Is the prince infertile?The lady was so happy!

Chapter 771 The Pregnant Empress

Chapter 771 The Pregnant Empress
Ren Yan'er was thoughtful: "Princess, you are so right. Only when you don't love can you face it calmly. I will do the same in the future."

Ying Ning smiled and said: "By the way, I remembered something. A few days ago, my mother played cards with Earl Rongtong's mansion and several wives, and mentioned that the Countess has an unmarried nephew who is about the same age as you. If you win Juren, your character is also good. My mother wanted to make peace for you. Let me ask you what you mean."

Ren Yan'er smiled generously: "As long as the person is good and healthy, I am willing."

"You don't even ask about the other person's appearance and family background."

"Since the princess of the county is willing to be a matchmaker, I believe it will not be too bad."

"You trust my mother."

"I trust the princess." Ren Yan'er smiled, "My mother told me when she was still alive, don't be too twisted, don't be too greedy, let alone be self-aware. My mother also said that I hope In the future, I will be able to find a man with good character and live a down-to-earth life. Therefore, such things as family background are irrelevant to me. I only value character. "

"Character is something that is difficult to see in a short time."

"It takes a long time to see people's hearts. Before you get married, it's hard to say anything."

"Since you are willing, Yan'er, I will reply to my mother and ask her to make a match. If there is a chance, I will arrange for you to meet again."

After seeing the ceremony, Empress Hua couldn't see Ying Ning kneeling down, so she quickly stretched out her hand to pull her up, and said in a weak voice, "Princess, sit down quickly, the ground is cold."

"She's happy. It's good to find something for her to do, so you can save yourself from sleeping at home all day." Yingning smiled, "You can have a good home, and I will feel at ease after I leave the capital."

Ren Yan'er was slightly startled, and then her eyes turned red: "Princess, after you get married, you will go to Minzhong County with King Xuan. We don't know if we will meet again in this lifetime. I really miss you."

Looking at this appearance, not to mention the emperor, Ying Ning couldn't help feeling sorry for her.

"I can't bear you either, but if you want to be open, getting together is a common thing in life. What's more, we are still young. I will definitely come back to visit my parents and family every year. We can always see each other."

Two days later, taking advantage of the good weather, Ying Ning brought many gifts and went to the palace to meet Queen Hua.

Ren Yan'er said: "This is too much trouble for the princess of the county, the princess of the county is not in good health."

"What's wrong, don't worry, my mother is not that pedantic person, and she doesn't advocate any kind of blind marriage. If you don't even know what the other person looks like before getting married, it's too pitiful." Yingning laughed. , "You can wait at ease and let my mother arrange it."

"that would be great."

Queen Hua was wearing a loose skirt, leaning against the thick and fluffy quilt, her long hair draped over her shoulders like a waterfall, her small face facing the sky, her face slightly pale, making her look more pitiful to me.It doesn't look like a woman who is nearly forty, but she looks like a young girl in her twenties.

"can we meet?"

"Miss Yuhu, why does your majesty look like this?" Yingning asked the maid in charge beside her in puzzlement.

Yuhu sighed: "Your Majesty reacted too much with embarrassment. She has been dizzy for a few days. She couldn't even eat food since last night, and she couldn't keep it after eating. After a while, she vomited it all out. Your Majesty's body has always been delicate. How good is this?"

"Didn't the imperial doctor come to see?"

"Physician Xue came and prescribed a prescription to protect the fetus. But the empress is still very sick. She drank the bitter medicine, let alone had no appetite to eat, and vomited out the medicine." Yuhu worried, "The emperor comes three times a day. Come back, seeing that the empress can't eat a mouthful of food, she is very annoyed."

(End of this chapter)

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