Rebirth of the noble daughter

Chapter 339 349. Abuse

Chapter 339 349. Abuse
"You will plan! Think you can sit back and relax if you climb the high branch of Prince Ding's Mansion?"

"What kind of person does elder brother think of me? I took refuge in Prince Ding's Mansion not to fight for power and profit with elder brother, but because I felt that the filth in Jinling City should have been dealt with long ago."

At the beginning, Chi Lingyou was a little afraid of Chi Zimo, after all, he was used to it over the years.

But he is not afraid when he talks, all he does is for the justice in his heart, he is not afraid that his elder brother will punish him, and he is not afraid that his future will be ruined because of it.

So he opened his mouth and said.

"All these years, my grandfather raised my elder brother by his side, and never cared about me and my sister. I resented me when I was a child. Why are they both grandchildren of my grandfather? You can get all the love from my grandfather. My sister would be reprimanded even for approaching. In addition, my grandmother and father were always talking bad about you, so I also regarded you as a strong enemy and wanted to do something big. Let my grandfather also see that his grandson is not just You alone are something to be proud of."

Chi Lingyou felt much more comfortable after the words that had been hidden in his heart for many years were uttered at once.

When he looked at Chi Zimo again, there was some inexplicable emotion in his eyes.

"But it didn't work out as expected. No matter how hard I tried, I was always far behind you. So three years ago I ran away from home in a fit of anger and went to the Eastern Capital City. I wanted to make some achievements and come back, but I met you unexpectedly. When it comes to the prince. At that time, he had already planned to eradicate the corruption of officials and businessmen in Jinling City, and it happened that because I belonged to the Chi family, I would naturally get in touch with him more."

Chi Zimo listened to him without interrupting.

In fact, he was aware of Chi Lingyou's resentment towards him all these years.

Similarly, because his parents' second uncle was murdered by Mrs. Lan and Chi Wulang, he hated Wufang's blood, his younger sister and younger brother.

Why can they be happy at the knees of their parents and feel the family happiness, while they can only rely on their memories and memorial tablets in the ancestral hall to cherish the past.

After he took over part of the Chi family's property, he thought about exterminating all of Mrs. Lan's lineage.

But after seeing his thoughts, his grandfather used many methods to help him dispel this hatred. The man is dead and connected by blood. What happened to Mrs. Lan and Chi Wulang is what they deserved retribution.

But Chi Lingying and Chi Lingyou shouldn't be involved in this matter.

So although Chi Zimo had a hard-spoken face, he still made plans for the future of the two of them in private.

When Chi Lingying and the Zhu family were going to get married, he objected.

For nothing else, the Zhu family and the Cao family have been blinded by power and wealth over the years, and have been heavily involved in the corruption of the Water Transportation Department.

But Wufang is like this, the more he opposes, the more determined Wufang will be to marry him, in order to gain the so-called power to fight against him in turn.

So after knowing that Chi Lingyou had taken refuge in Prince Ding's Mansion, his first reaction was that Chi Lingyou would also provoke someone who shouldn't be provoked in order to deal with him?

Of course he was furious!

Who would have thought that his younger brother, who was more than ten years younger than him, would suddenly speak from his heart.

Chi Zimo remembered many past events while listening.

After a long silence, he opened his mouth to comfort him.

"What kind of person is King Ding? He was a prince who was raised by the previous emperor and carefully cultivated. He has culture and military strategy, governs the country and the country, weighs the pros and cons, has never learned anything, and has never seen anything. You dare to go there Shangfeng, you are not afraid of being tricked by others!"

With his mind, he still couldn't see through this Prince Ding, let alone the young Chi Lingyou.

"Brother, I know you are worried about me, but do you know how those officials and merchants who have shielded each other have lived these years?"

As soon as he mentioned this, he felt that if Jinling City didn't conduct a thorough investigation, it might be rotten to the bone.

"You don't bother to be with them. Naturally, many people are restrained in front of you. I have been to several banquets with my father, and each time has become more extravagant and cruel. The five hundred gold dishes, what do you think? Go up Dissection of thousands of fish only takes the back meat about two inches below the head of the fish for cooking. After washing the soles of the fresh duck, it is directly fried in the oil pan, and then thrown into the water. After four or five times, the duck feet It’s so crispy, it’s just slaughtered and served on the table, is this a vegetable? It’s obviously a pleasure to torture children!”

Speaking of excitement, Chi Lingyou was furious.

"There are raw stewed sea turtles and live roasted donkey meat. Do you know how to do it? The small stove is served directly on the table, and an iron box is placed on it. The sea turtles inside are tied with wire. When the iron box is heated , the turtle opened its mouth and exhaled, and the servant next to it poured all the prepared sauce into the mouth of the sea turtle. The ingredients in the stomach were all smelly, and the turtle was still alive! After tossing like this for half an hour, when the sea turtle didn’t understand It was later taken out and cut into the belly to eat. The live donkey was tied to the pillar next to it. The cook cut the meat on the spot, screaming incessantly. Still alive. Brother! Tell me, is this something that humans can do?"

"They didn't realize that they were cruel, but they still ate with relish. After those banquets, I understood a truth. If human flesh could be eaten that day, the geese, turtles, and donkeys would all be the fate of the common people!"

Although Chi Lingyou was young, he was righteous and awe-inspiring.

After Chi Zimo heard what he had said, he was not only happy that the descendants of the Chi family had not been corrupted, but also extremely worried that his temperament, which was too clear about grievances and grievances, would suffer in the future.

So he opened his mouth to comfort him.

"The wind of extravagance in the south of the Yangtze River has existed since ancient times, but it always recovers after being suppressed for a period of time. Have you ever thought about the reason?"

Chi Lingyou didn't know, and shook his head.

"If you are not in the position, you can naturally resist the temptation, but in it, not everyone is proud of it."

"According to what Big Brother means, these people shouldn't be in charge?"

Chi Lingyou's voice suddenly became louder. What he disliked the most was impunity for mistakes. If everyone used excuses to avoid it, what rules and regulations would there be in the future?
"You are wrong. It's not that you shouldn't take care of it, but how to take care of it? If you take care of it and commit another crime, it means you don't care. I don't need to teach you this truth."

Chi Lingyou was silent, what the elder brother said was indeed reasonable, "Then how can we prevent future troubles?"

"This matter is difficult but not difficult to solve. Where does the extravagance come from? Who opened the door for the use of power for personal gain? Where is the collusion between the government and businessmen beneficial? If you understand these problems, you will naturally find a way to cure them. "

Chi Lingyou lowered his head and pondered. What he always thought of was to contain the problem once it appeared, instead of completely obliterating the possibility of its growth before the problem was formed.

(End of this chapter)

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