Chapter 95
"You don't know?" Chen Yang blurted out.

"Know what?" The guard looked puzzled, and his mother scolded me in his heart, and he was playing me. If it weren't for seeing that you are all stubborn and I can't afford to provoke you, he would have scolded you to your knees and begged for mercy.

"It's nothing, it's nothing, my sister-in-law is a big beauty, big beauty always has some special hobbies, like collecting these shiny things, since you don't accept them, then we can just replace them with supplies." Lin Jun said with a smile on his face, and quickly Opened Han Yixiao's backpack, took out [-]% of the supplies from his bag and handed it over.

Han Yixiao was in deep thought. When he took the backpack, he saw that there were only a few packets of spicy sticks left in it, and he was speechless.

But he didn't want Qiao Ziyi to reach out and take the packets of spicy strips, and handed them to Lin Shishi, who in turn distributed them to Tian Yuanyuan.

Qiao Ziyi said with a straight face: "My sister doesn't eat spicy noodles, so it would be too wasteful to let you go."

After handing in the materials, taking fingerprints, and filling in the identity information, I saw that the column of abilities was filled with abilities, and the level was not low. Looking at the bright eyes of the guards, Everyone held their heads high and were taken away to the small black room.

Lying on the ground of the small black room, Yu Zhiming sighed comfortably, "It's finally safe."

Except for Han Yixiao who was still sitting properly, the other men were lying on the ground, rolling with excitement.

Everyone breathed a sigh of relief, and finally ended their fugitive life and went home!

"Come on, eat some spicy sticks to calm you down." Lin Shishi generously tore open a bag of spicy sticks, and gave Tian Yuanyuan, Huo Shan, and Xiaoling Xiaoli each a piece. Under the staring death of Xiao and Qiao Ziyi, they were defeated.

A group of people are isolated in a small black room at their own expense. For a whole week, someone will come to check on them every day, and let them out for a while. This life is the most comfortable and comfortable few days since the end of the world. Sleep, wake up and play, play tired and sleep, enjoy life like a pig.

When they were released, everyone was still reluctant to leave, lying on their stomachs and refusing to leave.

Looking at the group of people walking away, the guard raised his hand to wipe his sweat, shook his sore arm, and said happily: "It's finally sent away, it's really weird, others are eager to get out early, but They can't pull it away."

The entire base is divided into four cities, divided into four cities in the southeast, north and west. The east city is where the people in charge of the base and powerful people are located. The south city is the residence of supernatural beings. The west city is the residence of ordinary people. The location of the office.

The four cities are clearly divided and managed strictly.

Lin Shishi directly took a group of people to the North City Office, took out all the materials on the surface and rented a small villa at the housing rental office.

The people went to the residence of the supernatural beings in Nancheng non-stop, and were led by the Nancheng office staff to the small rented villa.

The entire villa has three floors, and the house has been cleaned clean, with nothing but furniture.

Finally owning their own house in this apocalyptic world, everyone was very excited. After allocating the room, they were about to plan to start a fire to celebrate, when the doorbell suddenly rang.

"Ding dong, ding dong."

No one opened the door, and the people outside saw that there was no movement after pressing the doorbell for a long time, so they knocked on the door, shouting, "Is anyone there?"

Jian Chengan, who was disturbed and felt uncomfortable, replied angrily: "No one!"

(End of this chapter)

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