Chapter 111
The guests looked at the timeless and jade-like young man on the stage, his appearance was too foul, and the boys and girls under the stage were instantly attracted by her good looks.

"Everyone, I just came to Qinzhou and made a fool of myself just now," she raised her eyes and grinned at the audience. She was eloquent and extremely confusing!Then said: "My performance is not counted, as the host, it's just for fun!"

Her meaning is very clear, she does not participate in the competition for prizes, she is just a host.

For a moment, everyone was impressed by her high profile, although he came from a small place, he has a good character!
Among the guests, many sons of rich merchants felt that Qin Yu, the young master of the Qin family, was worthy of their friendship!
Among them, only Qin Baozhen was the most satisfied. His ears were full of praise from everyone, and he once again thanked Mrs. Yu in his heart: Xiao'e taught his son well!

Having made up her mind, she will write a letter and go back to her hometown tomorrow, asking Mrs. Yu to settle the house well, and when the tea tasting competition is over, immediately send someone to her hometown in Qingzhou to pick her up!
Because there are more than [-] acres of land rented to tenant farmers in his hometown, and there are a few small shops, Qin Yu can't leave just by saying.

Yu Xiaoe had to deal with all of these before she could leave her hometown.

How did Wang Tong'er know that Qin Baozhen put all his excellence on Yu Shi, whom he had never met before, and made up his mind to take her to Qinzhou?
She was also thankful that Mrs. Yu was more than 1000 miles away, so she would definitely not meet her face to face.

No one can see through a counterfeit product.

The prizes for men and women at the spring banquet held by the Qin Mansion today are: Wang Wenyuan, the young owner of Huiyuan Tea Shop, he got the most flowers, and of course he got a pure gold pocket watch as a prize.

As for the woman, of course it is Qin Jingjing, the eldest daughter of the Qin family who is as beautiful as a flower, gentle and gentle.

After lunch, the spring banquet held by the Qin Mansion also enjoyed the guests and the host, and the curtain came to a perfect conclusion.

Through the spring banquet organized by the Qin Mansion today, Qin Baozhen achieved his son's goal of making an appearance in front of everyone, and it was unexpectedly perfect!

In spring, people are most prone to sleepiness. Wang Tonger accompanied the guests at the banquet and only drank a small cup of wine. Suddenly, her cheeks flushed and her head became dizzy.

In modern times, it's not that I didn't drink wine, but what I drank at that time was red wine, not the old wine that I drank for many years now.

Therefore, it is easier to get on top.

Wang Tonger's wine is good, she smiled and said to everyone when she was drunk: "I'm sorry, I drank too much, offended, offended!" faux pas.

Seeing her blushing delicate face, everyone expressed their understanding, and someone said: "Young Master Qin, leave quickly and drink a bowl of hangover soup!"

When Xiao Cong and Xiao Min were about to step forward to help her back to the Kylin Yard, Xiaoxue and Mrs. Xu helped Wang Tonger's staggering little body first, and each of them supported her with one arm and walked towards the Qilin Yard.

Although it was only three days since Wang Tong'er came to Qin's house, all the servants in her yard knew that the young master Xijing was afraid of being annoying.

Therefore, when she arrived in the courtyard, the servants obediently retreated after seeing her.

Only the servant girl, Xiaoqin Xiaomei, wanted to come closer, but she was stared at by Wang Tonger's drunken cold eyes, so she had to lower her head and exit the dormitory.

Wang Tong'er came out of the shower, yawned, and lay softly on the Limu Babu bed with an indecent posture, "Master, don't go to sleep, drink the hangover soup first." Xiaoxue went to the kitchen to cook a bowl and return it. The hot hangover soup was brought over for her to drink.

"Let's put it away first, and drink it after it cools down."

She just went to the bathroom to clean up, but she wasn't as sleepy as before.

She still didn't forget to tell Nanny Xu: "Mommy Xu, when you have time, go to the man's teeth to see if there is anyone who knows kung fu. It doesn't matter if you are male or female, as long as you are good at kung fu and loyal."

Now, Wang Tong'er, Madam Xu Xiaoxue and the others are grasshoppers on a rope.

Who else could Wang Tonger trust if she didn't trust them?
Besides, after being with them for so many days, they are both loyal and reliable.

Upon hearing this, Nanny Xu shook her hand and said, "Master, there is no need to sell someone to Ren Yazi."

Seeing Wang Tong'er's puzzled face, Madam Xu explained: "Master, this old slave wrote to my adopted son when he came to Qinzhou, asking him to accept the letter and come to Qinzhou."

Xu Momo glanced at Wang Tong'er, and then remembered that she was not Qin Yu and didn't know about her adopted son, so she explained to Wang Tong'er: "The old slave's adopted son is called Xu Jinshen, who was brought to him by a wandering monk with strong martial arts when he was seven years old. Went to learn martial arts at Longquan Temple."

Wang Tong'er heard Xu Mama talk about her experience, and then realized that she was a hard-fated person. A few days after giving birth to her daughter, the child died young, and her mother-in-law sold her to the Qin Mansion as a nanny, and the money sold was given to her son to rehabilitate her. marry a daughter-in-law.

Mother Xu's man is a mother's treasure. When she saw that her mother wanted to sell her daughter-in-law, she was reluctant at first, so she said to her: "Qiu'er is beautiful, please don't sell her."

Unexpectedly, Nanny Xu's mother-in-law stared at her triangular eyes and said: "You see, she gave birth to a loser and died young. She must be in poor health. After selling her, I will find you a more beautiful one with the money." Good health to serve you."

Mammy Xu's man actually nodded in agreement and said, "My son listens to his mother."

She didn't say why Nanny Xu was in poor health?

At the beginning, she was in good health and married into their family. Her father-in-law passed away early, so the family of orphans and widows must be poor.

After Madam Xu got married, she left all the housework to her alone, even though she was pregnant with Liujia.

Coupled with malnutrition, if there is something delicious, the mother and child will eat it first, and the rest will be Xu Nanny's turn.

You said, why is her body not bad?
After hearing this, Wang Tong'er sympathized with Madam Xu.

This ancient time is really not a place for women to live. Fortunately, I left the Zhongyong Hou Mansion, otherwise those who waited for me would have to be Xie Yuheng's concubine and housekeeper.

Or take a deed to marry an ordinary poor family as a wife like Madam Xu, take care of her husband, teach her children, and serve her parents-in-law.

She has to cook and wash clothes every day, and serve her husband's family, and it is difficult to have a bright future.

Even if you are a slave in a big family, you still get monthly money.

You married a poor family who was already impoverished, not only did you not get monthly income, but you were also a free servant!

If the mother-in-law is a caring person, there will be a good life, if the mother-in-law is like the mother-in-law Xu.

hehe!It's my fate not to be rubbed to death by her!
The most poisonous thing is Xu Nanny's mother-in-law, who rubbed people to death, then sold them, and remarried her son with the money from selling her daughter-in-law...
Wang Tong'er cursed secretly in her heart: This black-hearted mother-in-law and the heartless man...

(End of this chapter)

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