I'm sorry, I can't serve you all.

Chapter 219 Free Clinic

Chapter 219 Free Clinic
She looked at Jinyue several times in a row to make sure if she was joking, but Jinyue just kept a straight face and didn't speak.

For three days in a row, Jinyue had a free clinic in the school playground every day. Except for the first day, several people felt curious and went there. In the next two days, only Su's fourth daughter-in-law, Yu Heizi and Su Daye's mother were there. After patronizing, no one else showed up.

Jinyue was very puzzled, and Su Daye's mother quietly said to her: "My child, you are still kept in the dark, the surname Wang probably has been walking all over the village in the past two days."


"Don't you understand? People are afraid that you will steal business."

Jinyue understands.

This time when she came back, she hadn't seen Dr. Wang yet.

It seemed he was in a hurry.

However, Jinyue has no interest in competing with him for business in the village at all now, she has her eyes on the whole town, or even the whole county.

That night, Jinyue thought about it, but still couldn't think of a solution.

Rural people all accept death. When Dr. Zhang was here, they all went to Dr. Wang for medical treatment, let alone now.

"Don't think about it, go to sleep." Second Su turned over.

"No, I have to think of a way, I can't just let it go."

Second Su shook his head helplessly, he thought it was unreliable when Jinyue was studying medicine.

Suddenly, Jinyue thought of someone.

She suddenly became excited, pulled Su's second son up, and said, "How about inviting Doctor Zhang here?"

"Doctor Zhang, do you know where he is?"

Jinyue hurriedly said, "No, it's the miracle doctor that everyone knows."

"Well, let's not talk about whether people are willing to come or not. Even if they are willing to come, they will go back after the free consultation, and they don't want to see a doctor for a long time. It's useless."

"I'll let him stay for a long time."

"Stop talking nonsense, that man didn't even ask the provincial hospital to leave, he will come to you?"

But Jinyue didn't care about it, this is the only way left for her now.

Early the next morning, Jinyue rode a bicycle to find Dr. Zhang.

Originally thought that Dr. Zhang would refuse, or at least decline.Unexpectedly, Doctor Zhang agreed as soon as he heard it, and began to prepare his own pen and paper.

Sure enough, the free clinic on the fourth day was extremely popular, and the whole village surrounded it, some scrambling to see a doctor, that one also scrambling to ask a doctor, and some people even brought children to ask Dr. See what happens when you can't control your urine.

After all, this prescription is like the Spring Festival travel ticket for many years, and it is hard to find a ticket.

Everyone has heard on weekdays that Dr. Zhang is arrogant. Someone came to ask for a prescription for a month without getting a prescription. Everyone thought he was a mean person, but when I saw him today, I realized that this old man is quite kind. All comers are welcome.

But none of that was anything compared to the other.

That is why he has such a good relationship with Jinyue.

Every time Jinyue prescribed a prescription, he had to show it to him, and what was even more surprising was that when Dr. Zhang prescribed a prescription, he would also show it to Jinyue and discuss something with her.

So, this woman is really capable?
Not long after the free clinic ended, Jinyue received a letter from Dr. Zhang, saying that he planned to come back, and that he would make a handover with the hospital this month and be home next month.

It's not a phone call, and it's not convenient for Jinyue to ask what happened, but from her personal point of view, she actually hopes that Dr. Zhang can come back, and then they can run the hospital together.

During this period of time, Jinyue has been to the town many times, not only to the office, but also to the health center. The director of the health center is a thin old man in his sixties, hunched over, and looks listless .

He said that he didn't know much about medical treatment. He used to be a cadre in the county, but he was assigned here for some reason.

If it is not an acquisition, but replaces him as the dean, can you improve the medical technology of the hospital?

Jinyue went to ask the staff again, and when the person saw Jinyue, before she could speak, he said, "I know you have lofty ideals, but it's unrealistic. The hospital is a public hospital, and it's impossible to buy it privately. .”

Jinyue handed over a cigarette and said, "I understand, I want to ask how this dean was selected?"

"You want to be the dean?"

Jinyue didn't speak.

The man waved his hand and said: "No, no, you said that you are also a person who has gone to college. Why do you think so ill-consideredly? The dean is appointed by the superior after comprehensive consideration, not just anyone who wants to be appointed. By the way, have you joined the party yet?"

"Into the."

"Oh, that's easy to handle. You can go to work in the hospital first, and then slowly get promoted. Young people, don't be so impatient."

Jinyue is very angry, the word "slowly" is the word she can't hear the most now.

With the temporary inability to advance in her career, and the fact that Su Shen is now reticent, Jinyue feels a little depressed.

This Su Shen, now it's really not worth it, she won't go to a repeat school, and she won't go to a technical school if asked.

That day was Father Chen's birthday.

Jinyue thought of taking this opportunity to take Su Shen out for a walk.

"If you don't want to go to Yangzhen Middle School, why not go to No. [-] Middle School for another year."

"I don't want to go."

"How can you do that? You haven't even gone to high school yet, so you can't drop out of school, right?"

Su Shen lowered his head and did not speak.

Jinyue's heart softened, she thought that a lifetime is so short, why not let the child choose by himself?As a new age person, she should be an enlightened mother.

"Or you can go to a technical school and learn some techniques."

Su Shen still said that she didn't want to go.

Jinyue held back a few times, but finally couldn't hold back, she asked angrily what she was going to do.

As a result, Su Shen's words almost made Jinyue vomit blood in anger.

"I'm going to the South to work."

"Do you think part-time work is that good? You have neither technology nor culture. What else can you do besides entering a factory and serving dishes?"

"Anyway, I can support myself."

Jinyue sneered, "Rely on your own? Well said! Then you go, don't blame me for not reminding you if you hit a wall then."

Then he left Su Shen behind and left angrily alone.

On the way, Jinyue deliberately slowed down several times, but Su Shen still didn't follow.

This stubborn girl is really pissed off.

Since graduating, Jinyue hasn't visited Father Chen yet.When I came here this time, it happened that Father Chen had a cold.

On a hot day, he lay on the kang, covered with a thick quilt, shivering from the cold.

Seeing Jinyue coming in, Father Chen just squirmed his dry mouth and didn't make any sound.

Jinyue hastily poured some lukewarm water, and there was very little water left in the thermos.Then I rummaged through several drawers, but couldn't find any medicine.

"Father, why didn't you take some medicine for your high fever? What about Xiaobao and the others?"

"You lie down first, I'll go buy medicine."

After finishing speaking, Jin Yue hurried out.

(End of this chapter)

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