Is the prince infertile?The lady was so happy!

Chapter 142 The mentality is broken

Ying Ning smiled and said, "I don't know whether to vent the topic or not. But I can be sure that this article is not written by Gao Yangzhi himself."

"Didn't he do it? God, he plagiarized?"

"It can't be called plagiarism." Yingning continued to shake her head, "To be precise, he should have paid for it."

"How?" Lu Qinghan unconsciously leaned forward and asked with concern.

Ying Ning took a sip of tea, soothed her throat, and stopped trying to keep her secret, explaining: "When I was still living in the capital, I liked to go out and hang out. I especially liked to go to book stalls, teahouses, storytellers, and fortune-telling places, and listen to them. It is very interesting to talk about the past and the present, and quote from many sources.”

Lu Qinghan said with a smile: "Ying Ning loves to be curious and elegant, quite different from ordinary women."

"Hey, who doesn't have any special hobbies? Personal hobbies are different. As long as they don't break the law and harm others, there is no distinction between high and low." Ying Ning smiled, "That rainy day, I was bored and bored, so I took a bag with me. Lan Jinshu slipped out of the mansion again, and in a book club, he met a group of scholars who gathered to compose poems and discuss Taoism."

"and then?"

Lu Qinghan listened intently.

Ying Ning went on to say: "When I go to these places, I change into men's clothes, so I just mix in and have fun. Occasionally, I heard two scholars talk about Gao Yangzhi, saying that he gave them a lot of money and asked them to do it together." Articles. In the end, I bought all the articles.”

Lu Qinghan frowned: "Although it is a business that you love and I wish, taking other people's articles to take the exam is not real talent and learning. It is really abominable to delay the court's selection of talents."

Yingning asked curiously: "Isn't Gao Yangzhi very famous among you scholars? Could it be that his talents are all fake?"

"It is true that he was known as a genius when he was young, but he has not been in high school for many years. Looking back, I am afraid that he is too young, and he may not be good." Lu Qinghan sighed, "I really didn't expect it, it was so surprising."

Ying Ning smiled and said: "I guess, he took the exam too many times. From a young age to his thirties, he suffered a lot of ridicule, and his mentality collapsed. That's why he made such a bad plan."

"But how could he know the exam questions?"

"He doesn't know. He has been in the exam for many years and has experience, so he used the sea of ​​questions tactic and bought a lot of essays from literati. After a few years, there will always be someone who can get it."

"With such painstaking calculations, it's better to read the article well with your mind." Lu Qinghan was angry.

"Hey, if he has that ability, he still needs to take the exam for so many years?"

"Gao Yangzhi, the No. [-] Scholar, got a bad name, and his words didn't go well. I must impeach him!" Lu Qinghan said resolutely.

"It's not urgent." Ying Ning said slowly, "Gao Yangzhi is actually quite interesting. You have just entered the imperial court and you don't have any foundation. If you offend him rashly, your official career may be in danger."

Lu Qinghan suddenly asked: "How did Yingning get his article?"

"With my status, it's easy to get a few articles."

"I mean, how did you know exactly that this was the article he wrote in the exam a few months ago?" Lu Qinghan looked into her eyes and asked frankly the doubts in his heart .

Yingning answered smoothly and naturally: "Because among those articles, this one is the best."

"Indeed, this article is really amazing to read."

Lu Qinghan agreed wholeheartedly.

"It's a pity that it is not the credit of a certain person, but the result of a group of scholars' hard work."

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