I don't want to fight anymore

Chapter 619 Extra Story 1 Wen Xizhou

Chapter 619 Extra Story 1 Wen Xizhou

In the Daqing Dynasty, civil servants and military generals were clearly distinguished. It was not easy for the children of civil servants to abandon their pens and join the army; it was even more difficult for the children of military commanders to study and take the imperial examination.

Over the years, there has been a little Wenge elder.

Xiaowenge's old surname is famous Jiuxiao. He was born in the Marquis of Wu'an, the family of generals, but he became an official through the imperial examination. At the age of 15, he entered the Imperial Academy as the number one scholar, then entered the Dali Temple, and became the youngest cabinet minister of the Daqing Dynasty.

During this period, the Marquis of Wu'an Mansion where he lived did not give him any help, and everything depended on his own efforts.

People lamented that there was only one such wonderful and gorgeous character. However, his son heard that Xizhou Qing came from Lan and was better than Lan, jumping back and forth between civil servants and generals.

The first time Beijing remembered the name Wen Xizhou was after the county examination released the rankings. He took the exam for a county case leader, but the people who read the rankings were extremely at a loss. Who is Wen Xizhou?Which academy?Which family's children?It seems that there is no such person in the Imperial College, so why have you never heard of this person?

Surname Wen?There is such a family in Beijing with the surname Wen. Damn, it can't be his family, right?Although that family is a general, but the second son of Marquis Wu'an, Mr. Xiao Wen, took the route of becoming an official through the imperial examination. Could it be...

Everyone's pulling and pulling really pulled out Wen Xizhou's life experience.

It turns out that this Wen Xizhou is really the son of Mr. Xiaowen. Everyone knows about Mr. Xiaowen in Beijing. Why is his son so unknown?Such a good knowledge should not be!

Later people learned that Xizhou didn't grow up in Beijing, but grew up with his father in office, and didn't return to Beijing until it was time for the scientific examination.

Wen Xizhou came from a good background, has a capable father, and is excellent himself, but a county chief is not enough to impress those Zanying families, and they are watching.

If this son disappears from the public in the future, then that's all.If this son doesn't say that he is as stunning and talented as his father, and can go all the way to the imperial examination, it is worth their effort to recruit or win over. The best way is to marry.

Well, it's still early!

After all, young people, jumping out, are very uncertain.

Soon Wen Xizhou shined again in the provincial examination and won the first place in the case.Just when everyone lamented that the blue is better than the blue, they guessed that the old Wen's family is likely to produce a champion again, father and son double champion, this is smoke from the ancestral grave!
No, this is a fire on the ancestral grave.

Who would have thought that Wen Xizhou, who had already made his way in the imperial examination, would abandon his pen and join the army. He followed his grandfather into the Habayashi Guard camp and became a small personal soldier.

Everyone was dumbfounded, no, what did you think when you ran to the barracks as a weak scholar?Are you out of your mind?Isn't this a joke about your own future?
This son is too self-willed, too taken for granted, and the elders in the family are also confused!
Just when everyone felt sorry for Wen Xizhou, they were surprised to find that this son was not only talented in writing, but also first-class in bowing, riding and shooting.In the military competition, he won the championship in the royal school field, and even His Royal Highness applauded, repeatedly shouting, "Master Xiaowen has raised a good son!"

Just when everyone thought that he was going to inherit his grandfather's mantle and take over the connections in the army, he quietly went to take part in the general examination and palace examination, won the number one scholar quietly, and entered the Imperial Academy.Diligently go to the Hanlin Academy every day to study, humbly ask colleagues and seniors for advice, low-key as if he is not the one who shows his power in the royal school.

Wen Xizhou stayed in the Hanlin Academy for three years. During this period, his father, Mr. Xiao Wen, had reached the first rank and entered the cabinet.With such a backing to pave the way, Wen Xizhou can not only stay in Beijing, but Liubu, where can he not enter?
Many people speculated whether he was going to the Ministry of Officials or the Ministry of Households, his father's territory. He did not take the usual path, and asked himself to lead troops to suppress the bandits.

Now everyone is sweating for him, you must know that one's own martial art is strong and proficient in bow and horse, it doesn't mean that he can lead the army to fight, no matter how familiar the art of war is, what's the use of talking about war on paper?

This son is being praised a little bit...

Many people shook their heads and sighed, although they didn't say anything, they didn't like Wen Xizhou's behavior in their hearts.

Three months later, Wen Xizhou not only did not fall into the sand, but returned to the court with a complete victory.That day, the silver-robed young general was sitting on his horse, the sun shone on the armor, reflecting the gloomy light, making the young general look like a god.

After returning to the court, Wen Xizhou did not enter the Ministry of Officials, nor the Ministry of Households, but went to the Ministry of Industry.What shocked people's attention was that this son of the Hou's mansion was actually good at carpentry, and the range of his improved crossbow was twice as far as the original one.Not to mention that he also led people to create various hidden weapons suitable for single use, which can not only be used in the military, but also very useful for self-defense like Dali Temple officials going out to investigate cases.

Of course, the royal guards were the first to be armed.

At this moment, the courtiers were already numb to Wen Xizhou's jumping back and forth, even if he said that he was going to Qin Tianjian, they would not be surprised, but secretly guessed what he would come up with this time.

If Wen Xizhou was only better than others, then others would still want to compete with him and try to catch up with him.But he is so good that no one can compare with him.

In time, this is another little Wenge old man!

Who wouldn't want such a talent to come to his own family, so the powerful officials and aristocratic families all set their sights on Wen Xizhou and wanted to marry him.

There were too many people talking about marriage, so Yu Zhi asked him, "Zhou Zhou, what kind of girl do you want to marry?"

Wen Xizhou didn't hold back, "Mother, you can choose for your son." He believed in his mother's vision very much.

"I won't help you choose." Yu Zhi rolled his eyes, "It's you who marry the wife, not me. It doesn't matter whether I like it or not. The key is that you like it. That's for you to have children and accompany you." The person of your life."

Seeing his son thinking, Yu Zhi said again: "Every child will leave their parents to start their own small family when they grow up. From now on, your closest person will be your wife. You have to learn to be the leader of a small family." Be a pillar, go and shelter your wife and children from the wind and rain."

"I like it?" Wen Xizhou muttered to himself.

Yu Zhi nodded, "Yes, you like it. Son, what kind of girl do you like? Mom will look for it like that."

Unexpectedly, a pretty figure appeared in Wen Xizhou's mind, it was a girl with big round eyes.

(End of this chapter)

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