"Princess, are you okay?"

Pei Ji asked again, full of expectations. The excitement on his face was beyond words, and his eyes were filled with expectations for life and a better future. This kind of strong expectation weakened the sharpness and added a youthful look.

"Let's go to a place that no one knows. The two of us will live freely for a lifetime. The prairie in the south of the Lingnan, the Yuding Snow Mountain in Suhachaer, the water town in the south of the Yangtze River, the minister can take the princess through all of them. It's the beautiful scenery that Weichen walked through when he was young, the world is vast, doesn't the princess want to go to the outside world to have a look?"

He spoke vividly and with gusto, as if everything had been planned long ago.

But the more he behaved like this, the more fearful Wei Yunzhu felt. He said these words, which were easy to say, but they were basically telling him to abandon his sister, Yan'er, his family, and erase everything he had ever had, and stay anonymous for the rest of his life. He is together.

how can that be possible?
He is alone, he doesn't care about anything, so he can enjoy himself, but Wei Yunzhu is different.

What she couldn't let go of in life had always been her family, not to mention, now that she was in such a state of anxiety and anxious every day, how could she leave him.

What's more, she didn't dare to imagine, what kind of life would it be if she had to be with this evil python for the rest of her life?Just the entanglement for more than a year has already made her terrified.

This vicious python has a cold body and a heart as hard as iron. He is always full of strong possessive desires for himself. He is unpredictable, and his temper is good and bad.

His so-called love is to wrap himself tightly, leaving no gaps, not giving himself a chance to breathe at all.

She always felt like she was suffocating!

It was similar to being dragged into the turbulent water in the endless darkness, unable to break free, only the fear of death remained, and drowning would be her only ending.

"No, no, Pei Ji, we can't do that!"

"Have you forgotten? The purpose of our trip, now that we have found the answer, we should return to Chang'an immediately."

Tears welled up in the girl's eyes, she was shaking her head with fear on her face, her expression was full of resistance.

She struggled to get up, innocently wanting to escape, but was pushed back mercilessly by a pair of strong hands, Pei Ji just stared at her motionlessly, with a strong sense of oppression, and the posture of the dark night completely covering the dawn .

"Princess, the imperial palace is nothing but a gorgeous cage. I can take you to a wider place, stuffed with beacon smoke, misty rain in the south of the Yangtze River, and everything that the princess has seen in the picture book can be turned into reality. Wherever you like, I will take you there, just the two of us, wouldn't we be happy?"

Wei Yunzhu didn't have any expectations for the world in his mouth, only a deep sense of powerlessness. She didn't understand why Pei Ji always imposed what he thought were good things on herself.

I never asked whether I liked it or not, and never cared about my own feelings.

"No, I won't go with you, I want to go home, my home is in Chang'an!"

The girl finally yelled out with difficulty. She trembled in fear, and the wound was throbbing again, even traces of blood oozing from the gauze.

Even though her back was tightly pressed against the wall, Pei Ji kept approaching her. The man's eyes were already covered with ice, and he carefully observed every subtle expression belonging to the girl.

Those words that Gu Yanyi said are vivid in my ears, as well as the tears that the princess shed for Gu Yanyi, and, in the face of her urgency, the seemingly invisible... disgust in her eyes.

Everything made him almost crazy.

He desperately needed an answer, even if he saw the beautiful blood-colored peonies growing on the girl's neck, he still refused to give up.

He even stroked it with his fingertips, rubbing the wound lightly, what is the pain?What does heartache feel like?

He wanted Wei Yunzhu to taste the heart-wrenching feeling like crazy.

More intense blood oozes out, and the pain makes the girl gasp subconsciously, her tears are like broken beads, and she is crying spasmodically.

She tried to struggle, but she couldn't move at all, she was just vague, crying and crying: "Pei Ji, don't force me, don't force me..."

These days, she has experienced too much. A delicate flower in a greenhouse has no ability to resist, but she has seen so much blood and experienced so much suffering in the world, which is beyond her tolerance. nearly broke her.

But now, Pei Ji said that if he wanted to elope with him, he would never joke, what he said was true, and no matter what it was, he would do it by all means, and he would never let himself go again!

The last straw that broke the camel's back, the strings stretched to the limit.

Then, that small and white hand actually held a small knife, and pressed it on his neck in despair.

Her voice seemed to be that of a bird trapped in the palm of her hand. Although she was at the mercy of life and death, she cried out blood in despair.

"I want to go home."

Her voice was trembling, but she was desperate, for this vicious python who would not eat soft and hard, and would not eat oil or salt, she could only use herself as a bet to win a chance of survival for herself.

But the innocent girl overlooked one point, how could Pei Ji, who was as thoughtful as silk, fail to understand what was going on in her heart.

Then, before she had time to react, her slender wrist had already been grabbed, and the blade immediately turned around and pressed tightly against Pei Ji's chest.

The man's voice was cruel and gentle: "My lord, I can't see you getting hurt the most. Since the lord wants to do this, then just stab me."

As soon as the words fell, the crazy python actually exerted a little force with its hands, controlled Wei Yunzhu's hand, and slowly sent the tip of the knife into its own heart.

Wei Yunzhu was so frightened that his pupils trembled violently, and he was even in a trance. After two seconds in a daze, he began to shake his head uncontrollably.

Seeing the tip of the knife sink into Pei Ji's chest bit by bit, there was no trace of pain in his eyes, and even, pervertedly, there was some enjoyment.


The blood dripped slowly and accumulated more and more. The girl's hand holding the hilt of the sword was trembling uncontrollably. She clearly wanted to let go, but was imprisoned tightly by Pei Ji.

Then, the blood from the man's heart fell on that delicate little hand one after another.

The blood was dripping hot, and the girl was so frightened that she finally let go of her hand, only to find that there was blood everywhere!It was so piercing that she couldn't open her eyes!
"you you……"

Wei Yunzhu opened her pale lips, unable to utter a complete sentence.

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