Cry Ha ha!The tyrant turned black after being attacked by me

Chapter 680 We want to be husband and wife forever and never separate

Xiao Jianjin said with a low smile, "Okay, from now on, we will go through the ends of the world one by one. Only in this way will this life be worthwhile."

Su Chengxi smiled, tiptoed to kiss Xiao Jianjin's lips, and said with a low smile, "Ah Jing, thank you for waiting for me without complaint for so many years, and thank you for being willing to stay by my side all the time."

"What nonsense are you talking about? My husband has been with you all the time, don't you also always be by my husband?"

Xiao Jianjin said with a low smile, "I am lucky to be my husband for three lives. I marry you as my wife. If there is another life, I will be with you as my husband."

Su Chengxi smiled and frowned: "Me too, I am willing to pray every day, and hope that we can still be husband and wife in the next life."

Xiao Jianjin's eyes were firm and he said: "It's definitely possible, we will be husband and wife for life and life, and we will never be separated."

On the second day, Xiao Yuhuan, who had just spent the wedding night in his bridal chamber, learned that his father and mother, who were about to leave in the spring, had fled, he gave a low laugh with some regret, and then accepted it calmly.

He has grown up and has his own wife and children.

He also knows that his father and queen mother have done everything they can for him these years, and his father has always wanted to go out and see for many years, and now he can finally let go of everything and live the life they want to live, which is also a happy event pile.

Shen Yuzhuo saw that Xiao Yuhuan looked a little disappointed, raised his hand to pat him, and asked in a low voice: "Your Majesty, have you encountered any troublesome things?"

Xiao Yuhuan took advantage of the opportunity to hold his wife's little hand tightly, smiled lightly and shook his head and said: "There is nothing difficult, it's just that the father and the queen are out of the palace. They said they wanted to go around and have a look around. They have been thinking about it for many years, and now it has finally come true." , I am happy for them."

A smile flashed in Shen Yuzhuo's eyes, and he said in a low voice: "The concubine has not met the empress dowager a few times, but the empress dowager is a very gentle person, and the concubine likes the empress dowager."

"Fool, you should call my father, queen and queen together with me."

A trace of shyness flashed in Shen Yuzhuo's eyes, and he whispered, "Oh."

The carriage stopped at a place where spring flowers bloomed.

A very gentle and beautiful woman who still had a charm was pulled out of the carriage by a tall and handsome man. The two looked at each other and smiled before speaking, several chattering voices rushed out of the carriage.

"I'm sister, I'll get off first."

"I'm my younger brother, I'll get off first."

"I'm the youngest, I'll get off first."

Originally, Su Chengxi and Xiao Jianjin were planning to go into battle without these children.

However, when they were about to leave, they saw three little carrots standing in a row at the door, their eyes red from crying.

Seeing that the children were still young and indeed not old enough to leave behind, Su Chengxi relented and took all three of them with her.

But these few children are too lively and noisy, and they can quarrel for a long time over a trivial matter.

Xiao Jianjin said with quite a headache: "If I had known, I would have left them in the palace. They are all subject to Huan'er's discipline, it's better than chatting with us and always arguing endlessly."

He wanted to live a two-person world with his wife and son, not to raise the children in another place.

As a mother, Su Chengxi was more soft-hearted, and said in a low voice: "The children are still young, it's normal to be noisy. When they get older, they will be sent back to the palace. Besides, children have to watch the world from a young age." As the saying goes, it is better to travel thousands of miles than to read thousands of books.”

Xiao Jianjin frowned.

Although what Su Chengxi said was correct, the children were too lively and noisy all day long, which was a kind of torture for a quiet person like him.

So, Xiao Jianjin thought of a trick, and found a accompanying teacher and a martial arts master for the children.

Everywhere they went, they would stop and play for a few days, and the play belonged to him and his little wife.

As for the three children?

I'm sorry, children who are still young can't be too playful, and they must not miss their homework.

From morning to night, from piano, chess, calligraphy and painting to swords, guns, swords and halberds, he has clearly arranged for the children.

obviously followed
They came out to play, but endured more and the three little ones persisted for less than a month, and they clamored to go back to the palace.

Xiao Jianjin waved his hand, and immediately sent a team to escort the three little radish heads back to the palace.

Su Chengxi squinted at Xiao Jianjin who had no guilt, and couldn't help mocking: "You father, you really do everything for your own selfish desires."

Xiao Jianjin was not ashamed, but proudly said: "Xi'er, my husband only wants to live a two-person world with you, and these children insist on following, but you are still soft-hearted. As long as there are children around, your attention will not be at all. Husband. For more than ten years, I have walked all the way for my husband, and I can’t complain at all, but who made my husband love you, pamper you and pamper you?"

Su Chengxi sighed softly and said: "Travel is exhausting, the children are still young, and they really can't bear it, so it's good to send them back."

In this way, Xiao Jianjin finally lived a happy and happy life in the eyes of his wife.

They travel around the mountains and rivers, visit old people, and go wherever they want.

Occasionally, when encountering injustice, they draw their swords to help, and occasionally when they see disasters, they will rescue the refugees and lead them to rebuild their homes.

Occasionally, I would go to some inaccessible remote mountains and old forests, looking for the miraculous tribes and villages like matriarchal clans that Xiao Jianjin had mentioned.

They are full of legendary stories in many places.

But no one knows who they really are.

It's just that some people occasionally sigh with emotion: those are a couple of gods who look like gods.

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