Chapter 388 Lan Jiaojiao has also become shrewd

I remember one time, Lan Jiaojiao took Chengcheng and the others out to play.

When passing by the toy store, Chengcheng and Tiantian naturally wanted to buy toys.

If toys are not expensive, Lan Jiaojiao will buy them for them.

But Chi Wenting would sometimes share his parenting experience with her, telling her that children should not always indulge them in buying toys, otherwise they would have no restraint in buying toys in the future.

He told Lan Jiaojiao that the correct concept of shopping should be established in children from an early age.

If you can’t just buy it if you see it, you should buy it if you see it. At least you have to buy something that is practical and used a lot.

You can't get bored every time you buy it and go back to play. Wouldn't the toys at home have to pile up into a mountain?

Moreover, once the child's desires are not learned to be controlled, they will continue to buy them, and they will cry if they don't buy them, or even cry in the mall.

Chi Wenting absolutely does not allow this kind of behavior, and he has been playing tricks with Cheng Cheng since he was a child.

Lan Jiaojiao couldn't learn it at first, after all, the child was still young, and she couldn't stand being coquettish.

But after buying more, she found that she really can't indulge the children's shopping desire too much.

Occasionally, you can buy a lot at one time. For example, on birthdays, this kind of meaningful festival can be indulged once in a while.

But you can't buy some useless things randomly every day.

Like toy cars, Aisha, and dolls, there are many at home. If you continue to buy them back, they will stop playing for two days and just throw them aside, which is wasteful and takes up space.

Lan Jiaojiao observed several times, and found that the children did buy toys and go back to play for a day and stop playing for a day, which is really a waste.

Notwithstanding their wealth, they cannot form such wasteful habits.

Just buy something practical, and you can’t just buy everything you fancy.

At the beginning, Lan Jiaojiao didn't know how to refuse the child's request to act like a baby, until Chi Wenting showed her that she understood.

Now if Chengcheng and Tiantian beg her to buy something, she will let them watch or play for a while.

If they still want to buy it, let them save their own money to buy it.

She has learned to cry poor now.

What do you say, "Mom has no money now, and the last month's wages are all spent when I invite you out to play, otherwise you will save up your pocket money and buy it when you have enough?"

Chengcheng and Tiantian saw that the change on her mobile phone was indeed only one or two hundred, which was not enough to buy, so they could only forget it.

But Chengcheng and Tiantian are also good at it, and they know how to ask Lan Jiaojiao to play with her on her payday.

Because there is money on payday, I can let my mother buy it at that time.

Lan Jiaojiao didn't expect them to be so smart, so she had to let them buy dolls and take them home.

But when she got home, she would take Chengcheng and Tiantian to play with dolls for two days and two nights, until she got tired of Chengcheng and Tiantian's interest, and refused to let them go.

"No, no, why can't you stop playing? When you bought it, you said you would keep playing and playing. Now that mom hasn't played enough, how can you go away?"

Chengcheng and Tiantian played until they wanted to cry, usually they only bought toys for half a day, at most a day.

I didn't expect their mother to play with them for two days and still not let go, they were about to cry.

So much so that when buying toys with Lan Jiaojiao in the future, they would be afraid that Lan Jiaojiao would keep pulling them to play, so they would not easily ask Lan Jiaojiao to buy toys for them.

Lan Jiaojiao didn't expect the tricks taught by Chi Wenting to be so easy to use, and now it's very easy to go shopping with the children.

Because they have already developed the habit of thinking carefully before buying toys, to see if they will continue to play after buying them?

If you like it only a little bit, don't buy it.

If you really like it, put it aside and come back to see it next week.

If you still like it next week, buy it again.

If you don't like it, don't buy it.

Lan Jiaojiao thinks this method is very useful, and now it's a routine to take the children out.

Her honest temper has become shrewd, let alone other people.

Chengcheng, Chi Haiyi, and Tiantian sighed at each other, thinking that it would not be so easy to cheat the adults.

The old lady Chi is very generous, but because she is too generous, the children are embarrassed to keep cheating on her.

Occasionally, once or twice, they feel guilty, but they will be a little more restrained later.

The three brothers and sisters sighed, "Then who else can we cheat?"

The shrewd ones are too shrewd, the kind ones are too kind, and there is really no one to do it.

Chi Haiyi, "But I'm not reconciled to forgetting it like this. I have been tricked so many times before, and I always want to make up for it once."

Chengcheng and Tiantian curled their lips, "But we are not their opponents."

A Chi Wenting is an old fox, who can deal with it?

Chi Haiyi, "Otherwise, let's pretend to be crazy. Next time we want to buy toys, we have to buy them. Even if uncle and the others deliberately make us bored, we will still buy them!"

It's all about winning once.

Orange and sweet.
That doesn't seem like a win, does it?
I'm tired of playing and buy it back, isn't it masochistic?

When they buy it back, if they keep playing with that toy, they will be the ones who will cry.

Chi Haiyi let out an uh. "It seems to be too."

"Should we just forget it? That's too good."

Even children have to save face.

Chengcheng looked at him, "Then what can you do?"

The adults are so smart, who can have their tricks.

Chi Haiyi, "It doesn't matter, anyway, I will win it back next time."

As the grandson of Chi's parents, how can he keep losing?He will definitely win a round!
Chengcheng thinks that he is still too naive, the family is full of old foxes, how could he be able to deal with it.

Even if she is young and old-hearted, she doesn't have the confidence to deal with the wily elders of the Chi family.

Chi Haiyi was still planning how to trick his parents next time, and kept thinking about it.

"Otherwise, let me try my hand at my parents first?"

"They will come tomorrow, remember to help me then."

Uncle can't do the routine, so he will kiss his parents first.

Chengcheng and Tiantian chuckled, "Are you sure?"

Even if they didn't live with Chi Jianghe and the others on weekdays, every year Chi Jianghe and Yu Xinyan would come back to live for a while during the Chinese New Year.

At that time, when they got along with Chi Jianghe and the others, they knew how slippery the second uncle and the second aunt were, and they were not easy to deal with.

Chi Haiyi, this little idiot, still wants to deal with the slippery old fox?
Chengcheng and Tiantian thought he was whimsical.

Chi Haiyi didn't believe in evil, "Anyway, they will come tomorrow, you two must help me. We are in the same camp, adults are masters of tricks, we can no longer be tricked."

Anyway, he didn't want to bring the second child to his parents, but let them take it by themselves.

"You guys help me watch it tomorrow, don't let me be tricked by my parents."

Chengcheng and Tiantian also want to see how Chi Jianghe cheated Chi Haiyi, and they are looking forward to it.

"Okay, let's take a look at it tomorrow."

"But if we see your parents cheating on you, how can we help you?"

The main reason is that they haven't won before, so they don't know how to fight back.


(End of this chapter)

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