"What do you mean? Why can't I understand?" The man stared at Midsummer Ye and asked after a while, "Don't you want to do it yourself?Just by you? "

Midsummer Ye forcibly shook the man's hand away.

"Yes, it's up to me."

Her voice was indifferent, just as her face showed no emotional ups and downs, which made it difficult to guess whether she was serious or joking.

Several people looked at each other in blank dismay, and finally laughed.

"It's really interesting. As a woman, you can still play and understand computers?"

"A serious game is not a play, midsummer night, you get out now and we don't care about you, but if you want to protect Gao Haoyu, I can only say that there is no way! The big guys will report him together when they go back today. He is the one who caused us harm. Lose the game."

"It's just right now, you can see him for the last time, after that, there will be no more characters like him in Shenggao."

Sheng Xiaye's brows and eyes were all alienated and indifferent, "With me here, you can't touch him."

Several people laughed from ear to ear as if they had heard a big joke.

There is no hope of winning this game. They are full of anger now, but Gao Haoyu has passed out, and they can't get angry. Midsummer Night comes just in time!
"Are you two talking? How far has it progressed?" Someone said jokingly, with teasing eyes.

Jiang Ye dropped the mouse in his hand and jumped up from the chair.

As if, he wanted to tear that dog's mouth apart.

Sheng Xiaye immediately pressed his shoulders, gave him a look, and signaled him not to move around, and continue to focus on his own affairs.

"Good trick, Midsummer Ye, the two most famous handsome guys in your class X have been taken down by you."

"I remember that you also have a very close relationship with that senior Gu. You are not afraid of running out of skills when dealing with so many people at the same time?"

"Enough!" Lin Yang could hear their voices while wearing earphones, and it was rare that he didn't hold down his volume and speak in a high-pitched voice.

The computer issued a final alarm.

The bright red exclamation mark rushed out of the screen!
"I'm going now, and I still have time to honor you." She said coldly, it wasn't that she was begging them, but that she pitied them for their rare chance to go to the arena and gave them a chance to pretend to be credited.

She was doing Gao Haoyu face, not these bugs.

She leaned down and pressed the keyboard with her slender fingers, her expression focused.

Zhen Long played badly by himself, and when he saw her get started, he felt unexplainable anger in his heart, and rushed over after cursing, "This is not a place for you to show your affection! If you don't get out, don't blame me for beating women—"

Before he finished speaking, Sheng Xiaye raised his arm and rose and fell easily, and he was knocked unconscious to the ground.

"Midsummer night!"

When the companion saw it, he was angry and annoyed, and wanted to rush up to subdue her, but he was shocked by the cold light that shot out from the bottom of her eyes. It was the same pair of black and white beautiful almond eyes, which were like knives. She warned in a calm voice: "If you dare to harass me again, you will end up worse than him."

She turned her gaze back to the computer.

At the critical moment when the other party had already broken their firewall and was about to take away their important data to succeed, Sheng Xia Ye tried his best to turn the tide, and with his ten-fingered operations, he secretly passed the data transmission channel of the other party, and also planted data in their computers. A virus program has entered.

Her operation was so fast that those noisy guys just now were stunned.

"What the hell..."

There is a mouth that is so big that it can quickly stuff a duck egg.

The one who passed out on the ground was kicked by one of them because he blocked them from watching Midsummer Ye operate.

"It's over! This one is also under attack!"

Zhen Long's computer also sounded an alarm, and they turned their eyes back from Sheng Xia Ye. They were about to fall, and they were clearly declaring failure just now, and they were ready to carry it out to the end. Now they really saw that the firewall was invaded. Every sound of the alarm showed their weakness and incompetence, and everyone's faces were dull. At the same time, there was a new place to vent their anger.

"You knocked Zhen Long out, no one is operating his computer!"

"Midsummer night, what are you pressing on the computer? Don't pretend, Shusiyuan is famous for his computer technology. He has already broken through the firewall of Gao Haoyu's computer. It is estimated that all the data has flowed to them now. We lost , but you and Gao Haoyu are both to blame!"

"Shut up!" Jiang Ye said coldly.

He was also surprised by Sheng Xiaye's fast hand speed just now. Before, he only knew that she looked gentle, but she was secretly a game master, but he never knew that she still had research on these electronic devices. Although those people refused to believe it, he did. willing to believe.

Midsummer Night is here to help.

She can save the situation.

"Say one more word, and I will make you unable to speak forever. If you don't believe me, you can try." Even if Jiang Ye didn't look back, he knew he was talking about himself.

But my heart is not happy.

She's a woman, isn't it just that she can play games better, and her hand speed is normal, computer competition?She still forgets.

"Midsummer night, you—"

"If I can't win, I will drop out of school on my own initiative and take full responsibility for today." Just as the other party spoke, Sheng Xiaye cut off his words and stared at the content on the screen intently. There was a red light of alarm in her eyes, and the light and shadow changed and intertwined. He added, "Bring me Zhen Long's computer!"

The man couldn't believe it.

"What do you mean? You have to operate two computers by yourself? Don't be ridiculous."

Midsummer Ye pressed the keyboard with one hand, and grabbed his neck with the other, "Do it if you call!"

He couldn't imagine how Sheng Xia Ye's hand strength was so strong, he was pinched and almost out of breath, he could only tremble and put the laptop on the table in front of Sheng Xia Ye, which was not a spacious operating desk. All of a sudden, he seemed a lot more cowardly. He stood behind Midsummer Ye not daring to move, but murmured in a low voice, "It's all in your hands, and there are good fruits for you to eat."

Midsummer Ye glanced back at him, "Get lost."

He hurried back to his seat.

Lin Yang glanced at Sheng Xia Ye from a distance, thinking of the confrontation between her and Chu Tianjiao, in his opinion, Chu Tianjiao was just a willful little princess whose achievements in the past were not outstanding, and Sheng Xia Ye, although He'd never met her face to face, but he knew her a little bit.

This girl is much richer than she looks.

Maybe, today she really has the ability to turn the tide.

"Do your part well." He reminded the boy next to him, and then responded to the enemy more seriously.

At that time, in the battle room of Gaomen Middle School.

Seeing that he was about to break through Gao Haoyu's defense, Shu Siyuan leaned back in his chair leisurely, deliberately took his hands off the mouse, and said slowly into the microphone in the team: "You said this Gao Haoyu, who gave him the capital to be so crazy in front of me?" He also said that if I lost, I would call him daddy, but I want to see who kneels and calls him daddy in the end?"

The attendant next to him smiled and said, "Yeah, I'm so tired of daring to provoke brother one!"

With a smug smile on the corner of Shu Siyuan's mouth, he played with his fingers, "My program is safe, and the lifeline of Shengxue will be killed after the automation is completed. They have nothing to do. I will decide that midsummer night!"

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