Chapter 210
"Liu Yi, what's wrong with you?"

Aunt Liu looked at her son nervously and tightened her throat.

She didn't know, and everyone didn't know, that Liu Yi was reborn in this life.Liu Yi clearly knew the fate of each of them.

Take Liu Er as an example. In his last life, Liu Er joined the army as a soldier. When he was performing a mission, he fell off a rock and broke a leg.

Although Liu Er is not very smart, he will be strong all his life. He retired from the army due to disability, and finally committed suicide due to depression. When his family found out, he was completely cold.

The scene in her previous life was lingering in front of Liu Yi's eyes. Aunt Liu threw herself on Liu Er, shaking Liu Er's stiff body desperately, crying, "Liu Er! Get up quickly!"

Daddy Liu passed out immediately, and the younger brothers and sisters also cried together. That day was the heaviest day for the Liu family.

Recalling everything that happened that day, Liu Yi didn't want Liu Er to repeat the same mistakes.

"Brother, just listen to me once, you must never join the army. There are many things in this world that are worth trying, and you don't have to be a soldier!" Liu Er strongly discouraged.

Daddy Liu was also very confused, "Liu Yi, I can see that you are doing your brother's best, but why don't you let him join the army? You have to make it clear?"

"That's right! It's not that you don't know, your elder brother is a stickler. If you don't explain clearly, how can you convince him?"

How could Liu Yi speak clearly?Say you know what happened in your previous life?No one will believe it at all.

Liu Yi shook his head, "Don't ask, brother, I can't tell the reason, but you really can't join the army, can you listen to me?"

Liu Er's mouth was pursed into a straight line, his eyes trembled, and he looked at Liu Yi with agitation, "Third brother, I finally found something I wanted to do, and this thing is very meaningful. I don't I know why you don't let me do it, but I know very well that if I don't go to the army, I will regret it, can you understand me??"

Liu Yi insisted on his own opinion, he absolutely didn't want to see his elder brother die because of this, and he didn't want to see the whole Liu family fall into sorrow.

Daddy Liu pulled Liu Yi aside, stared at Liu Yi's deep eyes, and asked him in a low voice, "Liu Yi, it's a very honorable thing to be a soldier. If you wear a big red flower on your chest, everyone in the street will give it to you." The second brother saw you off, you tell dad? Why don't you let your brother go to the army. "

Liu Yi didn't speak.

Daddy Liu was very patient, holding Liu Yi's shoulders, looking straight into Liu Yi's eyes, guessing his thoughts, "Are you worried that the second brother left as a soldier, and no one at home will take care of him?"

Liu Yi shook his head, he didn't worry about it at all, studying was not difficult for Liu Yi, and he could completely help his mother take care of his younger brother and younger sister in the rest of the time.

"I will help my mother take care of the house, not for this reason. Dad, don't guess. Anyway, listen to me, my brother can't go to the army."

Daddy Liu glanced back at Aunt Liu, then returned to his seat helplessly.

Just when the whole family was at a loss, Liu Qiqi walked up to Liu Er, grabbed Liu Er's arm, and called out, "Binggege. Big brother, Binggege."

Looking at Qiqi's expression, it seemed that he also supported Liu Er's joining the army.

Liu Er's face was filled with joy, and he picked up Liu Qiqi and circled in the air. Aunt Liu saw Liu Er lifting Liu Qiqi as high as a person, so scared that Aunt Liu turned blue and screamed, "Liu Er! Let Qi Qi down! It's too dangerous."

Liu Er also realized the danger, quickly took Qi Qi into his arms, and slowly put it on the ground.

Seeing Qiqi's excited face, Liu Er's heart melted.

But Liu Er was clear-headed and didn't forget the business, "Look, even Qi Qi supports me."

Seeing Liu Er's insistence, Liu Yi's heart loosened.

Liu Yi leaned on the chair, thinking carefully, he felt that he was still hasty in this matter, and he arbitrarily rejected his brother's dream without telling him the real reason, it was really hard to accept.

In fact, it is not necessary to cut off the elder brother's way of being a soldier. Since the elder brother thinks that being a soldier is glorious and makes him extremely confident, then let him go. As long as he avoids danger, it doesn't matter if he is a soldier.

After thinking everything through, Liu Yi's tone softened, he walked to Liu Er's side, looked up at his tall brother, "Brother, if you want to go, just go, I won't oppose you anymore."

"Thank you, Liu Yi. This is really the first time I want to do something well, and I will go all out to do it. I won't let my parents down, and I won't make you laugh." Liu Er opened a little joke.

Liu Yi nodded and snorted coldly, how could he see his brother's jokes?

Liu Yi put one hand in his trouser pocket, like a little adult, with a serious and serious expression, and his eyes softened when he raised his head, "Brother, I won't let you join the army. I can't say why, but there are a few things that I hope you can understand." Listen to me. Will you? Let me beg you."

Liu Er nodded vigorously. Liu Yi's words made him realize the seriousness of the matter. Liu Yi has never been a child who makes trouble out of no reason. He must have his own reasons and unspeakable difficulties for him to attach so much importance to his joining the army.

The Liu family was taken aback by the conversation between the two brothers.

"You're going to be a soldier. There are a few places where you absolutely can't go." In order to avoid being too obtrusive, Liu Yi hid the actual location of Liu Er's injury in several other places, "Huainansheng's Haixi County, West Baichuan County in Yun Province, Mali County in Gandong Province, these three places, you must never go! You must promise me."

When talking about Baichuan County, Xiyun Province, Liu Yi's heart was full of saltiness. In his last life, his elder brother Liu Er was in Wangmei Township of Baichuan County, performing a temporary road construction task, and was smashed by a huge boulder rolling down the mountain. , rolled down the rock, he and Liu San went to the local area.

Standing in the inpatient department of Baichuan County People's Hospital, Liu Yi looked at the misty rain and fog, and the sign with the words "Baichuan County People's Hospital" not far away was particularly dazzling.

Liu Yi clenched his fists tightly, looking at his elder brother who was unconscious on the bed due to the amputation, hot air rolled in his chest.

Liu Er patted Liu Yi's shoulder lightly, drawing Liu Yi's deep thoughts back from his previous life.

"Liu Yi, brother understands. I wrote it down."

Liu Er repeated the three things Liu Yi said, and now he knew that Liu Yi was really thinking of him.

"Thank you, Liu Yi. I promise to listen to you."

Liu Er and Liu Yi smiled at each other, the two brothers reconciled as before.

(End of this chapter)

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