Chapter 182

How could Emperor Ming Zheng not be as surprised and suspicious as Xie Yuheng?
However, the emperor likes people who are smart and clear.

Who cares if he is a man or a woman?

It doesn't matter if it's Xie Aiqing's concubine or the young master of the Qin family.

She is a person who can understand clearly, and knows to hand over things that are beneficial to the court.

I like this kind of person!
While making tea, Wang Tong'er paid attention to the expressions of the monarch and his ministers.

After the tea in his hand was brewed, he immediately chilled it with the prepared crushed ice for 2 minutes, then poured the tea into the Ru porcelain teacup, put it on a red sandalwood tray, and brought it in front of Emperor Mingzheng and Xie Yuheng, and said apologetically: " I'm sorry to keep the two distinguished guests waiting for so long."

In fact, how can there be a long wait?That's about 10 minutes.

"Where is it? Master Qin is the one who worked hard." Emperor Mingzheng said politely, shaking the suet jade folding fan.

After Emperor Mingzheng finished speaking, he immediately put the tea in his hand and took a sip, "Well, not bad, good tea!" While praising him, he took two more sips, which showed that the emperor was indeed thirsty.

While speaking, the emperor pointed to the plan on the table that the emperor and his ministers had just read, and asked, "Master Qin, are these plans you wrote about the establishment of a naval force called 'Navy' for me?"

Upon hearing this, Wang Tong'er hurriedly nodded her head and said, "Yeah, yes! I need to ask Mr. Xiao to pass it to the little prince of Pingqing Palace!"

"Puzz!" Xie Yuheng finally couldn't help breaking his kung fu.

Wang Tong'er has really learned a lot today, and saw Xie Yuheng lose his composure twice before it was time to drink tea.

Wang Tong'er was surprised that someone who was originally a cold and dignified old cadre suddenly failed twice.

Emperor Mingzheng picked up the jade fan as if to cover up something, and took the opportunity to give Xie Yuheng a glance.

Feeling a little embarrassed, he coughed lightly and said: "Hey, Young Master Qin, don't worry, Xiao will definitely live up to your expectations." Needless to say, Emperor Mingzheng's words clearly mean that he has already passed them.Just wait until you return to Beijing to get it from the ministers in the court.

As long as the emperor nodded and approved, everything would be much easier and faster to implement.

Hey, what am I worried about?

I just want to hug your old man's thigh.

"Thank you first, Mr. Xiao, that..." Wang Tong'er moved out from the corner the embroidered stool that Xiaoxue and Madam Xu sat with Wang Tong'er in the study, and sat down on the two of them very consciously. Boss next.

Then he continued the topic just now and said: "I heard from the people below that something happened to the salt merchant Zhu's family next morning?"

She didn't regard Zhu's family as Qin Yu's grandmother's family. Who made their family be black-hearted?
In their eyes, human life is worthless, even a little girl who came to Qinzhou from her hometown to visit her relatives would not be spared, and they would shoot and kill them halfway!

What a heartbroken, inhuman beast!

Good copy!

Wang Tong'er was gleeful at this time, and really wanted to see with her own eyes whether the Cui mother and daughter would still be defiant in the future?
It looks like everyone else is a lowly pariah.

When it's her turn, she has become a pariah, how does she live in the world?
"Well, good salt merchants don't do it, they have to do the illegal business of reselling private salt!" Xie Yuheng took the conversation and said harshly.

"Oh, I really didn't realize that he is so rich and still doing this?" Wang Tong'er asked pretending to be cute.

Emperor Mingzheng looked at Wang Tong'er who was very thirsty for knowledge and said: "Young Master Qin, you are still young, and you don't understand that people in this world have to look forward to everything. There is no end to greed!"


Wang Tong'er nodded, expressing that she was educated.Zhuan Xi casually asked again: "Master Xiao, is this salt worth so much money?"


Emperor Mingzheng met Xie Yuheng's eyes and said in his heart: If you are not in charge of the family, you don't know how expensive firewood, rice, oil and salt are!

Emperor Mingzheng was fine, and the official business that should be solved in Qinzhou had been settled, so he opened Jinkou to Wang Tonger to popularize the importance of "salt" to the Great Zhou Dynasty, and the embarrassing situation that the output of "salt" in the Great Zhou Dynasty was in short supply.

The most important thing is that in the Great Zhou Dynasty, there was only a small piece of coastline like Qinzhou, and the supply of salt from such a little coast was already in excess of demand, and almost one-third of the salt was purchased from neighboring countries Qi and Yan at high prices. .

This is still a period of truce. If a war is launched, the two countries will cut off commercial exchanges, and the consequences will be disastrous...
Days without salt will cause water balance in the body, loss of appetite, weakness of limbs, dizziness and other phenomena.In severe cases, symptoms such as anorexia, nausea, vomiting, and increased heart rate may also occur, and may even lead to death.

Wang Tonger blinked her beautiful water eyes and asked curiously: "Since salt is so valuable, why can't we increase production?"

As the saying goes, increase production and increase income.

Emperor Mingzheng looked at Wang Tong'er amusedly, "What? Increase production?"

Looking at the Great Zhou Dynasty, the emperors of all dynasties did not want to increase or decrease the production of sea salt. The key point is that the Great Zhou Dynasty only had such a small coastline, how to increase the production?


When Wang Tong'er saw Ming Zhengdi, he didn't look at him with admiration and admiration like before.

It's the kind of eyes that look at the mentally handicapped looking at me.

"Well, that's the thing. I read a book before going down. The book says that there is a way to increase the production of sea salt."

When Wang Tong'er said it, she complained that she read too many time travel novels.

Things that cannot be explained are the eternal excuses of reading books.

As soon as Wang Tong'er finished speaking, Emperor Ming Zheng and Xie Yuheng immediately looked at her with bright eyes.

"Book? What book?"

"From that book?"

"What does the book say?"

Didn't expect it to turn so fast!

Just now the two big brothers looked at themselves with funny eyes.

At this time, it was Wang Tong'er who looked at the urgent eyes of the two top bosses in front of him with harmonious eyes.

I didn't know which sentence to say first.

How could Emperor Mingzheng not care about the matter of salt, how could he not be concerned and not excited?
However, I can't pour beans out of a bamboo tube, and pour them out all at once.

At that time, it will not be a good thing to exhaust Jiang Lang's talents.

How can the emperor ask for the life-saving contract?

Wang Tonger also has her own little abacus...

With that life-saving contract, Xie Yuheng couldn't take him away, Qin Baozhen realized that he was not his real son, and there was nothing he could do about it.

I can get away in a smart way, not afraid of anyone, earn my own little money, and be my own little boss.

Hee hee, it would be best to get the emperor's handwriting or something as a treasured sword, and worship it at home, so that no one can bully me!

However, in anything, imagination is beautiful, but reality is skinny...

"Well..." Wang Tong'er deliberately hesitated.

Emperor Mingzheng looked at her with scorching eyes, anticipating what she would say next.

 Emperor; I like people who are smart and understand clearly, so who cares whether he is a man or a woman?

  Xie Yuheng; speechless.

  Wang Tonger; Raise your hands in favor.

(End of this chapter)

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