The God-level Scholar of Agent Rebirth

Chapter 661 You know if you pretend to be amnesia

Chapter 661 You know if you pretend to be amnesia
On the 25th of the twelfth lunar month, in the early hours of the twelfth lunar month, a group of young people lingered on the streets for a long time, not going home.

Zhong Wenman staggered here and there, drank a dozen cans of beer and walked straight, just in front of a manhole cover, she subconsciously jumped from it, but accidentally twisted her foot, let out a muffled groan, Guying took advantage of the situation to support her.

Zhong Wenman looked up at him, showing a naive smile, "Thank you Brother Guying, I can walk by myself."

She pushed him away lightly, and was lifting one leg, suffering from neuralgia again, it must have been sprained just now, the pain was so painful that she wanted to lean back, Midsummer Ye and Qin Miao were so worried that they each took a step forward, Gu Ying stretched out her hand first embraced her.

A false alarm.

Zhong Wenman leaned on Guying's shoulder, still holding an empty soda can in her hand, and turned her head to Midsummer Ye and shouted, "Drink, keep drinking!"

Sheng Xiaye curled her lips helplessly and looked at Gu Ying.

"I'll take her back." Gu Ying was silent for two seconds, and put the restless Zhong Wenman's arm on her shoulders. Zhong Wenman was neither tall nor short, but because he was 1.9 meters tall, her arm put it on the screen like this. It was a little bit out of harmony, and he had no choice but to put down her hand and let her lean on him first.

She couldn't stand still, and he put another hand on her shoulder.

"Master, send me a WeChat message when you get home." Sheng Xiaye helped Zhong Wenman get into the taxi and watched their car go away.

When she turned her head, Qin Miao and Zhao Nai looked at each other, and immediately reached out to stop a taxi. Zhao Nai smiled and said, "Then Miao Miao and I will go first, and Xia Ye will be sent home by Lao Gu?"

"It's okay to let him see you off." Sheng Xia Ye frowned.

"I've already got a taxi, so I don't need to trouble Senior Gu." Zhao Nai closed the car door neatly, waved goodbye to them, "Be careful driving, see you another day."

The car sped away, and there were only two figures of a man and a woman standing there under the street lamps, and two long shadows were dragging on the ground.

The wind at night made people wake up, and suddenly there was no noise from Zhong Wenman's chattering in their ears, and they finally calmed down. Midsummer Ye bent the corners of his lips helplessly, and looked back at Gu Fengchen, his burning eyes fixed on her face , Even the moment they looked at each other, there was no intention of moving away.

She suddenly felt empty.

A sports car sped away, and she looked at him, "Thank you and Jiangcheng for today's matter."

He shook his head, indicating that he didn't care.

"Are you in a hurry to go home?" Seeing that she stopped talking, he cast his eyes down, "Why don't you take a walk? Tonight's night is not bad."

"Okay." She nodded.

The night was thick and long, and the two of them were walking along the side of the road. From time to time, they could meet noisy children, and sometimes young people passing by on bicycles. Gu Fengchen took her by the arm and let her go inside , and then let go.

Midsummer Ye would occasionally turn her head to look at him secretly.

But it seemed that every time he could accurately detect her gaze, and quickly looked towards her, so she could only sneak a peek from the corner of her eye.

"I heard from Miao Miao and the others that you have spent a lot of effort to find me this time, Gu Fengchen, you don't have to be so nice to me, I can't show you anything now." Midsummer Ye felt a little uncomfortable, Because of that dream, because I couldn't help myself.

Gu Fengchen stopped walking suddenly, stood in the middle of the bridge, turned his head and looked at her with Mo You's eyes.

Sheng Xia Ye pursed the corners of her lips, and asked with a wry smile: "What's wrong?"

He suddenly told her in a very serious tone, "But I don't want to be nice to anyone else except you."

Midsummer Night's heartbeat trembled.

He moved two minutes closer to her, but kept a polite distance of a few centimeters. His voice was hoarse in two different ways in the thick night, which made people's heart sore and numb.

"If it can only fall on you like this, I will admit it."

Going home this night, Midsummer Ye didn't dream of that boy, and in the dream she went back to the bridge where he talked to her at night, she didn't keep silent like she did then, but hugged him and kissed him wantonly, his The kiss was so passionate, and her lips were warm. She wanted to hold him and never let go. Unfortunately, dreams are dreams, and she will wake up sooner or later.

When I opened my eyes, the feeling of loss persisted for a long time.

After calming down for a while, she turned out the box in the corner, and put the homework and some sundries from her childhood into the study and utility room. During the process, she discovered a surprise.

The original owner actually wrote the boy's name in the textbook before.

In many places, she wrote the word "Jiang" with pencils and ballpoint pens. In several articles, there was a picture of the boy behind the word "Jiang". , which is already a huge breakthrough.

She immediately sat in front of the computer in the study, found the school where Chen Guo was studying, and quickly locked her mobile phone number.

Playing crazy and acting stupid?

It might work for others, but not for her.

Longcun Charity No. [-] Middle School.

This school was built with donations from Jincheng celebrities. If the students studying here can reach the grades of prestigious universities, there will be philanthropists who will continue to donate money for them to go to university. But if they don’t have that ability, they can only stop at junior high school And the high school gate is up.

Chen Guo's grades in junior high school are very average. She stepped on the grade line to go to high school. She usually doesn't do business in the class. She spends her free time with a few little sisters, doing nail art and star chasing and gossip. Her academic performance is a mess. Today, the teacher told her to prepare Called the parents, but she didn't know that last time she asked someone to pretend to be her father. With Father Chen's violent temper, knowing that she was messing around in school, he would definitely break her leg.

In the office, the teacher asked why the parents were not called over, did she have to come to invite her in person?
Standing in front of her, Chen Guo scratched her head and pondered for a moment before saying, "Mr. Zhang, you also know that I fell into the river after a huge blow, and now I always have a headache and feel uncomfortable every day. It is true that it is very painful to keep up with the progress of studies at this juncture. Brain, I promise you that I will work hard in the future, so don't call your parents today, okay?"

"Stop arguing with me! I see that you are very active when you are fighting with your classmates, and your brain is very bright." The teacher gave her a look, "Chen Guo, it's okay for you to fool the police, after all, they can't really treat you alone. How is the child, but I know that you are usually the weirdest, and you know if you are pretending to lose your memory."

Chen Guo's expression froze, but she still looked at the teacher dumbfounded, "How could I lie? Teacher Zhang, you are wronging me. Didn't the doctor tell you all about it? If you are greatly stimulated, you may have indirect amnesia. Do you think I don't want to remember the scene at the time of the incident?"

As she spoke, she was about to cry.

"Don't tell me so much, just think that I have misunderstood you. That midsummer night also went out to study in our village. They also drank the water in the village and ate the rice in the village. No. 1 in high school, outstanding in every aspect, you guys just give up on yourself and refuse to work hard on your own, no matter how many famous teachers come to teach you, it will not work."

(End of this chapter)

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