Chapter 568

"Princess please."

Li Fucheng stepped aside, his attitude was completely opposite to the tough one before.

This made her think that she had caught Li Fucheng's life.

He was threatened by her success.

The tenth princess immediately called back the coachman and ordered him to set off.

The coachman drove the car tremblingly, and he was relieved when he found that Li Fucheng did not respond.

When the carriage arrived at a town, the tenth princess stopped to play. While eating, she found that Li Fucheng had also walked in.

The tenth princess was angry and was about to scold him for breaking his promise, but found him sitting at a table by the door, and summoned Xiao Er to order food.

The food came quickly.

A bowl of rice, a dish of vegetables, a dish of meat, and a bowl of soup.

He ate very carefully and focused, and quickly ate all the meals.

After eating the last mouthful of soup, he put down the bowl, took out a neatly stacked white handkerchief, and wiped the corners of his lips.

The whole process is smooth and smooth, with elegant and gentle movements.

This is quite different from the impression given by Jin Yiwei in the past.

At this time, the half bowl of rice in front of Princess Ten only picked two grains of rice.

Her own snacks are all delicacies made by the royal chef of the palace. She finds the simple tea and light meals in small restaurants in this rural village difficult to swallow, so she drinks some tea indiscriminately, which can be regarded as filling her stomach.

Her eyes were always on Li Fucheng, for fear that he would change his face and catch her after eating.

However, from the beginning to the end, Li Fucheng just ate.

After eating and paying the bill, he left.

There was no hesitation.

Didn't even look over at her.

The tenth princess looked out, and found that Li Fucheng's subordinates were gathered outside the restaurant, squatting on the ground and devouring their meals.

Apparently, they came here to rest because they were purely hungry.

After eating and feeding the horses, Li Fucheng was the first to get on his horse and turned his horse's head and headed towards the capital. The rest followed suit and disappeared in a blink of an eye.

The tenth princess waited for a while, and after confirming that they had really left, she let out a long sigh of relief.

She looked at the table and found that she couldn't eat the brown rice mixed with rice husks, so she asked the shopkeeper to prepare some steamed buns and eat them slowly on the way.

The man wrapped some steamed buns, and the tenth princess gave him a piece of silver.

The man laughed and said, "There are too many, I can't find them. Do you have any copper coins?"


As the tenth princess, the copper plates I have seen are far less than the rare treasures.

The man laughed and said, "Then what should I do? It's a small business, and I don't have the money."

"Then you don't need to look for it!"

The tenth princess was in a hurry to go out and continue on her way, so she didn't have the heart to entangle with him about these few silver coins, so she waved her hand generously and gave him ten taels of silver.

The coachman Xiaoman stared straight at him.

He followed the tenth princess and whispered: "Your Highness, you can't do this. The servant has copper coins here. Let's go and exchange them for silver."

"Why do you spend that? I care about this little money?"

The tenth princess was impatient, "Go to the car, it's important to hurry. Otherwise, what should Li Fucheng do if he regrets it and catches up?"

The driver had to obey.

The tenth princess was walking towards the carriage with the steamed buns in her arms. A child ran over from the opposite side and bumped into each other. The tenth princess took a few steps back and stabilized her body.

The child fell to the ground and burst into tears.

Xiaoman heard the movement, hurried back, pointed at the child and cursed: "How can a thing without eyes walk? Sir...are you alright, sir?"

"I am fine."

Princess Ten frowned, and was about to comfort the child when suddenly several people rushed out from the restaurant and surrounded them.

(End of this chapter)

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