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Chapter 162 That's Really Exciting

Chapter 162 That's Really Exciting
It's going to be a holiday soon, and you're still studying?

It's really outrageous!
No respect for holidays at all.

After Shi Sang expressed his disdain for Xueba, he directly stretched out his head to chat with Lin Shixi: "Xixi, what are you going to do during the winter vacation?"

Lin Shixi closed the "Geographic Reference Atlas" in his hand, turned around, thought for a while and said: "I should go to work in winter vacation, deliver food during the day and scold the security guard, and be the security guard to stop the rider at night."

Shi Sang: "?"

Ah, ah?

I have seen high school students who work part-time, but I have never seen high school students who work part-time like this.

Was her life so up and down?

Lin Shixi was amused by Shi Sang's reaction: "Do you really believe it? I'm just kidding, I should be a tutor."

The winter vacation of Ninth Middle School was long, nearly one and a half months, so it was just right to go out and be a tutor.

"Tutor?" Shi Sang thought she was working part-time to earn tuition fees, "I remember that our school has a student subsidy."

"I know, I just feel idle is idle."

Lin Shixi is not short of money. Ninth Middle School offers free tuition, books, and teaching materials for top students. There is no place to spend money at all. There will be additional subsidies and scholarships every semester.

After this semester, the various bonuses in her card from Ninth Middle School alone are enough for her to pay the down payment for a house.

She just got used to it and didn't want to be idle, anyway, she was the only one at home.

Besides, who thinks too much money?

If you can earn more money, you can earn more. There are many places to spend money after graduating from college.

Shi Santo rubbed his chin: "Speaking of which, what kind of work do you want to do in the future?"

"I haven't thought about it." Lin Shixi didn't mean to be perfunctory to him, she really didn't think about it, she always felt that it was a distant thing, "Anyway, whatever job you do is to make money, to live."

"That's a big truth." Shi Sang agreed, "Anyway, they're doing one thing, scolding one thing, 360 things, and scolding mothers everywhere."

Lin Shixi laughed: "Then what do you want to do?"

Shi Sang thought about it seriously: "Do you think there is such a job that runs across the country? It doesn't matter whether the salary is paid or not. I just like the feeling of running across the country. It's exciting."

Lin Shixi was about to say "tour guide", but Shen Zhuan's voice rang out one step ahead of her: "A wanted criminal."

Shi Sang: "???"

Shen Wang should have finished discussing with Xie Yan, closed "May [-]" and turned around, put the book on the book stand, with a casual and casual expression: "You didn't say that it doesn't matter if you work or not, the main thing is Exciting, isn't that exciting enough?"

Shi Sang: "..."

That was really exciting.

Even a little too exciting.

Lin Shixi suppressed a laugh, and made things right for Shi Sang: "Then what about running jobs across the country? Do you have any other ideas?"

"It must be selling urns." Shi Sang's attention was diverted, "I feel that this industry will be very popular in the future."

Shen Wang: "There is never a time when this industry is not popular."

Shi Sang: "..."

So, you're going to die if you don't talk, right? !
Why haven't I seen you talk so much before? When I talked to you before, you were like a dumb person. You listened to thirty sentences and couldn't answer two words. Why did I chat with Xixi? Do you have to interrupt? !

Shi Sang stood up from his seat depressedly, and ran to the front to help the class representatives distribute the "Winter Vacation Homework".

(End of this chapter)

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