Chapter 508
"With my tonnage, it's useless for him to struggle. Xiao Mian, I hold him down, and he can't move, and the dying struggle doesn't work." Fat Duner proudly told the story of that day.

Fu Xinci thought of the aggrieved and helpless look of Lan Tianyao being carried on the shoulder by the fat man, it was very picturesque, so she couldn't help laughing out loud.

The three pregnant women in the yard who were eager to see through their eyes couldn't hold back their greed when they heard Xinci's voice, and came to ask Xinci for green corn one after another.

"It's easy to handle, use a big pot, let's cook more. Otherwise, I'm afraid that the pot will be opened later, and there will be more people smelling it than our family."

"Then let's cook it on the temporary stove in the yard. This pot is the biggest, and when it's boiled, the smell can spread for two miles."

"Haha, greedy cats have to come here after hearing the news."

Ginger is still old and spicy. Everyone agreed with the proposal of the two beautiful uncles.

Fu Xinci broke out a lot of green corn from the space, each one was more than a foot long.

Xiao Ai suddenly remembered something, "Xinci, do you have any salted duck eggs, put them in and cook together, otherwise eating only green corn will cause heartburn."

Xiao Ai still listened to what Fat Duner said about this matter.

"Yes, my daughter-in-law is right. It's best to put a chopped chili in a steaming bowl with egg sauce, add some soy sauce, mix well, and steam in the drawer. The steamed taste is perfect with green corn."

I silently compared it in my heart, whether I was a little short of heat.

If there were more people, it would be easier to work. After a short while, a large pot of cleaned green corn was put into the large pot and stacked.


"Wait a minute, wait a moment." Pang Dun'er anxiously broke up the eggs with chopsticks, mixed them with chopped chili and soybean paste, and then put the big sea bowl on top of the green corn with an honest smile on his face.

You don't need to see Xiang Tong's face that is taking advantage of everything, you can tell that the fat man is in a good mood and has long eyes.


"Well, I'm not in a hurry."

"Well, Old Xu is right."

Later, it was Fu Xinci who put a pile of green corn at the gate again, and then the people in the town thanked him and went back.

"Fatty, is this bowl enough for you?"

"Why is it so troublesome." After Fu Xinci finished speaking, she walked a few steps to the gate of the yard.Without saying a word, he broke off a lot of green corn from the space and piled it at the gate of the yard.

It's just that everyone ignores the attractiveness of green corn. The tempting smell not only makes people nearby salivate, even those far away are not immune.

"The freshly boiled salted duck eggs, especially those marinated by Xinci, taste just right. I can eat one with my mouth empty, whether it's salty or bland."

"Two sticks for the base, and a salted duck egg that is salted and oily."

"Yes, you can eat too."

Fortunately, when the smell of boiled green corn permeated from the cauldron, Xiao Ai and the others all took a deep breath, "That's the smell."

But this guy is still very talented in coaxing his wife, and his words are what the daughter-in-law loves to hear.

well!He always felt that the food next door was better than that at home.

"Come, have a bite of salted duck eggs."

"Every time Xinci can think of me, it seems that I am an afterthought and have to be verified with my real name."

Fu Xinci still doesn't know that his young master regards Fat Duner as a study committee member and is working hard to learn and improve.

He just waited for him to turn around and saw that Xiao Ai was twisting two bright red cherries into his mouth.

While talking, Fat Duner picked up a few things and handed them over.

His big body was sitting on the ground to light the fire, and his chubby belly was almost touching the pot, so he didn't complain.

"Do you want to have a bite of egg sauce?"

"That's you, I have to use a big bowl instead."

A pile of green corn is actually not enough.

Xiang Tong saw that he couldn't eat ready-made ones, so he had to take them one by one, and secretly complained in his heart why he was owed just now, so he just exposed it when he didn't hear it.

Xiao Aifei provoked him several times, but he was happy with it, and he was called a cheap person when he laughed, and everyone couldn't see it.

"Well, it's delicious." Yang Xinjie took a bite of the warm green corn that the team leader had dried, and muttered contentedly.

"I've been hungry for days, my God, just for a while, I feel like a century."

Not to mention the three pregnant women, but everyone present, including Fat Duner himself, was greedy.

Qi He looked at the fat man with sparkling eyes to appease his wife, so he almost acted like an old ancestor.

"Hey." The smile changed to two words, "swish".

A few people talked about it, and began to snap their fingers and say that it tasted delicious.

"Our family has enough for a meal, and I didn't bring it to Tong's house." After finishing speaking, Fat Dun'er glanced at the next door, and said, "There is no bigger bowl."


"Me too, I have some rice porridge or millet porridge in the morning, and a bowl of porridge for two mouthfuls is gone."

"Mayor Xiang is at home. It just so happens that we still have some green corn, eggs, chili, and soy sauce ready-made. You can take them and make them yourself."

"I'll do it." Xiao Ai puffed out her stomach and was about to activate her abilities.

The green corn boiled in the cauldron was finally cooked. The moment the lid was lifted, everyone heard themselves swallowing.

"Ah, Fatty, you can stop talking, your mouth is drooling."

"When someone comes to the door, let them take it home and cook it themselves, we won't serve you."

This live treasure amuses a group of people again.

"I'm almost the same, I just want to gnaw on green corn, and I want to eat this one now."

"Isn't there still a pot?" Xiang Tong's voice came from the yard next door.

He kept muttering, "As long as my wife is happy, I can ask him to do whatever."

Just halfway through laughing, the team leader reacted the fastest, turned around and said to the pregnant women: "Someone is coming outside, not just one, you go back to the house first, I assure you that the green corn will definitely let you eat the first bite. "

Xin Cixin took out a jar of salted duck eggs, washed them clean and put them on top.

"Like a fire."

"Hey, Xinci is a good idea." Uncle Xu said and walked over, "Leave this to me. I'm old, and I can save a lot of spit by standing at the gate."

Fat Duner suddenly remembered something, "Xinci, where are the fresh fruits? Before those gluttons come to the door, the fruits are hidden for us first."

Seeing that his daughter-in-law was about to reach out her hand, Fat Duner immediately stopped in front of her, "My ancestors, my aunts and grandmothers, it's just a matter of doing something small, just sit there and wait for the food."

Qi He also held a piece of green corn in his hand, but secretly aimed at the captain and the others from the end of his eyes.

He has to study hard.

On the way back, Fu Xinci found out that this eldest brother did not come to visit relatives, but to learn scriptures.

Seeing that the sun was about to set on the other side of the mountain, Fu Xinci didn't have time to discuss this issue with him, so she could only send him into the space in a hurry and move forward at full speed.

(End of this chapter)

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