the eldest son will come to you The Duke of the country filed a complaint and then beat the servant to death, and specially asked the servant to kowtow to the eldest son to accompany the crime. The eldest son, the slave has apologized to you, it is the eldest son's business to forgive. But the slave still wants to say, if the eldest son goes again in the future If you provoke Miss, the slave will still beat you."

After kowtowing, I left without looking at the Eldest Young Master's reaction.

(End of this chapter)

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