Houmen's concubine

Chapter 133 Farewell

Chapter 133 Farewell
Qingzhou city has been raining non-stop for the past few days, as if knowing that Yu Xiao'e is going to leave, God wants to keep her for a few days.

When the rain finally stopped, it was still Wang Shoudao who came to pick up Yu Xiaoe from Qinzhou.

This shows that Qin Baozhen still attaches great importance to coming to pick up Yu Xiao'e.

He bowed to Yu Xiaoe and said, "Madam, please leave early."

No matter how reluctant Miao Qingyuan was, the time of parting still came.

This morning, although the sun was shining brightly, for the more than 20 servants of the Qin Mansion, it was gloomy.

Ever since it was known that Yu Xiao'e was going to Qinzhou, the Qin family's old house had been shrouded in the melancholy that his wife was going to leave.

From now on, they have become slaves without masters...

Butler Miao was even more depressed, and his whole body was enveloped in the low pressure of a stranger suddenly approaching.

Yu Xiao'e's brothers and sisters-in-law all came to practice for her, and the elder brother looked at her with tears in his eyes, and told her: "Xiao'e, if someone bullies you, come back quickly, you don't want to go back to Qin's house, go back to brother's house, brother will take care of you! "

"Yes, sister knows." Yu Xiao'e nodded to her elder brother with red eyes.

The day before yesterday, she secretly sent the concubine release letter given by her great-grandmother to her elder brother to go to the government to handle it. After all, her elder brother is a member of the yamen, so it will be done soon, and she is no longer from the Qin family.

Yu Xiao'e planned to stay in the inn when she went to Qinzhou this time, and she could return to Qingzhou with peace of mind when her daughter was safe.

Miao Qingyuan even told Li Nanny and Chunmei who went with him in every detail: "Madam has never traveled far, and if she is tired on the way, she must stop the carriage and find an inn for Madam to rest... "

Turning around, he told the two strong servants who brought him over: "In case of any danger along the way, the first thing to do is to ensure the safety of my wife!"

The two servants immediately assured: "Yes, Steward Miao, don't worry, I will protect my wife from harm if I don't want my life!"

Miao Qingyuan put the pills in the porcelain bottle bought from the doctor to treat the hot stomach in a small brocade bag for Nanny Li to put away.

Since it's summer, it's not easy to bring food and it's easy to get moldy. Otherwise, he would definitely prepare a big box for her to eat on the way.

I could only make Yu Xiao'e's favorite golden milk cakes, red bean cakes, and warm green dough overnight.

Yu Xiaoe looked at the pastry in front of her, her heart softened...

I really want to say to him: "Brother Qingyuan, wait for me to come back..."

However, when the words came to his lips, they turned into instructions: "Brother Qingyuan, after I leave, the family will be entrusted to you to take care of."

Afterwards, Yu Xiao'e couldn't bear to look at the reluctant eyes of the people, turned around and walked towards the carriage, after getting into the carriage, opened the curtain, waved to everyone and said, "Go back, I will be back soon. "

Miao Qingyuan knew in her heart that she was comforting everyone.

The journey of more than 1000 miles is not something that a woman can come back just by saying so.

Miao Qingyuan tried his best to suppress his affection for her, and there was a bit of indelible pain in his eyes. Looking at the carriage going farther and farther in front of him, his heart was empty. The people on the carriage seemed to take away his soul and bring him walk all his hopes......
Suppressing his emotions, he really wanted to make a big confession to her regardless: "Xiao'e, I really like you, I have been by your side all these years, I don't want to let you go... ·”

However, what qualifications do you have?In what capacity did you tell her these things?

She is going to her husband and son-in-law, and her own child to go to a family reunion...
On the second day after Yu Xiaoe left her hometown, Miao Qingyuan was listless, staring at the pineapple armchair where she used to sit and deal with affairs, her beautiful eyes seemed to appear in front of her, and her petite and slender figure... ···

Just when he was feeling sad and missing, the old servant Qin San walked quickly with the letter in his hand, "Housekeeper Miao, there is a letter from Qinzhou." He crossed the threshold in front of the main room and handed the letter in his hand to Miao Qingyuan.

Miao Qingyuan took the letter with a "Huh?", hesitating in his heart, Xiao'e just left, who sent this letter?
Of course the letter was sent by Wang Tonger.

Since Wang Tong'er arrived in Qinzhou, she has lived in the Qin family as Qin Yu.

Every half a month, she would write a letter to the old house in Qingzhou to tell Qin Yu's mother that she was safe.

That day, she didn't know Qin Baozhen's plan to bring Qin Yu's mother from her hometown to Qinzhou. When she found out from Qin Baozhen, his letter had been sent for a few days, so she had no time to stop her, so she had to go back to Qilin Academy hurriedly wrote a letter to Qin Yu's mother, hoping that she would receive the letter before coming here, thus canceling the trip to Qinzhou.

Unexpectedly, due to continuous rain in Qingzhou, the letter was delayed for several days on the road, and it did not arrive in Qingzhou today.

In fact, Wang Tonger had two plans in mind.

If Qin Yu's mother hadn't received his letter, she would already be on her way to Qinzhou.Then, I could only let Xu Jinshen cover her at night when she was about to arrive in Qinzhou, and secretly go to see her first, so that she would know the tragedy of her daughter's absence in advance.

Otherwise, when she arrives in Qinzhou and sees herself at the Qin family, it will be an unimaginably tragic scene of a large-scale social death...

The flesh that fell from her body has been lost since she was raised since she was a child, and she became another person living as a daughter, which is a cruel fact that no one can accept.

Cheap Dad can't accept that he is not only a counterfeit, but also a woman. He is probably so angry that one Buddha was born and two Buddhas ascended to heaven...

Of course.It's better if she doesn't come. You don't need to know the bad news about your daughter's absence. If you have expectations and concerns in your heart, your life will be full of motivation.

It is more beneficial to oneself than harmful...

It can also make myself a fake "Li Gui" for a few more days.

Miao Qingyuan opened the letter and saw what was written in Qin Yu's letter. The melancholy of so many days was swept away on his face, and his whole body was as excited as a chicken blood, and he loudly ordered his family: "Zhang San, hurry up and prepare the horse! "

He wants to ride a horse and chase Yu Xiao'e back.

Before Zhang San went to the stables to bring the horse over, a soft and soft voice that was so familiar came from in front of him: "Hey, brother Qingyuan, where are you going to ride the horse?"

"Xiao'e?" Miao Qingyuan was so excited that he forgot his honorific title.

Although he did not sell himself into slavery, he is a good citizen.But the distinction between master and servant must still be observed.

Miao Qingyuan was overjoyed at this moment, the haze of these days was swept away from his face, and a smile that he hadn't seen for many days surfaced on his cheeks.

"Hurry up, go in and have a rest, are you hungry? I'll make you whatever you want to eat." Miao Qingyuan looked like a stunned young man in his early twenties at the moment, so happy that he didn't know what to do.

Really at a loss!
 Miao Qingyuan: What qualifications do I have?In what capacity did you tell her these things?

  She is going to her husband and son-in-law, and her own child to go to a family reunion...
(End of this chapter)

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