Chapter 317 Chi Wenting is innocent
Tiantian was satisfied by her, so she stopped being angry.

"Then will you still call me an idiot in the future?"

Although her grades are not as good as Cheng Cheng's and her reactions are not as fast as hers, she is already working hard to catch up.

Because grandma said that if her grades can't keep up, she will be separated from Chengcheng in the future.

In order not to be separated from Chengcheng, Tiantian works hard every day to study, so that her grades can always be ranked around Chengcheng.

The teacher also praised her for working hard and being smart, so she is not a big fool.

Chengcheng didn't expect that a little joke would make her sister think so much, and she felt a little guilty.

She hugged Tiantian in her little hand and apologized, "I'm sorry Tiantian, I shouldn't say you are stupid, but you are not stupid at all, you are smart, last time you drew more than me."

"The teacher said that you are very talented in drawing and asked you to go to the competition next week. I don't have any, which shows how smart you are."

Tian Tian was so shy from being praised, "Really? Am I very smart?"

Chengcheng kissed her, "Of course, my sister is the smartest kid in the world. It's just that we are good at different things. You are better at drawing than me, and you are better than me at dancing."

"We all have our own strengths, and we are all very smart." Tian Tian was comforted, and she was suddenly happy.

"Hee hee, I'm awesome too, right?"

Cheng Cheng, "Of course, my sister is super awesome, I like my sister the most~~"

Tiantian was very happy, grinning, her big eyes curled up.

"Then I'll sleep with you tonight~"

Cheng Cheng also smiled, "Okay, I like sleeping with my sister the most."

The corner of Chi Wenting's mouth raised while listening on the other end of the phone.

The heart of a child is really kind.

Still very innocent.

Seeing that the two sisters quarrel for a while, but when they are in love, they are the best in the world.

Chi Wenting shook his head with a smile, and called Lan Jiaojiao.

The relationship between the two daughters is so good, he also has to cultivate a relationship with his wife.

Lan Jiaojiao couldn't laugh or cry when she received his sticky phone call.

"Have you finished talking to your daughter?"

Chi Wenting smiled, "No, she went to play with Tiantian halfway through what she said, she has no conscience."

Lan Jiaojiao, "So you came to me? Treat me as a backup?"

Chi Wenting was wronged, "How dare I. You are my true destiny. If you want to talk about a spare tire, you can only treat me as a spare tire."

Lan Jiaojiao couldn't help but smile, "Fuck you, I won't treat people as a backup."

Chi Wenting knew this.

She and Lan Jiaojiao are both first loves, and they have no spares.

As for whether Lan Jiaojiao had any suitors in the past, he believed her when she told him no.

Now think about it, she is so beautiful, how could she not have a suitor.

It's just that she is busy studying and working every day, so she probably hasn't found a suitor yet.

Lan Jiaojiao suddenly remembered, "By the way, recently that Zhao Cuifeng always wanted to abduct me, and I don't know what she wants to do."

I thought Zhao Cuifeng's goal was Chengcheng.

But recently, Zhao Cuifeng always wanted to call her out, but she didn't know what to do.

Hearing this, Chi Wenting frowned, "Could it be that Gu Junhai still wants to attack you?"

That idiot, it's fine if he wants to use Cheng Cheng to deal with him, but he still wants to move his wife's mind?Simply unforgivable.

Lan Jiaojiao couldn't figure it out either.

"I asked my mother, and she said that the Gu family had a cooperative relationship with our family before, and our family didn't help when something happened to the Gu family later, that's why Gu Junhai hated our family."

"But there were a lot of people who didn't help at the beginning, why did they just focus on our family?"

And also staring at Orange.

Chi Wenting couldn't figure it out either, and asked his old classmates in high school.

An old classmate told him, "Gu Junhai was originally a very jealous person."

Back then when he was still a student, Gu Junhai wanted to curry favor with Chi Wenting, but Chi Wenting coldly rejected him, and he has hated him ever since.

He also speaks ill of Chi Wenting behind his back from time to time.

The most important point is that all the girls Gu Junhai likes like Chi Wenting.

And because of Chi Wenting, the girls all rejected Gu Junhai directly, and said to Gu Junhai, "I can't possibly like you even if I'm Chi Wenting's backup all my life, you should give up."

These words naturally made Gu Junhai hate him even more.

In addition, the Gu family had an accident, and the Chi family did not help, which led to the last hope of the Gu family being shattered, and the police also came to arrest his parents directly.

The collapse of watching his parents being taken away with his own eyes made Gu Junhai's hatred for Chi Wenting even deeper.

After all, he can't take revenge on other department staff, so he can only spread his hatred on Chi Wenting.

Chi Wenting felt speechless after hearing this.

Gu Junhai himself is incompetent, how can he blame him?
It's really worse than Dou E.

Besides, girls don't like him, it's girls' business, what does it have to do with him?
Chi Wenting almost wanted to roll his eyes.

But she still instructed Lan Jiaojiao.

"Don't go out alone in the near future, even if you go out, you must bring three bodyguards, otherwise I will worry."

Who knows what Gu Junhai's plans are for targeting Lan Jiaojiao.

His wife is so beautiful and so fragile, he doesn't trust her to go out alone.

Lan Jiaojiao knew that he was worried about her, so she reassured him. "Well, I won't go out alone."

She is the mother of two children. She cherishes her life very much and will not allow anyone to take advantage of her.

Seeing that she was sensible, Chi Wenting was relieved.

"Then you go to bed early, I'm off to work, if you need something, you can ask your parents, they will help you."

Lan Jiaojiao nodded, "Okay, go to bed early."

The two hung up the phone, and Chi Wenting couldn't help but sigh.

Originally, Chi Wenting wanted to report Gu Junhai directly.

After all, he is doing gray business overseas, so he should be able to find out his handle.

But Mr. Chi thinks it's not that simple, so let him not startle the snake.

After all, if the business in the gray area outside the sea does not affect domestic security, it is useless for you to report it.

In addition, Gu Junhai can come back safely, which shows that those businesses are well hidden.

Let them report it, but it is not easy to produce evidence.

If you want Gu Junhai to be completely peaceful, you must get evidence that can completely imprison him, otherwise it will be a waste of work.

Chi Wenting knew that it was difficult to obtain evidence, so he just waited and watched.

As for Gu Junhai's liking for Lan Jiaojiao, he didn't know.

Because when he met Lan Jiaojiao, he had never heard Lan Jiaojiao mention Gu Junhai.

And now that Lan Jiaojiao has lost her memory, naturally she can't even remember this character.

By the second day.

Chengcheng and Tiantian go to class as usual.

Zhao Cuifeng was called by Xiaoxuan to clean the yard.

The grass in the yard has grown taller and needs to be leveled.

After the workers finished weeding with the lawn mower, Xiaoxuan asked Zhao Cuifeng to sweep up the grass clippings.

Zhao Cuifeng didn't want to do it, but when Mrs. Chi came out to hang around, she could only pretend to behave and resigned herself to sweeping the floor.

In the end, because the yard was too big, she couldn't even straighten her waist after sweeping.

But Xiaoxuan didn't let her go, and continued to let her sweep.

One sweep lasted a whole day, making her too tired to get out of bed.

Ask for leave and rest the next day.

 Remember to add clothes when it’s cold~

(End of this chapter)

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