Looking at the sunset in the mountains has a special charm, there are few passing vehicles on the road, the tip of the green grass is glowing, the sky is cloudless, and the light blue is as breathtaking as glass; the bus driver drove back, and Song Qingli stood on the road Looking at Xu Hao's slightly curved mouth, she felt apprehensive in her heart.

"I haven't seen you for a few days, you seem to be even more handsome." The girl started laughing, she was still jovial one second, then turned sideways and whispered in the next second: "Where's Xiao Yi? Where did you get Xiao Yi?"

The corners of Xu Hao's mouth remained motionless, and Song Qingli's low voice reached Song Qingli's ears: "Ma'am, let's worry about myself first."

"Ang?" What is this called, she said it as if Gu Zechuan was going to kill me, although her face was calm, her throat was dry and she swallowed several times; Song Qingli pretended to be calm and smiled.

Xu Hao raised his eyebrows to express his admiration, he was able to laugh out loud at a critical moment, and he was in a good mood; Song Qingli's face turned red from laughing, and when Xu Hao opened the car door for her, her laughter stopped abruptly, and the girl rolled her eyes. She glanced at him and said softly, "Your gentleman is a bit too much."

As soon as he opened the door, he saw Gu Zechuan's golden Buddha-like man sitting inside, half of the sunset light hit his face, and the man's long eyelashes shone with a subtle golden light, which was more delicate than usual. Slightly embarrassed.

His white shirt was a little wrinkled, and there were scattered hairs. The man seemed to have not rested for several days.

After getting in the car, no one spoke, and the car was quiet and eerie.

Xu Hao was very well-behaved. As soon as he got in the car, he raised the partition in the middle. Song Qingli was a little moved: This is to save some face for me.

Gu Zechuan didn't go crazy as he imagined, instead he closed his eyes as if taking a nap.

Song Qingli was not idle either, she quietly moved closer to look at him, waving her hands in front of his eyes, as if to find out if he was really asleep.

It was only when he got closer that he saw the bruises in front of his eyes and the sharper jawline. The girl had been thinking about how to calm Gu Zechuan since she got in the car.

Gu Zechuan hasn't slept well in recent days, and has been entangled in looking for his fiancée and processing important company documents. Now he finally found his rebellious fiancée, but he couldn't sleep soundly no matter what.

'Hmm' The man suddenly hummed, and he half-opened his tired eyes, and saw a flattering girl massaging her thighs with those soft and boneless hands.

"I see you working very hard. You must be exhausted recently. Let me give you a massage to relax." Song Qingli is like a maid who served the emperor in ancient times, and the quality of service can get five stars.

Gu Zechuan only glanced at her lightly, and then his eyelids closed again. He was really tired. He was so tired that he had a splitting headache at the moment. There seemed to be magma rolling in his temples, and he felt like he might explode and die at any time.

"Temple, it hurts."

After driving for more than half an hour, Gu Zechuan suddenly made a sound, which immediately woke up Song Qingli who was sitting on the side looking at the scenery. At first, she pressed his thigh, but within 5 minutes, her ten fingers were sore and difficult, and then she gave up; Looking at Gu Zechuan's brows furrowed tightly at this moment, the temperature was scalding hot when he stroked it with his hands.

"Gu Zechuan, you have a fever."

"The temple hurts."

After repeating these words back and forth, Song Qingli immediately freed up both hands to rub his temples, and when his fingers touched them, he could feel the violently beating pulse hidden in his temples.

"Where does it hurt?" Song Qingli asked with the attitude of caring for the sick, and she heard the man's murmur: "My heart, my heart hurts."


Song Qingli smacked her lips, feeling a little embarrassed; when night fell, the orange streetlights swept across the man's painful face one after another, his appearance at this moment made her feel as if she was being stabbed by a needle.

The girl stretched out her hand to touch the man's neck, and the hotness faded away, followed by cold thin sweat, and he became delirious alternately with hot and cold.


"Xu Hao, how long will it take?" The girl was a little anxious, and she didn't know why she was particularly anxious. It's not that she didn't see him get sick before, and even went to the hospital a few times, and she never felt as irritable as she is today.

Xu Hao didn't understand, so he stuttered and said, "It will take more than two hours."

"Notify Dr. Xie Ruan to visit Gu Wan."

Xu Hao suddenly realized that the second young master might be uncomfortable: "Okay."

The girl saw that he was cold, so she took a blanket to wrap him. Veins appeared on the man's forehead, and he didn't know what to say when he was in a daze: "Qingli, Qingli won't go."

"I'm not leaving, I'm here."

"Hug me, will you?" Gu Zechuan's voice was inaudible. Although he closed his eyes, he kept leaning towards Song Qingli. He longed to be close to her, always like this.

I don't know when Song Qingli began to soften her heart towards this man. In the past, she would never compromise just because of a word or two. She always remembered that she could not fall in love with him, but love is a wonderful thing. It took root and sprouted unconsciously. Even at this moment, she still maintained her original intention of not being able to fall in love with him, but her nerves could no longer control her limbs.

What kept ringing in the girl's ears were the whispers of the man longing for a hug. She gently opened the man's arm, and then inserted her upper body into his cold embrace.

"I'm actually a little sorry, Gu Zechuan, is this a trick of yours?" Song Qingli pressed her cheek against his cold ear, she would not admit that she fell in love with him.

Gu Zechuan didn't know whether he was pretending to be sick or was really sick, but he tightened his arms around the girl, his head was resting weakly on his shoulders and neck, and his voice was weak and vague: "I caught you."

At this moment, Xu Hao, who was driving, was worried about the lowered partition, and after seeing the two people hugging tightly in the back seat, he raised the partition with a wooden face.

"Gu Gu Zechuan, I'm going to strangle you to death." The girl's face turned red, and she patted the man's shoulder frequently to make him relax.

Unexpectedly, instead of letting go, Gu Zechuan lifted her into his lap, deepening the hug; his shameless arms wrapped around his weak waist, and he pressed his whole body on her body weakly.

"You're really shameless." The girl didn't dare to speak loudly, after all Xu Hao was still driving in front, and if there was too much movement behind, no one would be able to bear it.

Gu Zechuan opened his black eyes under the girl's abuse. He found a comfortable position, and his voice was a little hoarse: "How should I punish you? My fiancee."

"Shouldn't someone like you, who can plan and calculate, have already thought about it?"

"It seems that Qingli still understands me very well." Gu Zechuan raised his head, and a kiss undoubtedly fell on the girl's delicate neck.

Song Qingli trembled slightly, her whole body got goosebumps, she lowered her eyes to look at Gu Zechuan's fascinating eyes.

"Give me a baby," he said.

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