Gu Changyuan frowned slightly, and after a long silence, he slowly said, "No."

"So, it's still Li Hou's mansion? I always think Li Hou is a very kind person. Why does he have trouble with us?"

"To be precise, it's Li Yingning." Gu Changyuan said slowly.

"Miss Li?" Ding Chunfang gasped and stammered, "No, it's impossible? Miss Li, a boudoir girl, can have such a great ability?"

"She only needs to use her brain. For specific things, her father will naturally have her, and her brothers will do it for her."

"Lord Li Hou is a loyal man, would he also do such a thing that would destroy the dikes and flood the fields, and harm the people?"

"Some time ago, Master Li had been fighting in the north, so it couldn't be him."

"So, Li Fucheng and Miss Li are the two brothers and sisters who are the masterminds." Ding Chunfang frowned, "Well, how can they do such a thing that harms the country and the people?"

Gu Changyuan smiled: "Disaster for the country and the people? Are you sure?"

Ding Chunfang was speechless.

The destruction of the dam, at least so far, has caused the people's fields to be flooded, but it has also forced them to make the decision to change rice to mulberry.

In the future, as long as the food can be guaranteed in place, this matter will be considered a success.

How can ordinary people have such courage to do such a thing?

If anyone insists on saying that doing this is not good for anyone, it is Gu Changyuan himself.

He worked hard for a long time, but instead made a wedding dress for others. He was seriously injured and returned to the palace. Princess Anqing gets married.

From the beginning to the end, everyone was happy, and he was the only one who was injured.

Ding Chunfang sighed: "I really regret it, I didn't dare to go to the Pan family's mother and daughter at the beginning, and offended Miss Li, now it disturbs our peace, and forced His Highness to marry Princess Anqing. This is a big loss!"

"Stop nagging me in my ears, keep talking about it."

Gu Changyuan waved his hand, "Go out, let me be quiet."

Since the fields were flooded, the implementation of changing rice to mulberry has been carried out surprisingly smoothly.

The mulberry seedlings of this kind will be planted soon.

The credit goes to the third prince and the fifth prince, and they were greatly praised by the emperor and courtiers.

As for the two county magistrates who took the initiative to destroy the dam, their heads were beheaded not long after, and a large amount of family property obtained through corruption and bribery was confiscated.

Three months later, after the Mid-Autumn Festival, the weather gradually turned cold, and the food in the hands of the mulberry households ran out. The government needed to keep its promise and distribute food for disaster relief. There was not enough food in Zhehai, so they had to go to Jiangnan next door to borrow it.

The land of fish and rice in the south of the Yangtze River has always been a large producer with sufficient grain reserves.

Who knows, when the governor of Zhejiang and Hai asked the governor of Jiangnan to borrow food, the governor of Jiangnan cried poorly and refused to borrow.

This is the end of the calf.

The mulberry households have all planted the mulberry seedlings, and the mulberry seedlings can't be turned into food. After a long time, the mulberry households still make trouble?

Once a disturbance occurs, the governor of Zhehai will be the first to bear the brunt, and the third and fifth princes can't afford to go around.

After learning about the situation, Li Fucheng found his sister to discuss.

Although he will not be punished, his conscience is uneasy.

Ying Ning smiled and said, "Don't panic, brother, there is no way there is no food in the south of the Yangtze River."

"Hey, everyone knows that Jiangnan has food, but he refuses to borrow it. What should we do?"

"Isn't the relationship between Jiangnan governor and our father very good?" Ying Ning said with a smile, "Please help me, I promise to borrow it."

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