Chapter 205 Is this the end?
Originally thought that she could spend these days safely before her death, but God didn't seem to give her this chance.

Li Zhen woke up again because of the pain. The pain to the bone marrow and the feeling of dizziness in the head was really unbearable. Several times she wanted to bite her tongue and kill herself like the ancients.

Forget it.

She is afraid of pain.


For Xu Hao's sake.

From the time when she knew that her days were short, she insisted on writing letters every day, writing one or two letters every day. During the days when she felt that her life was dying, she would pick up a pen and write letters every day whenever she had time.

She got up earlier than the sun, and before the sky fully lit up, Li Zhen had already been sitting by the window for a long time, watching people coming and going at the door of the hospital.

Some people go in with a sad face, and come out with bitterness and hatred.

However, there were also people who laughed, but very few, and those were the lucky ones favored by God.

If there is an afterlife...she...

Forget it, illusory, if a hammer.

When the sun came out, Li Zhen received a call from her drunken father, who without exception asked her for a house.

Li Zhen suddenly realized that if she died, would all her inheritance be given to the alcoholic?

This was an explosion to the dying Li Zhen.

"Don't worry, even if you die, you won't get any of my money." Li Zhen's voice and even his body trembled when he spoke.

After she hung up the phone, Xu Hao had already stood at the door for a long time, and he knocked on the door trying to cover up: "I prepared dumplings for breakfast..."

"Xu Hao, I want to go back to City A."

She wanted to go back and sell all her property, and she would not leave a penny to that bastard father.

It took half a day to return to City A from Yu Village. Li Zhen's condition was not very good, because Xu Hao found her falling asleep again on the way.

"I just fell asleep, don't make a fuss." Li Zhen was helped out of the car by Xu Haoxin, and they went directly to the court.

After entering the court, the judge learned about their current situation, so he almost moved the court time to the first, but told her one thing very carefully: "Now we are live broadcasting the court, Miss Li, since you are a public Identity, do you need to broadcast the court session live?"

"Well, no problem."

Xu Hao lived near the court for convenience. After the court notified Li Zhen's father, he called Li Zhen desperately like a mad dog.

"How did I give birth to a daughter like you? You even sued me for domestic violence and harassment."

"I'm your fucking father, what's wrong with me beating you?"

Li Zhen was very calm. After the mad dog on the other end of the phone barked, he said softly, "Li Yongjun, you will pay the price."

On the day of the actual trial, Gu Zechuan, Song Qingli and some of Li Zhen's colleagues from the company came. They were all worried about Li Zhen's situation, so they came to have a look.

Li Zhen's condition was getting worse and worse. She started to lose her hair, so she wore an inappropriate hat on her head. People sitting in the audience understood why the judge told her not to stand up and read the evidence.

"Plaintiff, do you have any evidence to tell the defendant that you committed domestic violence against you and your deceased mother?" His Excellency looked at her with a little compassion in his eyes.

With trembling hands, Li Zhen took out a stack of photos from the folder, a suicide note with his fingers pressed, and a USB drive.

Xu Hao couldn't go in to help, he could only sit in the audience and watch with red eyes, the man clenched his fists; he had asked Li Zhen before: "Do you have to waste time on that rotten person?"

Li Zhenxu smiled at him with a pale face: "Xu Hao, this is the shadow of my childhood, and it is also the reason why my mother died in grievance. I don't want to have any regrets. Before I die, I seek justice."

Everyone saw that Li Zhen was strange, and even the arrogance of Li Yongjun sitting opposite her dissipated in relief.

"This is a picture of my mother's face after being abused by a flip phone when I was 15 years old. Although it is not clear, it can be proved."

"Crack!" Li Yongjun is not a vegetarian, he patted the table and shouted loudly: "Is it too far-fetched to determine my domestic violence with just a photo?"

The judge tapped the hammer: "The defendant remains quiet."

"Don't worry, Li Yongjun, there is still a lot of evidence, take your time." In the stack of photos that Li Zhen took out, half belonged to Li Zhen's mother, and the other half belonged to her.

Even when so many photos have been released in front of people, Li Yongjun still does not recognize each other, saying that he cannot be seen in these photos, and he does not admit that he beat the person.

There was a lot of discussion in the audience: "This man looks fierce, with so much evidence, he still doesn't admit it."

"This kind of person should go to jail."

"Of course he doesn't admit it. Do you think he is dressed like a rich man? Once the domestic violence is confirmed, he will have to pay compensation, and if it is serious, he will go to jail."

"Silence!" The judge tapped the hammer again.

"Plaintiff, do you have any other evidence? It can be presented together."

Li Zhen nodded and gave the USB flash drive to Fazhu, and soon projected a surveillance video on the big screen, which was the front yard of Li Chen's villa.

Li Yongjun secretly sneaked into the hospital, waited until Li Zhen came home from get off work, and beat and threatened her.

Everyone in the audience gasped.

"Now he should admit it! I have never seen such a father."

"This kind of man is the scum of society, scum!"

The judge looked at Li Yongjun seriously: "Defendant, is that man in the video you?"

"It''s me." Li Yongjun knew that the situation was over, no matter how much he tried to argue, it would be useless.

"Plaintiff Li Zhen, your request is to ask the defendant Li Yongjun to kneel down and apologize to his ex-wife Zhou Qinqin, and to pay you 50 yuan in compensation."

When Li Yongjun heard that he wanted to pay 50 yuan, his eyes almost popped out. He was anxious: "Li Zhen, I am your father, and you want me to accompany you with 50 yuan. You will die!"

"The request remains unchanged." Li Zhen looked at Li Yongjun who was exploding like thunder with his half-opened eyes, and said every word.

The judge nodded.

"Also, this is my suicide note. All my inheritance will be donated to cancer patients." Li Zhen handed the suicide note to the legal assistant tremblingly.

"Li Zhen! You really deserve to die!" Li Yongjun spit out half a meter away, his eyes were red, and he wanted to rush over to beat Li Zhen, but he was not allowed to make mistakes in front of the law, and the assistant police immediately held him down.

Fazhu suddenly stood up and shouted: "Everyone stand up."

Li Zhen watched Li Yongjun kowtow to admit his mistake with her own eyes, and heard the judge's solemn announcement of the punishment for Li Yongjun with her own ears. She heard it.

Mom, did you hear that?
Li Yongjun, she apologized to you.

Li Zhen fell into a deep coma after listening to the sentence. The voices in his ears were disorganized and he couldn't hear clearly. Most of the cries were called her name.

Is it the end of it?
(End of this chapter)

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