The sky is full of stars, the moonlight shines coldly, and the castle shines brightly at night, like a mountain star.

The sound of the helicopter sounded again on the roof of Gu Wan's building, waking up the lightly sleeping Uncle Jin, who hurriedly lifted the quilt and stood in front of the window to take a look.

A helicopter is flying forward in the night sky of Shulang.

At this moment, the means of transportation for Guzhai to go out are not only cars but also trains.

In an old-looking train station, half of the big neon light boxes on the platform are not lit.

Two men and women in black sportswear got off a black car. They walked anxiously, lowered the brim of their hats and walked quickly to the train station.

"Xiao Yi, I'm going to buy a ticket. Look carefully to see if anyone is following us. I always feel that there are eyes staring at us." Song Qingli lowered his voice and spoke to Xiao Yi who was beside him.

Xiao Yi raised his energetic eyes, turned his head to look behind him from the corner of the eye, and then quickened his pace and walked towards the crowded place of the train station: "I also feel that someone is following us, we need to leave quickly."

"Okay." The girl pulled the zipper in front of her to the top, and then lined up at the ticket office. Although the train station is old and dilapidated, there are still a lot of people passing by. It can't be said to be crowded, but there are always crowds of people.

When Song Qingli was queuing up, she always looked back at Xiao Yi who was standing not far away from time to time. She would always remember when she said to him: "Let's go, don't care about anything, take nothing, let's leave here."

When the girl said these words to him, a faint light rose from Xiao Yi's eyes, as if a person locked in a dark room saw the light projected from the crack in the door.

What really made Xiao Yi feel out of breath was this circle, his pure heart could no longer beat in this dirty circle.

In this circle, capitalists spend money to play games for actors. If you follow their wishes, then you will be the protagonist in the game. If not, you will be cannon fodder.

And the reason why he entered the industry was to earn money to treat Uncle Su and Aunt Su's illness. He was not interested in acting, and he already hated this city to the extreme.

Here he sent away his parents, uncle Su and aunt Su, and now Su Qinqin, the last surviving person related to him.

He had no intention of staying in this world, because what he longed for since he was a child was a warm family.

It is best to have a small and crowded house, where you can meet each other when you turn around, and live three meals a day, all year round.

He just wants a simple and ordinary life, and doesn't want to become a superstar with great vigor; he is trapped in the studio to act every day, reading scripts day and night, drinking with the director, going to variety shows with a group of people he doesn't know, participating in Red carpet, sought after, living the life of a robot.

When the silver light of the moon gradually poured into the window, Xiao Yi held a pair of yearning starry eyes, and said slowly: "I just want to live a little bit more."

"I don't want to exist like a robot anymore, I want to live in a different way."

Song Qingli smiled and said firmly, "Okay, I'll accompany you."

There is only one life, and it would be too boring to go according to other people's arrangements; since you have come to this life, you have to be happy as you want.

The manual ticket sales at the train station were very slow, because there would always be some illiterate grandpas and aunts, so a lot of time was wasted; by the time Song Qingli bought the tickets, half an hour had passed.

When the girl walked towards Xiao Yi with two tickets to City B, she just looked around and met a pair of black and white eyes.

A girl with wheat-colored skin stood not far away, and it was not a coincidence that they looked at each other just now.

Song Qingli immediately grabbed Xiao Yi's wrist, and the two of them shuttled through the crowd. Fortunately, the train bound for City B was ready to enter the venue, so the two apologized all the way to the front for those who jumped in line on the first floor.

Because the two had no luggage, they became the first passengers to enter the train as easily as two fish.

"I saw that a girl was following us, she doesn't look like an ordinary person." Song Qingli dragged Xiao Yi to the trunk of the train, and while walking, the two kept looking around for any suspicious people.

When Xiao Yi looked sideways out of the car window, he also met a pair of black and white eyes, and he immediately looked away; Song Qingli slipped on a brown windbreaker, and Xiao Yi saw her so calm, and followed suit with a gray sweater .

The two looked at each other and smiled, and then touched the last section of the carriage.

Generally, the last section of the carriage is not for people, but for storing some sundries.

The train whistled, which was an early warning that it was about to start. With the "choking" friction sound from the bottom of the car, the train started slowly; although they hadn't left City A yet, there were joyful smiles on the faces of the two.

For them, half the battle is already done.

Although there is still a little tail following behind them now, their determination to leave will never waver.

The train was speeding, and the shadows of the trees outside the window fell backwards. There were dark mountains all around, and the whistling wind was blowing from the hills.

"We can't take the train directly to City B. I think the person following us is not someone who is waiting for you. She knows we are on the train and will try her best to find us, so..." Song Qingli was followed for five years in her previous life. She is very familiar with this cat and mouse game.

Xiao Yi was enlightened by her, and immediately followed his words: "Let's get off the car halfway, and then find another way out."

"That's right." The girl opened the last door of the carriage, and a gust of wind came in from outside the door. The two of them stood on the platform at the end of the train, watching the surrounding scenery fly by, with an inexplicable surge of excitement and anticipation in their hearts. yearning for life.

Xiao Yi's heart was ups and downs, he was holding on to the handrail on the railing, his eyes were watching the passing scenery before him, he had never been so excited for a moment.

"Qingli, I know it's wrong for us to do this, but I'm very happy, can you understand?"

Although the girl had concerns in her heart, she still smiled and said to Xiao Yi: "I understand."

At this moment, there is a helicopter flying from a low-level view only a few tens of kilometers away from the train. In the plane, Xu Hao dare not look at the expression of the second young master; There was a murderous aura.

Ami is a female bodyguard carefully selected by Gu Zechuan, specially placed beside Song Qingli.

Ever since Song Qingli and Xiao Yi were both taken advantage of last time, Gu Zechuan arranged for her a female bodyguard who would follow her around at all times——Ami, who is very skilled.

Ami will secretly protect Song Qingli's safety.

She is one of Gu Zechuan's few female bodyguards. It is said that before she became a thug, she was a mercenary in a war-torn area abroad, and her hands were stained with human blood.

From the small window of the helicopter, he could already see the speeding train at night. Gu Zechuan almost crushed the mobile phone in his hand. He suddenly said coldly, "The train stops at the next stop, go up and arrest people."

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