229 Lock the target
The same scene is staged at various canned sales points.Within a few days, the adverse effects were reflected on the report.

People who often buy canned food have a consensus, don’t buy canned Qiqi fruit, the glass bottles they use are substandard, and eating can cause cancer.

Looking at the report in his hand, Daddy Liu buried his head deeply between his fingers. After several days in a row, he has aged several years.

Now there are more and more fruits in the orchard of the factory. If they are not put into production, the fruits will rot.Daddy Liu sighed for several days because of the lightness of this matter.But he has no solution, he can't come to each door to explain.

Seeing his father's white hair growing more and more, and the wrinkles on his face getting denser, Liu Yi had an idea.

At night, when the brothers and sisters were all asleep, Liu Yi knocked on the door of Daddy Liu's room.

"Come in."

Daddy Liu was leaning on the bed and staring blankly. When he saw his son coming in, he waved at Liu Yi, "What's the matter? Come and tell me."

Liu Yi took a bench and sat down along the edge of Daddy Liu's bed, and Aunt Liu also sat up straight, waiting eagerly for Liu Yi to speak.

"Dad, there's a problem with sales at the cannery, isn't it?"

Daddy Liu let out a deep breath, he was too tired, "Yes, it's still about the glass bottle. Now there are rumors that our canned bottles cause cancer. Recently, the sales have dropped sharply. The most terrible thing is the orchard. The fruit piled up into a mountain, and I didn't know what to do with it."

Liu Yi looked very experienced, and gave advice to Daddy Liu, "Dad, the most urgent thing now is to restore word of mouth, otherwise Qiqi Fruit's reputation will really be damaged. Rumors can spread much wider than the truth. What do you say The truth may not be believed by anyone, but once the rumor spreads, it will grow exponentially."

Daddy Liu gasped, panicked and lost sleepiness, "Liu Yi, don't scare me, will the cannery close down because of this?"

It is useless to comfort Uncle Liu, now we need to solve the problem, Liu Yi fixed his gaze on Uncle Liu, "So we have to take advantage of the rumors' instability and people are still waiting to see, quickly restore our reputation and prove our innocence Just do it."

Daddy Liu was puzzled, how could he prove his innocence with a glass bottle, after thinking about it, Daddy Liu gritted his teeth, "Say, how do you prove it? Do you want to eat it?"

Aunt Liu coughed, punched Daddy Liu in the back, and rolled her eyes, "Are you stupid? If you eat, you'll still die!?"

Daddy Liu looked innocent, he really didn't know how to prove his innocence, how to prove his innocence with a glass bottle!So Daddy Liu looked at Liu Yi expectantly, "Son, you don't need to eat? Then how can you prove your innocence? I really don't understand."

Liu Yi smiled, "Mom is right, it's really dead after eating. The way to prove your innocence is very simple, send the cans and jars to the quality inspection agency, and let them issue the test report. What we have to do now is Hurry up and change the can packaging, wait for the quality inspection results to come out, and put a mark of passing the quality inspection.”

Daddy Liu's eyes lit up, and he thought it was a good idea.

Liu Yi went on to say, "Of course, the most important thing is the point of sale. We will put up a sign at the point of sale to promote it."

Liu Yi had an idea, and thought of a slogan, "Just call it, Qiqi Fruit, natural and healthy!"

Daddy Liu couldn't help nodding, he was lying on the bed, his blood boiling.

In the end he couldn't lie down anymore, turned over and sat up. He leaned on Liu Yi's shoulders and looked into Liu Yi's eyes, "Son! This time it's up to you again, Dad can't slack off! I'll go back to the factory right now, organize Get up, start tomorrow!"

Liu Yi agreed with Daddy Liu, "Dad, this is right. This kind of thing should be done sooner rather than later. Take action today, and send the samples directly to the quality inspection unit tomorrow, so you can get the results early and feel at ease."

Daddy Liu slept in the cannery for more than ten days, busy submitting inspections and finding someone to design new packaging.Through repeated speculation, the most suitable packaging was finally selected from more than a dozen designs.

On the day when the quality inspection results came out, Daddy Liu and Aunt Liu wept with joy.

Daddy Liu rubbed his nose, "Daughter-in-law! You really scared me to death. You know what I've been working on for the past ten days. I can't sleep, and I can't eat well. I'm just waiting for this result. !"

Aunt Liu put her arms around Daddy Liu's waist, she could clearly feel the bones on his body, he lost at least ten catties.

"Let's go! Go home today and get a good sleep. I'll make you some delicious food and make up for it."

Seeing Uncle Liu's wrinkles like chiseled by a knife, Aunt Liu felt very uncomfortable. After entering the city for almost a year, Uncle Liu has aged a lot and lost a lot of weight.

The husband and wife went to the vegetable market together, bought a lot of vegetables, and then returned home arm in arm. Not long after they entered, Liu Yi also returned home.

Seeing his father's happy face, Liu Yi knew that the quality inspection report had come out, and the result should be good.

"Dad, the result is good?"

Daddy Liu nodded with a smile, and handed the quality inspection report in his hand to Liu Yi. Liu Yi took a brief look, including the lead content test, and more than a dozen tests were all qualified.

Liu Yi returned the report sheet to Daddy Liu, "Father, there is one last step, and that is to track down the person who spread the rumors."

Daddy Liu also knew that he had to investigate, but he really had no clue how to investigate.

"Son, everyone has a mouth. How can I control what people say? I don't know how to start investigating this matter."

Liu Yi also knew that it was difficult and time-consuming, but if the person who started the rumor was not responsible, then everyone would feel that spreading the rumor was worthless, and a few unconfirmed rumors could bring down a room that had worked so hard. operating factories.

Nothing so cheap!

"Well, the rumors must have started from the point of sale. After all, there are only the target audience. Let's find more people and follow the point of sale to lock them in. I think we will soon find the person who spread the rumor."

So far, the small benefits of Qingjiang County have emerged.The entire county is a society of acquaintances, and one can always touch another person along the way.

Factory Manager Liu sent more than 20 workers to the sales point to inquire, and as expected, within a few days, he touched the heads of the Zhao family couple and Zhao Defa through rumor spreaders.

Summarized the situation of more than a dozen sales points, including department stores and supply and marketing cooperatives, and every target pointed to them.

(End of this chapter)

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